Wheelchair bound Cory Miller bullied, attacked not once, not twice, but three times!

This is an absolutely disgusting story. The amazing thing is that the place it happened, Havana Ill, has a population of 3,500. In each attack it was 5 kids that did it. In such a small town with so many people, it can not be a big mystery who did it. They say "not enough evidence". My guess is that the local authorities have "not enough interest". In many cases, people consider bullying an issue of "boys will be boys".

I hope the scum that did this get locked up before this gets much, much worse.
This is an absolutely disgusting story. The amazing thing is that the place it happened, Havana Ill, has a population of 3,500. In each attack it was 5 kids that did it. In such a small town with so many people, it can not be a big mystery who did it. They say "not enough evidence". My guess is that the local authorities have "not enough interest". In many cases, people consider bullying an issue of "boys will be boys".

I hope the scum that did this get locked up before this gets much, much worse.

I hope that they get locked up too.

Havana is just a stone's throw away from where I've lived half of my life and from where I live at the moment.

The area isn't known for its tolerance or acceptance of anyone or anything that people believe to be different, although in the last 10 or so years, the area has grown only slightly more tolerant of racial diversity.

As disgusted as I am, I don't find it surprising - neither the crime nor the fact that LE wants to be quick in their duties.

What I did find surprising is that this story hadn't really been heard in Cass & Schuyler Counties, which are close to Havana. A lot of people living in Havana drive to near my home to work for a major company. I wasn't even aware of the incident until a friend in a neighboring county had joined up with the Justice for Cory Miller FB group.

Often times in these small towns around here, things like murder and assault go unsolved or without just punishment. In these small towns it's pretty much who you are, who you know, and who you sleep with unfortunately.

Since you are more or less local, I wonder if you can keep us updated on this. I am seeing no news at all and am very interested in this case. I dont know if LE is doing anything or not. I would really appreciate any information at all.
I would say yes...

...But I'm about to lose net access, among other things, indefinitely.

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