Deceased/Not Found WV - Catherine Ford, 19, Gormania, Feb 1988 *P. Ferrell guilty*


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Oct 6, 2008
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I am searching for help finding a photo of Kathy Ford. Her case was shown on Unsolved Mysteries. I don't know what to think. Part of me says the man they caught is guilty, another part of me wonders if it is possible that this woman ran away on her own, and still another part of me wonders if there is a killer that was never caught running around.

Here is the story.

Paul William Ferrell, a rookie sheriff's deputy, was convicted of the murder of Cathy Ford, a 19-year-old waitress from nearby Maryland. Her body has never been found and no one had ever seen her with Ferrell. Some time after Ford's disappearance, her boyfriend, Darvin Moon, discovered her badly burned truck 75 yards from Ford's trailer home. Some believed that the truck was burned elsewhere because there was no scorching on the vegetation surrounding the vehicle.

Kathy worked as a waitress at her parent's restraunt. She recieved a phone call and told her parents she needed to go. She said that someone was going to help them because supposedly there was a crack down on underage drinking and their buisness could be closed. He said he would help her and to meet her. She got changed into nice clothing and against her mother's worries she went to meet this person.

She never returned.

Ferrell would later say that the night she disappeared, he went bowling and when he got there he was given several messages from Kathy, telling them he needed to call her right away. He called and she sounded strange scared according to him. She told him he had to meet her at his trailer. He declined and told her to meet him in the parking lot of a nearby school. He says he waited for 20 minutes and she never showed, so he left.

The next day Kathy's parents called the police. Her boyfriend was helping put posters up. Now one thing you need to know. Kathy was having an affair with Ferrell. But she also had a boyfriend and Ferrell had a girlfriend so they were BOTH having an affair.

Ferrell is told by Kathy's boyfriend that he thinks he saw smoke coming from Ferrell's trailer, so Ferrell goes out there and finds Kathy's car charred and burned. So he makes a mistake. He gets scared and doesn't say anything. Than he makes an even bigger mistake. He says he was so scared that he writes a note trying to forge Kathy's handwriting and sends it to the parents. It says she is fine, she ran away, and here is $200 for help with the vehicle.

Handwriting experts say it is not Kathy's writing. The car is found on the property and Ferrell admits to writing the note, not telling anyone about the car, etc.

FBI agents found traces of blood under a newly laid carpet in Ferrell's trailer as well as on the walls and ceiling. Laboratory tests showed the blood to be that of a woman, but DNA tests could not match the blood to Ford. Ferrell said the trailer was eight years old, had been occupied by others, and might be stained by blood from a variety of sources. At trial, the prosecution purportedly engaged in “mathematical wizardry” which made the found blood look like that of Ford's.

An FBI agent testified that while giving Ferrell a “hypothetical scenario about Cathy Ford's murder,” he had “observed signs of guilt” in Ferrell's “body language.” According to Ferrell's appellate attorney, “this is the first time, ever, in the history of American criminal jurisprudence, that this kind of evidence has… been allowed to go to a jury.”

On the grounds that Ferrell might have committed the alleged crime for sexual reasons, his trial included circumstantial evidence that he had telephoned bookstores and libraries throughout the country posing as a physician and asking clerks who answered to read explicit passages from books on sex.

A witness, Tamela Kitzmiller, testified to having received an obscene phone call from a man she took to be Ferrell. She later recanted her testimony, claiming that the prosecution convinced her to testify by telling her that Ferrell had been involved in a series of murders in Yellowstone Park. “They told me that he was a sicko, and that he needed to be put away.” After giving her testimony, Kitzmiller says she waited for prosecutors to produce proof of Ferrell's involvement in the Yellowstone murders, as they had promised. This proof never arrived.

Kim Nelson, a neighbor of Ferrell, testified that on the day of Ford's disappearance she heard “banging, a gunshot, and a woman's scream” coming from Ferrell's trailer. Later, however, she stated she “didn't know nothin' about Paul Ferrell killin' anybody,” and that she had not heard anything out of the ordinary on the day in question.

She later said that the prosecution told her that this man would come back and kill her children if she didn't lie and say she heard the shots on that day. She later recanted after he was in jail and said that gunshots were very common in the area, so was yelling, and that she didn't hear ANYTHING on the specific day of the supposed murder.

