Vigils for Kyron

You know what gets me is that a lot of my friends here have a start date of June 2010. :heartbeat:
So today is going to be the most beautiful day of the year where I live. It is going to be 82 here today. Ya know the other most beautiful weather day of the year I experienced in Portland last month and that was at my grandmothers funeral. I just can't help but think Kyron is behind these things :)
I am wearing my red this morning. I told my son it was for Kyron and he nodded and smiled.
Do any of you know what Ky's favorite flowers are? I would love to plant some today.
You hold a very special place in all our hearts, Kyron. We miss, pray and hope for you each and every day and will never stop.
Thinking about you kyron, you are in my prayers.

Sent using smoke signals ;)

Thinking of you today, Kyron and hoping your family can stay strong until you come home.
Free, you are amazing, your contributions to us all so far away have been selfless and loving. Kimster, many thanks for all your help and compassion.

To Kyron, you have touched so many lives, you have opened so many hearts. We will never stop praying, launching intent, searching for you. You are beautiful, and you are loved Kyron. Angels to your side today and every day. Blessings to all those who love you.
I think of Kyron every day and hope and pray for him to be found.
Ok Ky, the Reds won today and even though that meant my sons team lost I still didn't really care. :heartbeat: :)
I am sad too that a year has gone by and Kyron is still missing. I still look at kid's faces no matter where I go to see if Kyron could be one of them. Some one asked me about this case, the day he went missing and I have been praying and hoping and looking ever since. I do believe he will come home and this will come to an end for his family and people that love him so much. I still feel in my heart that he is alive, I know many don't, but I just don't feel like he is passed. I still feel he was "given or taken" to another area and someday he will be home.

So my prayer here today for Kyron, family, friends and WS members, please bring him home.
I can't believe it's been a year since we first learned this cute little boy with glasses was missing. It's even harder to believe it's been a year and he's yet to have been found.

Kyron's adorable smile captured so many people's hearts, mine included.

Hopes and prayers for Kyron to be brought home soon and for those who love him to continue to find strength.

It sure doesn't seem like it should be a year since Kyron has been gone. I will continue to pray for his recovery and that person who is responsible be held accountable for what she did to him. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with Kaine, Desiree, Tony, and baby K. I'm sure today is a horrific day for them.
Kyron's case was also the case (along with another one) that caused me to go from a lurker to a poster. I really thought that the case would be solved by now, we seemed so close to reaching a conclusion in the summer and fall months. I hope that soon we will find Kyron and be able to start discussing an upcoming trial instead of just waiting around, hoping for any new development. I hope Kyron knows about all the complete strangers around the world who care about him and want him to be found. We will never forget about him.
Thank you Freefallz and everyone for this thread.

I can't believe it's been a year and things don't seem closer to any resolution. I think and dream about Kyron often. I look over maps so often that I feel like I know the Skyline area even when I live so far away.

Poor Kyron, little innocent boy, you will be found. I check the news everyday for any updates about you. You are loved by many many people who have never met you.

xoxoxoxo matou
For Kyron :rose: (His favorite song)

Kyon's big, wide grin stole our hearts. Unfortunately, his name has become connotative of evil overpowering innocence..... I pray he comes home & that evil that took him away meets justice.
It was a year ago today that I was surfing around on the internet, and came across an alert about a boy who didn't make it home from school in Portland. (I don't remember the site I was on). Even though I've never been to Portland, and have no connection to Portland, I clicked on the link anyway. Something about this story touched me - maybe it was his proud, smiling face - and I kept checking back over the next several hours and days to see if he was found.
I never imagined a year later I would have joined a crime forum, and would still be checking in every day to see if he was found.

Kyron, I think about you every day. :hug:

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