Why hasn't there been an arrest?

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This case has gotten cold and probably will be for years.

I think Debbie Bradley is the only one who knows what happened to Lisa Irwin.
This case has gotten cold and probably will be for years.

I think Debbie Bradley is the only one who knows what happened to Lisa Irwin.

I have felt this way for a long time. The fact that the cell phones were missing sealed it for me!
This case has gotten cold and probably will be for years.

I think Debbie Bradley is the only one who knows what happened to Lisa Irwin.

I can't believe that she is the only one. If my baby went missing while I was at work and my husband was home drinking, I would never trust him again.

IMO either JI is the only one involved or they both are, I can't imagine JI pretending to not care that DB got drunk and lost a baby and 3 cell phones.

Remember that their car had been broken into just a month prior, they had a shot gun and baseball bats in their bedroom for protection. Yet super vigilant DB and JI had their baby taken without a trace?

I just can't figure out any scenario where JI would stay with DB without being involved.
I have felt this way for a long time. The fact that the cell phones were missing sealed it for me!

Could you please explain why the cell phones missing sealed it for you?
I keep not trusting the drunk story told by deb. If she were not drunk, she had many hours to hide a crime. I just keep having a hard time about the drunk story. Seems like a convenient story. Like, I couldn't have driven anywhere, I was drunk. Nothing would have awakened me I was drunk. If she didn't have that story, we would be looking at this differently.
I keep not trusting the drunk story told by deb. If she were not drunk, she had many hours to hide a crime. I just keep having a hard time about the drunk story. Seems like a convenient story. Like, I couldn't have driven anywhere, I was drunk. Nothing would have awakened me I was drunk. If she didn't have that story, we would be looking at this differently.

I'm sure that LE has a good idea on how much alcohol DB consumed that night from interviewing her neighbor SB. Are you saying that if she was drunk it would be impossible for her to hide a crime? Personally I don't think that it's likely she could hide evidence of her involvement in a crime sober or drunk.

People drive drunk all of the time and some people are very sound sleepers sober or drunk. I think Debbie's drinking that night when she was responsible for her kids makes people dislike her. But that's not the only reason why people dislike her. So, I might look at the case a little bit differently but not greatly. JMO.
I can't believe that she is the only one. If my baby went missing while I was at work and my husband was home drinking, I would never trust him again.

IMO either JI is the only one involved or they both are, I can't imagine JI pretending to not care that DB got drunk and lost a baby and 3 cell phones.

Remember that their car had been broken into just a month prior, they had a shot gun and baseball bats in their bedroom for protection. Yet super vigilant DB and JI had their baby taken without a trace?

I just can't figure out any scenario where JI would stay with DB without being involved.

The fact the LE in their comments continue to reference DB and only DB in terms of wanting to talk to get more info leads me to believe that they do not have this same line of thinking.
Could you please explain why the cell phones missing sealed it for you?

If there had been an intruder, what reason would they have for searching around for cell phones. There was no ransom, so the baby wasn't taken for money. So Baby Lisa had to be abducted by a pervert, sold or taken because someone saw this adorable baby and wanted to have her for themselves!

They knew DB and the kids were sleeping, they just needed to grab the baby and get out. They didn't need the phones; they knew they couldn't use them. The only reason would be if DB woke up, saw the baby was missing and called LE. I don't believe that for one minute.

I don't believe in the intruder theory and I think whoever disposed of Baby Lisa also disposed of the phones because they didn't want previous calls traced. :seeya:
The fact the LE in their comments continue to reference DB and only DB in terms of wanting to talk to get more info leads me to believe that they do not have this same line of thinking.

Maybe they have questions about JI.
JI is enjoying the protection. He is surrounded by DB and several attornies. they know he is the weak link. He is the one they really need to speak to. DB won't crack. It is too late and she is too well protected.

Oh, would I like to know where they found the clothing. That may help us resolve all the problems we have had. Either DB was drunk and could have blacked out. She may have removed the clothing and will never remember where she put them, if a black-out was happening at the time.

That is the reason she had to back away from the words, "blacked-out". There is no memory ever of what she did during the hours of blackout. I know that is why Joe T steered her off that alibi. If she was blacked out, they could arrest her if they had the other evidence....such as the clothing and the dog alert in the bdrm.

Since she changed the story, there can be no arrest. They now need some cooperation from somebody there when it happened. I tend to think she may have been in a deep stupor and really don't recall exactly what she did. Lisa could have still been in the house when JI came home..or she could have been put in the back yard. We know something wasn't right because a strange kitten was in her bed when JI came home. Does she have any recollection of how that kitten got there? Or did she simply lie on to JI?