Private investigator and author Martin Yant helped expose the case by publishing a story about it in a magazine. He also got the case exposure on Montel Williams and Unsolved Mysteries. Ferrell was released pending an evidentiary hearing, but he was reincarcerated for the crime in 1997. West Virginia Governor Underwood commuted Ferrell's sentence in Jan. 2001. He wrote that Ferrell's convictions “are not supported by the presence of the alleged victim's body, weapon, eyewitnesses, or physical evidence such as fingerprints, hair and fibers.” The commutation made Ferrell eligible for parole which he was granted in May 2004.

******What you also need to know is that a few months after Kathy was supposedly killed, an elderly couple traveling through a town a few towns away stopped at a truck stop diner. There they saw a woman they could not believe how much she looked like Kathy. The woman was working as a waitress. When she saw them, she ran behind the counter and spoke to another waitress. The other woman went over and said, "You aren't from around here, where are you from?" The couple thought that was strange and told her, she rushed away to the waitress who looked so much like Kathy, told her the town, at which point this waitress ran into the kitchen and did not come out for as long as the couple was there.****

Anyway hoping someone can find a photo of this girl. Even if we are just searching for a body, if there is some reconstruction done of a body found, it will help. If we are looking potentially for a live human being we really need to know what she looked like when she disappeared at the age of 19 in February of 1988.

Hi Laura,

I am glad that I saw your post. I have family in the area where this happened, and I have access to several newspaper clippings as well as an extensive 40 page report (by Martin Yant) concerning the case. I have photographed the first page of the report, as it has a picture of Cathy. This is the only picture I've ever seen of her:

And a closer view:

I could scan the report and send it to you, if you are interested in reading it. Let me know!
I understand this man was released from prison after doing 18 years for the kidnapping, arson, and murder. But I don't believe Cathy or her body has ever been found.
Catherine Denise Ford


Date last seen - February 17, 1988
Age last seen - 19 to 19 years old
Race - White
Height (inches) - 69.0
Weight (pounds) - 140.0

Hair color - Brown
Head hair - Shoulder length
Eye color - Brown
Scars and marks - Discolored right arm, birthmark under armpit

Clothing - Black leather coat, black sweater, stone-washed blue jeans
Jewelry - ring, size 5 1/2 14 kt gold - 3 diamond rings, half kt pear, 8 kt one fourth kt surrounded by chips

City - Gorman
County - Garrett
State - Maryland
Would anyone know where I could locate any news paper articles? I'm from that area and I have heard several people speaking about her going missing. The stories I'm hearing are very interesting and I would like to explore into this more.

It was documented on another forum that Melvin G. Cullers of Aurora WV was acquitted of murder charges in the 1986 shooting dealth of a man. Would anyone have any idea how i could find any news records abouth this? The man's name was not released or the location the shooting happened.
I hope this case finally gets solved, I live less than 3 miles away from where he lived. I always think of her when we drive by

Catherine Denise Ford

Endangered Missing

Missing Since:
February 17, 1988
Age at Time of Disappearance: 19 years old (she would currently be 51 years old)
Location Last Seen: Gorman, Garrett County, Maryland
Aliases/Nicknames: Cathy
Date of Birth: July 20, 1968
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height at Time of Disappearance: 5' 9"
Weight at Time of Disappearance: 140 lbs.
Hair: Brown; shoulder-length
Eyes: Brown
Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: N/A
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items:

Was wearing a black leather coat, black sweater, and stone-washed blue jeans. She wore a 14-kt gold ring (size 5 1/2), 3 diamond rings, half-kt pear, 8-kt, 1/4-kt surrounded by chips.

Distinguishing Marks/Features:
Discoloration on right arm and birthmark under her armpit.

Circumstances of Disappearance:
It was on Wednesday, February 17, 1988 that Catherine Ford, a 19 year-old resident of Gorman, Maryland, went to work at the Old Mill Restaurant, which was owned by her parents. At around 1:00 p.m. she received a phone call from a man claiming to be a magistrate in Mt. Storm in Grant County, West Virginia. The man explained that the sheriff's department was cracking down on bars and restaurants in the area who were selling alcohol to minors.

He wanted her to meet him at his office at 3:00 p.m. that same day, presumably to "discuss some checks." Later that day, a man claiming to be an undercover officer then called Ford with information concerning a possible investigation of her family's restaurant by the liquor licensing authorities. Ford refused to tell her co-workers about the reason behind the phone call.

