What ever happened to the dishonest Cops?


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Jul 31, 2021
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There's a great deal of speculation in the Netflix version. I can't imagine for one moment that SA was not going to become a recidivist.

I can't get my head around the US of A constantly and with remarkable regularity, being seen to be doing absolutely nothing to the perpetrators of fixing evidence or bending it to suit.

Surely, despite SA and what he's in gaol for now would surely make your law makers face up to some level of corruption and manipulation.

Sorry I don't mean to offend. I just see everyone everywhere claiming your Country is the greatest and to be Frank, you're laws and those who interpret them, might as well start another Salem Witch Hunt. Oops.... apologies again, you already have.

This guy is clearly guilty. He clearly didn't have the best of upbringing to say the least, and he was stuck in prison for 18 years. Could he have been saved? In 1985? Who knows.... your law enforcement took it upon themselves to be judge jury and executioner.

Goodness, I am really shocked.

So my final question.... What happened to those involved with the cover up. ?
All claims of evidence being planted were rubbish. Hence nothing to punish.
All claims of evidence being planted were rubbish. Hence nothing to punish.

They did plant evidence in the 1985 case. They clearly falsified a victim's perp sketch to look like a previous photo of SA. The photo looked nothing like what SA had currently looked like. Then they guided a witness to identify SA.

It's a lie. And like all lies it is probably not the first time you've done it and it's probably not the last.
They did plant evidence in the 1985 case. They clearly falsified a victim's perp sketch to look like a previous photo of SA. The photo looked nothing like what SA had currently looked like. Then they guided a witness to identify SA.

It's a lie. And like all lies it is probably not the first time you've done it and it's probably not the last.
Yes, they certainly put the fix in on Avery for the rape case. The murder case is much less likely but I'm still not 100% convinced either way on that case.

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