Zimmerman bullying Middle Eastern co-worker

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Mexican is not a race.

I didn't say it was. I was responding to the post and I was in a hurry, however I checked Websters and based on their definition Mexican could be a race.

Definition of RACE
a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b: a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics

an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also: a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group

The other thing about is George had no respect for his employer. The employer is paying that guy good money to do a good job and George felt he needed to sabotage by harassing and demeaning the worker.
No, I was referring to anyone who makes jokes at the expense of others. A comic is generalizing and not specifically pointing out one person to make fun of them. There is a difference.

It does make a difference and it does matter in this case because it could show GZ was into profiling people. Placing them in catagories because of their youth, because of their race or because he just did not like people because they came from a certain country. It would explain why GZ was so obsessed that night that he "could not let this one get away" and why TM ended up dead. jmo

It makes an interesting discussion whether GZ profiled TM, but it doesn't matter under the law. IMHO.

GZ had the right to be where he was (both did, in fact) and had the right to watch TM if he chose, and had the right to shoot to kill if he reasonably believed he was in danger. That's all that matters. Profiling, IMHO, doesn't matter at all.
New topical thread :)

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172727"]The influence of MSM - regarding coverage of the Trayvon Martin case[/ame]
It shows bias against people who are "different" than he is. That he lumps all people from an ethnic group into one catagory associated with crimes. Such as an example of Middle East (as terrorist), young black males (as thugs). It shows he profiled people. What possible reason could there have been to make fun of this man? Most companies will fire you for doing this exact thing. jmo

Perhaps the reason he was never fired should be an indicator of the non seriousness of this matter at the time..Even if he was "insensitive."

TM was not "different" from GZ's own grandfather or his best friend who bravely defended him to the media. There is no proof that he "lumps" anyone other than the EXACT age and demographic of the criminals making people of all races miserable in that condo complex. It's not profiling Amish if the majority of crimes are done by bearded men in buttonless jackets driving buggies...IT IS COMMON SENSE! So that proves Nothing about GZ except that he can read and understand statistics.
Agreed, Doc.

Maybe a separate thread should be opened where people can discuss the media's involvement in this case.

Done. Linked in my post upthread.

Please move the media influence discussion over there.

Guys, I have gotta close this for review.

I am seeing way too much that should probably be downstairs in the unmoderated Sound Off thread.

Will update later.
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