She then left the restaurant, went home, and took a shower. At around 2:00 p.m., she returned to the restaurant and picked up her purse. Her co-worker noticed that she was dressed up. She told her family and the restaurant employees to check IDs before selling beer to customers, after which she departed the restaurant in her father's silver Ford Bronco to meet with the alleged undercover officer.

Ford drove on Rt. 50 into Grant County, WV, turning off at the Bismark Road exit. She has not been seen since. On March 8, 1988, the Ford Bronco which she was last seen driving was found burned and hidden in brush near the river, off Bismark Road. The people who found the Bronco knew to look there because they had heard that smoke was seen hanging over the river on February 17, 1988. Experts determined that the fire was deliberate arson.

A year later, former Deputy Sheriff Paul Ferrell was convicted of her murder. He pled not guilty. At the time, Ferrell resided in Gormania, West Virginia, which was just across the Potomac River from Gorman, Maryland. His parents owned a general store; after serving in the military, he came home to help run the family business. He was also involved in boxing.

In January of 1988, he became a deputy sheriff in Grant County, West Virginia. To outward appearances, he seemed to be settling down; he was in a serious relationship with Cathy Bernard, a local woman with two children. Around the same time that he started working for the sheriff's department, Ferrell rented a trailer off of Bismarck Road, just outside of Gormania.

Unbeknownst to Bernard, he was seeing another woman. The other woman was Cathy Ford. According to Ferrell, he and Cathy had been engaged in an on-again, off-again affair since the fall of 1987. Both wanted to keep the relationship secret from Bernard and Cathy's boyfriend, a man named Darvin Moon. Ferrell would later claim that he and Cathy were more friends than they were lovers. According to him, they spent most of the time talking about work and their families.

On the day that Cathy Ford went missing, Ferrell had joined friends at a local bowling alley at around 8:30 p.m. He was told that a woman had been calling, asking for him. When he called the number, Cathy answered the phone. According to him, she was crying and asking to see him. Although she wanted to see him at his trailer, the two agreed to meet at the high school parking lot. He claimed that he waited there for twenty minutes, but she never showed up.

He had no idea that her parents had already called the police and had reported her missing. The next day, Cathy's family and her boyfriend Darvin put up posters and organized search parties. They also offered a reward for information. Ferrell saw Darvin twice that day, once outside the Old Mill Restaurant. Darvin said that she had been seen the previous day on Bismarck Road near Ferrell's trailer. He also said that smoke from some unexplained source had been spotted near the trailer.

Ferrell believed that he was being accused of something. He went into the woods near his trailer to investigate. Ferrell located Cathy's burnt-out car less than two hundred yards away from the trailer. However, fearing that her body was inside, he decided not to tell anyone about it. He then made another "stupid mistake" - he sent an anonymous letter to the Old Mill Restaurant, claiming that Cathy had run away and wanted her parents to know that she was safe. He even enclosed $200 to pay for the ruined '86 300 Series Bronco.

Initially, he denied writing the letter. However, an FBI handwriting expert later proved in court that he was the author. Ferrell claimed that he did this because he wanted people to stop searching and didn't want them to find her car in his backyard. Finally, on March 8, almost three weeks after Cathy vanished, her car was re-discovered by Darvin and her brother Rich. On March 11, the FBI searched the area.

They found no trace of Cathy's body or any evidence that proved she had been there. Fire and rust destroyed any fingerprints that may have been on the car. Because the area around the car did not have much fire damage, some speculated that the car had been burned elsewhere. Ferrell became the focal point of the investigation. On March 19, FBI agents tore up a newly laid carpet in Ferrell's master bedroom.

They found traces of blood on the floor, as well as on the wall and ceiling. The samples proved to be the blood of a woman. However, DNA testing could not provide a positive match. The most that could be said was that the blood was not inconsistent with the blood of Cathy's parents. It appeared as though the blood had been covered up in an attempt to keep it from ever being found.

Based on the evidence, investigators believed that Cathy was dead and that she had been killed during a violent act. When questioned about the blood, Ferrell suggested that it may have been there from before he lived there. Based on the evidence, Ferrell was arrested and charged with kidnapping, arson, and murder. Because Cathy lived in Maryland and her car was found in West Virginia, police from both states investigated the case. They looked into Ferrell's past and discovered that he had a "habit" of making prank "phone sex" calls.

Ferrell's trial started on January 25, 1989. The prosecution wanted to show that he had a split personality. They presented evidence that on over 200 occasions, he called bookstores and libraries in several cities, pretending to be a doctor. He then asked women clerks to read the same sexually explicit passage. He admitted to making the calls, but claimed that they had nothing to do with Cathy.

