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Good grief. Why didn't they just get the sample from Jason's sister in the first place? I try to remind myself, as frustrating as this is, it is so much harder for his family. It is really not fair to them.
When they identified Tammie, how did they do it, was it DNA?
Is she a full sister or half? In fact, if someone can remind me of the family tree briefly, that would be fab!
Yes, they told her to wait.

Thanks, that makes sense. DNA sampling takes a good amount of time and money, so they were probably trying to keep it to a minimum.

I wonder, though, if they knew from the get-go that Mom's sample might not help? Wouldn't they encourage the sister to submit instead of Jason's mom, if there was a chance the sample wouldn't work?
They're trying to get an answer about Jasons mom dna (I guess they're not sure if they can use it). That could take up to 2 months. If not, the sister is gonna give her DNA so they can check it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard the best dna/match is from a sibling, not a parent

Sorry; I tried to get here yesterday but it didn't happen. Everyone needs to chill out; Jason's mom's DNA is already done processing. Why wouldn't a mother be the best choice?

Per Pamela Reed - Best family donors of the list would be mother and a child. Brother can be used if we do not have the MP’s mother. They share mito profiles as would the MP and her children.

I'm going email her after I wake up to ask about paternal links.
Yeah, if the sister and Jason only share a father, am I incorrect that they wouldn't show a match? Being that the father could only give a Y chromosome to Jason, and an X chromosome to the sister, their DNA would not show a match, right? (All my previous DNA research was with microorganisms, so maybe I am forgetting something important here! 3 years as a stay at home mom and my brain seems to be forgetting things that were common knowledge to me when I was working!)
I am not good with DNA, that's why I had asked Pamela Reed who would be favorable for DNA donation. Those were her words
I am not good with DNA, that's why I had asked Pamela Reed who would be favorable for DNA donation. Those were her words

I hadn't seen your post when I replied! But that seems to confirm what I was thinking! If they had the same mother that would show a match, or if it were two sisters, or two brothers, but the brother sister link can't be established based on patriarchal links.
Thanks! Im a little surprised by this only because I am not sure if it is something I learned and forgot or if I learned it wrong! Thanks again!

You probably learned it correctly, but there have been some advances made in DNA testing since then.
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