My first theory was she picked up that kitten wherever she disposed of Lisa.
If there had been an intruder, what reason would they have for searching around for cell phones. There was no ransom, so the baby wasn't taken for money. So Baby Lisa had to be abducted by a pervert, sold or taken because someone saw this adorable baby and wanted to have her for themselves!

They knew DB and the kids were sleeping, they just needed to grab the baby and get out. They didn't need the phones; they knew they couldn't use them. The only reason would be if DB woke up, saw the baby was missing and called LE. I don't believe that for one minute.

I don't believe in the intruder theory and I think whoever disposed of Baby Lisa also disposed of the phones because they didn't want previous calls traced. :seeya:
If there was an intruder, why would he have to search for the phones? They where laying in plain sight on a counter.
"And the phones weren't on the counter where we left them." Bradley said three cellphones were taken, one of which was not working.
Yes there was no ransom asked for, but as you say in your next sentence, she could have been sold. So maybe she was taken for money.

You say that "They didn't need the phones; they knew they couldn't use them". I'm not sure how you know this but I can think of some reasons why they would want the phones and how the phones could be useful. Maybe they needed the phones to check them for text messages or photos? Or maybe they just wanted to sell them for cash.

As far as I know, any previous calls made on the missing phones could be traced thru phone records so disposing of the phones won't help hide any previous calls. JMO

after 14 months there was finally an arrest today for the murder of maple batalia here in BC... her ex bf and a friend. good news for justice and proof that in some cases LE takes their sweet time putting all their ducks in a row before an arrest occurs.
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after 14 months there was finally an arrest today for the murder of maple batalia here in BC... her ex bf and a friend. good news for justice and proof that in some cases LE takes their sweet time putting all their ducks in a row before an arrest occurs.

That is great news!
I can't believe that she is the only one. If my baby went missing while I was at work and my husband was home drinking, I would never trust him again.

IMO either JI is the only one involved or they both are, I can't imagine JI pretending to not care that DB got drunk and lost a baby and 3 cell phones.

Remember that their car had been broken into just a month prior, they had a shot gun and baseball bats in their bedroom for protection. Yet super vigilant DB and JI had their baby taken without a trace?

I just can't figure out any scenario where JI would stay with DB without being involved.

The drinking story didn't even come up until the video of her buying the wine came out. I don't buy the drunk story. I'd bet that her drinking is an every day event and JI is used to it by now. She probably has a pretty high tolerance. From some of the social media pics I've seen it looks like JI likes to party too. I just don't think JI sees DB's drinking that night as any big deal. Now you and I wouldn't see it that way, but I think JI does.

I go back and forth but for the most part I don't think JI was in on it at all. He probably doesn't know for sure that DB "disappeared" Lisa, but I think he suspects she did, at least in the begining. (Remember the comment about "some woman that was cheating on her husband"?) He doesn't strike me as the sharpest knife in the drawer and she's probably convinced him that she's the real victim, not Lisa. Plus I'm sure that DB has some pretty persuasive tricks up her sleeve. No question she's manipulative, and he's easily manipulated. It's obvious from the interviews that she wears the pants in that family.

I don't think there's any way that JI is in it alone. DB is in this up to her neck! The only question for me is, is DB in it alone? If anyone else was involved I don't think it was JI. Probably more like her brother.
JI IMO seems innocent and controlled by his wife andbetween a rock and a hard place though I think if he thought she had anything to do with the disappearance of his OWN flesh and blood he would NOT be supporting her unless it was an accident and she confessed to him
The drinking story didn't even come up until the video of her buying the wine came out. I don't buy the drunk story. I'd bet that her drinking is an every day event and JI is used to it by now. She probably has a pretty high tolerance. From some of the social media pics I've seen it looks like JI likes to party too. I just don't think JI sees DB's drinking that night as any big deal. Now you and I wouldn't see it that way, but I think JI does.

I go back and forth but for the most part I don't think JI was in on it at all. He probably doesn't know for sure that DB "disappeared" Lisa, but I think he suspects she did, at least in the begining. (Remember the comment about "some woman that was cheating on her husband"?) He doesn't strike me as the sharpest knife in the drawer and she's probably convinced him that she's the real victim, not Lisa. Plus I'm sure that DB has some pretty persuasive tricks up her sleeve. No question she's manipulative, and he's easily manipulated. It's obvious from the interviews that she wears the pants in that family.

I don't think there's any way that JI is in it alone. DB is in this up to her neck! The only question for me is, is DB in it alone? If anyone else was involved I don't think it was JI. Probably more like her brother.