Other women in the area had also received unusual anonymous phone calls from a man who asked them to meet him in various locations. Tamela Kitzmiller testified that she thought the man who called her was Ferrell. However, she later stated that she wasn't sure if the caller was him. She claimed that investigators told her that they knew he was the caller and that they could prove it. She also claimed that she was told that Ferrell was connected to a series of murders in Yellowstone Park, where he once worked.

However, prosecutor Dennis DiBenedetto stated that they did not force any witnesses to testify or perjure themselves on the stand. As the trial progressed, the prosecution introduced rather "unorthodox" testimony. An FBI expert said that during one interrogation he gave Ferrell a hypothetical scenario about Cathy's murder. While doing so, he said that he observed signs of guilt through Ferrell's body language. He said that Ferrell nodded in agreement with the scenario.

Some of the strongest evidence against Ferrell came from his neighbor Kim Nelson, who could see his trailer from her home. She told Maryland prosecutors that she had heard screams coming from the trailer on several different occasions, both before and after Ferrell had moved there. In court, she testified that on February 17, she heard banging, a gunshot, and a woman's scream coming from the trailer. However, after the trial, she claimed that "words were put in her mouth."

She claimed that "screaming and gunshots" were common in the area. She also claimed that prior to the trial she signed a statement typed up by prosecutors without reading it. The statement specified that she heard the sounds on February 17; she claims that she did not specify that day. She also claimed that Maryland prosecutors pressured her to testify to what was written in the statement.

Prosecutor DiBenedetto denied that this "forcing" ever occurred. He believes that she has been influenced by family and friends of Ferrell to try and recant her statement. Ferrell never testified on his own behalf. On February 4, 1989, he was convicted of kidnapping, murder, and arson. He was sentenced to a minimum of fifteen years in prison. However, new evidence began to surface that suggested that Ferrell may have been innocent.

Journalist Martin Yant looked into the case and was able to locate two witnesses who claimed to have seen Cathy over a year after she vanished. In December of 1989, a couple from the Gorman area was passing through Tennessee when they visited a restaurant and noticed that the waitress looked like Cathy. They noticed that the waitress appeared to be nervous when she noticed the couple.

When another waitress came over to them, she asked what the husband felt was a strange question for a restaurant off of a freeway: "You seem to be strangers here, where are you from?" When she went to talk to the waitress that looked like Cathy, "Cathy" ran back into the kitchen. Cathy's family, however, does not believe that she is still alive. They are certain that she would have contacted them at some point.

Ferrell appealed his conviction, claiming there was insufficient evidence that Cathy was dead, the body language testimony should not have been used, and the jury was not properly instructed. The West Virginia Supreme Court rejected the appeal with a 3-2 vote. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to reconsider the case.

He has always maintained his innocence. In 2001, the Governor of West Virginia commuted Ferrell's sentence, which made him eligible for parole, which was granted in May of 2004. Cathy Ford has never been found, although she is assumed dead.

Suspects: Paul Ferrell was convicted of her abduction and murder and was sentenced to prison. However, some claim that he is innocent. An alternate suspect in the case is Cathy's boyfriend Darvin Moon. She allegedly told friends that she was afraid of him.

Extra Notes: The case was featured as a part of a 1992 episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

If you think that you know any information about this case, please contact the Garrett County Sheriff's Office.

Address: 311 East Alder St., Oakland, MD
Phone Number: 301-334-1911
Case Number: #880561
NamUs Case Number: Missing Person #20460


Cathy Ford
The Doe Network: Catherine Ford - 3392DFMD
Gorman is a census-designated place along the North Branch Potomac River in southern Garrett County, Maryland. As of the 2010 census, Gorman's population was 106. Gorman lies on Gorman Road off the Northwestern Turnpike, which crosses the North Branch into Gormania, West Virginia, via Gormania Bridge.
Further damning information on Paul Ferrell...


Picture of Ferrell

Witnesses placed him at a phone booth outside of the magistrates' office at the Mt. Storm Fire Hall on the day Cathy vanished. A caller pretending to be a magistrate (the same as the person that called Cathy) asked a woman to meet him at the fire hall at that time. A postal employee was asked by an unknown caller to pick up a stranded mail carrier on Bismarck Road, near Ferrell's trailer.

