Why Did The Zodiac Stop Killing?

Alrighty. First John Douglas is legendary. But I wonder, would he really have not been a psycopathic murderer if his mother was out of his life. I really have a hard time seeing that. This is where someone I respect John Douglas confuses me. How can it just be her fault? He terrorized his grandmother, kept tabs on his mother's friends addresses' they were so he could kill them. I mean I have no idea maybe the Mom but there is a lot about him that seems to be sick with or without his mother in his life. And not just his mom who rejected him. I am happy to be wrong but how can you really say if his mom were not in his life he would not have murderous tendencies. I am happy to be wrong. Can someone shine a light on how Clarnell Kemper is the reason her only son was a psychotic killer?

As weve recently come to understand using brain scans of multiple murderers , we now know that theres indeed a physiological component to the development of the psychopathic brain

Predominantly in the frontal lobe, some data exists to support a theory of an over abundance of serotonin in the fetal brain as a cause

Now this alone doesnt pre-dispose said individual to a criminal lifestyle, however their upbringing factors into the development of their psyche in either a positive or negative manner

If you take a child with this developmental anomaly, and put them in a family environment where they are loved and accepted, they tend to grow up to be successful in areas where certain aspects of their carrer, are difficult , such as reducing work force, etc...

They excel in areas like sales, discipline, marketing, etc...

However if you take that same child and expose them to anger, callous behavior, violence, any type of deviant or criminal behavior, especially sexual as a pre-adolescent , they are at a MUCH higher risk to become criminal.

Therefore the psychopath is shaped much more extremely by their home dynamic , then say "normal" individuals

The relationship a male has with their mother is much more pivotal in these cases, than in others

To begin with, Eds parents divorced, when he was 10 , due to Clarnells unrelenting criticism of her husband, who was an Electrician, as having a "menial job"

Upon the divorce, Clarnell was awarded custody of her 3 children by request.

Ed was a child then and due to such was to live with his mother , its not like he had a father figure around at the time, though

Ed did live with his father for a brief period of time, after he ran away from home, he wound up back living with his mother, after his father had re-married and started a new life.

With no male around to be the target of her anger, Clarnell turned her aggression toward her only son,

Clarnell already a callous alcoholic, who suffered from Borderline personality disorder (BPD) which if you are familiar with is one of the most difficult personality disorders to deal with . Her unpredictable, ever changing moods, draconian treatment of her son, immasculating comments toward his biological father, and constant unrelenting criticism toward him fueled a hatred of not only her, but his 2 sisters whom she showed favoritism toward.

While Ed was still very young , she felt, for no appearent reason one day her son would molest her daughters, therfore she forced him live alone locked in the basement, away from her and her daughters, where he slept and even ate his meals alone. .

Ed being the only male in a female dominated household , was also excluded from many family activities such as holidays, due to his mothers paranioa

When signs of trouble were surfacing with her son, she sought no help for the boy instead , she sent Ed off to live with his grandparents whom he consequently murdered. Ed noticed a shocking similarity in how his grandmother treated his grandfather, to how his mother treated his own father. He said living there was no better than living at home.

While in Atascadero, the doctors recommended, Ed NOT return to live with his mother due to her abuse and Eds psychological issues, due to such .

On good Friday , he went to his mothers house, upon which yet another argument ensued , that provided the fuel for Ed to kill and dismember his own mother , and her best friend .

It was at this point Ed realized killing no longer held any more purpose, as he felt he had finally destroyed, that which fueled his rage, ...his mother.
I like how you explained this. Its a very complicated thing that can't be understood in one way or another. Do you think Ed and Clarnell were addicted to fighting and hating one another?
I have read that personality disorders sometimes improve somewhat with age. Anti-social personality disorder (sociopath/psychopath) is probably what many serial killers have. It could explain why some suddenly stop killing.

I actually haven’t heard of one that continues on forever, if they’re not caught.
On the topic of. Why did the zodiac stop killing.
Again I Vote, he did stop.

Maybe its not real obvious but, his letters were addressed to the newspapers. He was taunting police, and he did call them on the phone. But the media he was interested in was, the newspapers and mainly the San Francisco Chronicle.
He was NOT writing to his local police, radio station or major of the City etc. There must be a history he had with the newspapers and his way of getting back was by causing trouble for them.
He ended the Dripping pen card with P.S. could you print this new cipher on your front page. Then seem's to quote Heart Break Hotel from Elvis Presley. And is threatening when he changes the word in the song from die to, do my Thing (underlined).
He said that he was not going to write anymore letters; therefore we must conclude that he changed his MO. He evolved and tried new ways of killing. Any unsolved murders: they need to look at notes written, knots that were used in the crime.
Then again, maybe the hunter became the hunted or maybe he became converted and found religion, or maybe he just moved.
I like how you explained this. Its a very complicated thing that can't be understood in one way or another. Do you think Ed and Clarnell were addicted to fighting and hating one another?

No, the only one addicted to anything was Clarnell to the bottle, the battles between the 2 were a result of her borderline personality disorder and dependency.

Borderlines are extremely difficult (almost impossible) to deal with, when you have an individual with BPD, alcoholism, who is a Misandryst (hatred of men) , who is raising an already compromised child , you are lighting a fuse .

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