The question of whether Bradley could have acted alone or had help has always bothered me.... what kind of person would aid in a cover up...if there was an accident, why cover it up? If not an accident, why would someone cover for someone else? I can't really see either of the parents covering for the other, when they weren't even committed enough to each other to get her divorced & married to each other. Unless they are both somehow responsible for her death, I would think that possibly she told him that his son did it by accident. But then again, after seeing both of their temper displayed in interviews as well as pictures of them having drinking parties on social media like nothing is wrong, I personally believe anything is possible with these two.
The brother? Possibly, <modsnip>. But again, why would anyone cover for someone....you'd think that would eat away at their conscious,day after day...
all MOO of course. :moo:
I've seen all sorts of theories on trying to involve JI, everything from changing when BL actually went missing to JI never being at Starbucks to JI killing BL while he was home and taking a dead BL with him when he went to Starbucks. All of which mind you is not substantiated by any sort of facts or evidence that we know of.

On this aspect I take cue from LE. LE has specifically mentioned DB as one they would like to talk to. I'm assuming they are saying this because it is DB that was the last person to be with BL before she went missing, at least according to their investigation. I haven't seen anything else that hints or suggests that DB was not the last person to see BL before she went missing.

As far as if she had help, there are 3 (maybe 4 if you want to add an unknown person) that are possible, JI/PN/SB. I've seen nothing that indicates that PN was involved with anything and half the time I wonder if he's speculated simply because he's a family member and he went with her to buy wine. I've seen some out there theories that throw SB in on it, at the very least covering for DB and there is no evidence that supports that outside of being her neighbor and drinking with her that night. That leaves JI and I've seen no evidence that points to JI being somewhere other than where he was supposed to be that night (Starbucks).
I've seen all sorts of theories on trying to involve JI, everything from changing when BL actually went missing to JI never being at Starbucks to JI killing BL while he was home and taking a dead BL with him when he went to Starbucks. All of which mind you is not substantiated by any sort of facts or evidence that we know of.

On this aspect I take cue from LE. LE has specifically mentioned DB as one they would like to talk to. I'm assuming they are saying this because it is DB that was the last person to be with BL before she went missing, at least according to their investigation. I haven't seen anything else that hints or suggests that DB was not the last person to see BL before she went missing.

As far as if she had help, there are 3 (maybe 4 if you want to add an unknown person) that are possible, JI/PN/SB. I've seen nothing that indicates that PN was involved with anything and half the time I wonder if he's speculated simply because he's a family member and he went with her to buy wine. I've seen some out there theories that throw SB in on it, at the very least covering for DB and there is no evidence that supports that outside of being her neighbor and drinking with her that night. That leaves JI and I've seen no evidence that points to JI being somewhere other than where he was supposed to be that night (Starbucks).

BBM. I don't think any statement by LE about needing to speak to DB excludes JI being involved in BL's disappearance because we simply don't know what LE suspects or knows for a fact. BL was reported to be in DB's care, JI couldn't take BL to work with him so DB is in the hot seat no matter what. I don't see how that reporting excludes JI of any involvement. LE has never specifically stated they believe JI to not be involved unless I have missed that somewhere.

If LE suspects for any reason BL was not in the home that evening interviewing DB is still going to be paramount because she will have to recreate her evening and add BL into it. Lots of room to need to lie and lots of room to get caught in said lies. It's kind of interesting how DB's mention of her possibly drinking to a state of alcohol induced amnesia (aka a blackout) is a built in defense for having to go back and make up an evening that includes her daughter.:moo:

I said earlier in this thread, if JI's alibi was airtight, I think DB would have been arrested by now, I still think that way. I think proving the "who" and possibly the "how" are holding up an arrest.:moo:
BBM. I don't think any statement by LE about needing to speak to DB excludes JI being involved in BL's disappearance because we simply don't know what LE suspects or knows for a fact. BL was reported to be in DB's care, JI couldn't take BL to work with him so DB is in the hot seat no matter what. I don't see how that reporting excludes JI of any involvement. LE has never specifically stated they believe JI to not be involved unless I have missed that somewhere.

If LE suspects for any reason BL was not in the home that evening interviewing DB is still going to be paramount because she will have to recreate her evening and add BL into it. Lots of room to need to lie and lots of room to get caught in said lies. It's kind of interesting how DB's mention of her possibly drinking to a state of alcohol induced amnesia (aka a blackout) is a built in defense for having to go back and make up an evening that includes her daughter.:moo:

I said earlier in this thread, if JI's alibi was airtight, I think DB would have been arrested by now, I still think that way. I think proving the "who" and possibly the "how" are holding up an arrest.:moo:

BBM IIRC LE said that they had JI on video at Starbucks. It could be possible that he had some involvement after he left work, but I doubt it. JMO but I believe that LE is focused on DB, and DB only. I think they know it was her but just lack the evidence it would take to get a conviction.
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