WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #8

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Hmm, great, I just paid $50 for an ident search that is outdated. :boohoo:

Watch those search sites, Norm! I paid for one to find my ex for child support and the only info it gave me was stuff that he did BEFORE I ever met him! :mad:
Any of the above scenarios related to the bike are possible, clearly the bike may have inspired some really nasty feelings between LB and JB, the exact method perhaps isn't as important as the negative sibling rivalry that resulted.
Watch those search sites, Norm! I paid for one to find my ex for child support and the only info it gave me was stuff that he did BEFORE I ever met him! :mad:

Kim, I've already figured that out. :eek:

I should know better, I've been dumped on with a number of "only today" offers with photography. Clearly the "dump ground" extends beyond video and photography into the sleuthing domain.
Any of the above scenarios related to the bike are possible, clearly the bike may have inspired some really nasty feelings between LB and JB, the exact method perhaps isn't as important as the negative sibling rivalry that resulted.
Which is why I can't clear the brother in this yet...
Hmm, great, I just paid $50 for an ident search that is outdated. :boohoo:
Oh, no!! :( Maybe it will be updated soon or it isn't up to date on certain things is all. (Trying to make ya feel a bit better. Is it working?!)
I'd love to be able to clear him completely, but I continue to be nagged by the "juvie" stuff. I have had experience with kids who have behavior problems, I worked with one individual, a teen, who one day could be so polite, in control, and helpful, then the next day he was the complete opposite, everything setting him off, even the slightest things. On those days he could be quite physical with peers, and the next day he'd be apologizing profusely.
Oh, no!! :( Maybe it will be updated soon or it isn't up to date on certain things is all. (Trying to make ya feel a bit better. Is it working?!)

Hey, thanks SS, I actually expected what I got, but was hoping against hope as I stabbed that Paypal key...Paypal is just too easy :behindbar

PS - I really like your Sandra Cantu portrait, really excellent.
I don't know.. I grew up in a poor family. We had limited resources when it came to entertaining ourselves. My brothers and I used to push each other around on our broken bikes, even wheel barrows when times were really tough.

One year we used an old wagon with the axles removed as a sled in the snow.

ETA: I am in no way saying that Lindseys family is poor. I know nothing about their finances. I was just saying that when a kid is bored they will find a way to entertain themselves. Pushing around a broken bike is really not that odd when you have nothing else to do. Who knows if it broke while L was on it, or if it had broken months before. The fact is.. the bike (for whatever reason) was left at the Shell. For how long? No one really knows.
I understand. I guess kids do things to entertain themselves that we as adults would never consider. I recall turning the bike upside down and spinning the tires for a long time for no apparent reason. LOL
Anyone know of a DMV site where I can paypal $20 to get everything I need? :woohoo:
Hey, thanks SS, I actually expected what I got, but was hoping against hope as I stabbed that Paypal key...Paypal is just too easy :behindbar

PS - I really like your Sandra Cantu portrait, really excellent.
Off Topic: Thanks~ It was the photo of Sandra with a pair of shoes in her hands and someone in the background on a sofa. I loved the photo because she looks so angelic with the light hitting her face so I manipulated it into a mist or a cloud type background. I can't stand clutter in a photo. ;)

Paypal is too easy. I don't do the paid sites. I use Veromi.net or other free ones.
Hello everybody.

still no Lindsey, but at least it seems like more is coming to light, so that's good.

Doc recommended a 7 day break and a new change of painkillers. Seems she thinks the last ones she prescribed may be making me a wee bit paranoid and moody.

So, I'm still here, just kinda need to be dormant for awhile.

I do have netdetective if anyone really needs a name rundown. They run about 50/50 on being updated and accurate.
Here's something that may be of interest to some, related to ML:

CASE NUMBER: MCCLEARY MUNICIPAL COURTC00001844 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse

CHARGES FILED ON: 06/04/2007 OFFENSE DATE: 06/04/2007
OFFENSE CODE: MCM6.04.020 OFFENSE CLASS: Criminal non-traffic

I have no idea what "Unlawful Activity of Animal" means but Lindsey loved animals and her love for her German Shepherd Kaydence, is well known.

It was a violation of McCleary Municipal Code:

6.04.020 Unlawful activity.

It is unlawful for horses, cattle, goats, sheep or swine, of any age, nature, sex or kind whatsoever, or any chickens, turkeys, geese or ducks, to run at large within the city, and any person owning or having in charge any such animal or poultry, and permitting the same to run at large within the said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 425 § 1, 1982: Ord. 12 § 1, 1943)
And see...to me this makes absolutely no sense. Her brother is an avid bike rider according to his mother. Why would he leave his bike by the Shell station so he cannot ride it to "go look for Lindsey"? It is obviously fixed now so I am curious to know when he really got back and who fixed it. If the chain was simply falling off or if it broke entirely is another question.

Why would Lindsey push a broken bike around town? Why not drop it immediately where it broke or take it home since it was only half a block? When and why did she leave it at the station?

The story is that they argued over who would take the bike home on the way to her friend's house. J did not want to push it back and she didn't want to push to her friend's and back home so they left it behind the Shell station. Her mother reports that the bike was not retrieved for 2-3 days.
The photographing of the car had nothing to do with the (reason of the) stop. - I informed them.

The coincidence of the SW pulling up was a bit strange. (combined with the person who exited) - But that SW didn't fully match the description.

That station wagon was only there briefly, possibly dropping something off or getting something. - it wasn't quite clear what he was doing.

An addy of the house he went into?
If it's a crack house, I'm sure LE already knows.
If it's not perhaps he is a relative of someone who lives there?
just thinking..
too close to where she disappeared to not sleuth it.....yes?
So brother went without his bike for 2-3 days and just left it sitting there? Why? If he knew where it was...why? Hmmm...I guess that means he was on foot later that night and the following days he was out searching for Lindsey and she couldn't keep him home.

I think I will go check into what she said exactly about him searching etc.

ETA: Moving these posts about the bike fight to the right thread. ;)
Could there be two bikes? One that the brother rode around town when he was searching and there was a totally different, broken bike that they argued over and left behind the shell station?
Thank you Cyberswept for the Great photos!!! (I posted a thank you in the previous thead not realizing it had been closed (sorry):ashamed0005: - and didn't know how to bump my reply over sooooo -here I am repeating myself (as if *that's anything new! :)

Playing catch-up here (I see all you peeps have been busy!!!! :clap: ) This morning, while on the commute to work - a thought, actually several thoughts (amazing, as I'm giving up coffee) popped into my head re: this Shell Station - and if this has been posted before - please feel free to inform me - but *was this station open during the time that the bike could have been parked in back, if so - who was working that night - could there have been someone on duty who saw a small child go back there and not return, - and just what is wrong w/the one camera that is broken? Could it have been broken intentionally?

I've been stewing about this all day - tried to login during lunchtime but our beloved site is apparently blocked by my employer. :crazy:TIA!!!!!
I'm amazed at the incorrect info that a "local" is posting over at SM. It's like she's trying to send everyone on a wild goose chase. Bizarre.

I don't know about everyone else, but "smokescreens" make me 'spicious!!! :sleuth:
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