However, the carrier's route did not take him to that area, so the employee hung up. Ferrell's family store was in close proximity to both the post office and the Old Mill Restaurant. On the day after Cathy vanished, Ferrell ripped out and burned the carpeting from the master bedroom of his trailer. He claimed that the carpet had stains and a foul odor.

However, his girlfriend Cathy Bernard and his landlady both claimed that they had not seen stains or noticed a foul odor coming from the carpet. Following her disappearance, Ferrell claimed that he feared being considered a suspect in Ford's case. Bernard also found a note in his pants pocket about a couple "setting up someone" by using a false identification card.

When she asked Ferrell about it, he mentioned that someone from the liquor board was going around and trying to get places to sell liquor to minors; this is what the caller mentioned when talking to Cathy Ford. About a week after Cathy vanished, Ferrell attempted to get a volunteer searcher to call off the search for 48 hours, because police found "solid evidence."

He later told the searcher that she should search everywhere except Bismarck and Cherry Ridge Roads. A few days later, he called Bernard from Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and asked her to call the Ford family and tell them that Cathy was alright. A few days after that, he sent the anonymous letter to the restaurant. When police searched his trailer, they found not only the blood, but also a cigarette butt of the type smoked by Cathy Ford.

The cigarette was smoked by someone with a blood type not inconsistent with her parents. A watch that was believed to belong to her was found in a burn area near Ferrell's trailer. Along with the sexual prank phone calls, Ferrell had apparently made several other calls to different women in the weeks preceding Cathy's disappearance. He directed the women to go to locations near where he lived.

Some of the locations were just a few hundred yards from his trailer. In these calls, he posed as either a doctor, police officer, or a magistrate. The calls continued until the time Cathy vanished. According to investigators, the women had one thing in common: they all knew Ferrell.

Ferrell continues to maintain his innocence.
This should be easy to clear up if LE have done their job. Whilst it is no surprise that early dna test techniques in 1988 were inconclusive, testing has advanced hugely in the last 30 years. If the evidence from the trailer has been preserved it should be easy to retest and determine if it is the dna of Cathy Ford. I would expect the evidence to have been properly handled and preserved since the FBI took a lead role (on the dubious grounds that Ford may have been kidnapped across state lines). However, the eventual charge was a state murder charge as the evidence was not strong enough for a federal charge of kidnapping - so if the evidence went into the local police system anything could have happened to it. The story of the FBI involvement can be found at The FBI

An interesting aside to this case is that the boyfriend, Darvin Moon, subsequently won $5m as runner up at the 2009 World Series of Poker.
if the evidence went into the local police system anything could have happened to it.

Thanks for your research, Albion. Very interesting tidbit about Ms. Ford's boyfriend at the time. I agree that DNA should still be on file if the police did everything they were supposed to do. Sadly, local police departments don't have a reputation for properly storing pieces of evidence and stuff often gets lost.

I strongly believe Ferrell to have done it - the blood that was found ought to be re-tested, certainly. If it still exists somewhere, that is... and therein lies the problem. I don't think they still have that.
It appears that Ms. Ford's boyfriend, Darvin Moon, is active on social media (but as per forum rules, can't share any links to that here). He seems to still reside in the area. I imagine it was very hard on him at the time, a "double whammy" to lose his girlfriend without a trace and also to discover that she was not faithful to him in their relationship. He may have had some suspicions as to Catherine's friendship with Farrell, but dismissed those feelings on account of Farrell being in a relationship with someone else.
It was documented on another forum that Melvin G. Cullers of Aurora WV was acquitted of murder charges in the 1986 shooting dealth of a man. Would anyone have any idea how i could find any news records abouth this? The man's name was not released or the location the shooting happened.
Update Cullers shot Gary Wade Wilson 20 of Aurora twice on November 1st, 1986 at a residence. Still researching the details behind what happened.
It appears that Ms. Ford's boyfriend, Darvin Moon, is active on social media (but as per forum rules, can't share any links to that here). He seems to still reside in the area. I imagine it was very hard on him at the time, a "double whammy" to lose his girlfriend without a trace and also to discover that she was not faithful to him in their relationship. He may have had some suspicions as to Catherine's friendship with Farrell, but dismissed those feelings on account of Farrell being in a relationship with someone else.
Darvin passed away September 19, 2020 due to complications with surgery.

Darvin Clifford Moon (1963-2020) - Find a Grave Memorial
The woods near where her car was located was recenty logged, there are no trees left

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