any verified insiders/locals still reading here?

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Ah I missed that part. So it wasn't fact about his hands then which could link the cactus etc to him... Darn

She said that a few weeks ago on one of the pages she was admin of. She was trying to thrown Shawn under the bus. She did make remarks about his hands but IF thats true why did she remain with him?
She said that a few weeks ago on one of the pages she was admin of. She was trying to thrown Shawn under the bus. She did make remarks about his hands but IF thats true why did she remain with him?

I've wondered that too.
So what's this about SA taking BD to work the Monday morning? When did this turn of story eventuate? Because originally it went that BD had a work mate take her, and she made a call to this work mate in the morning.
I live in Snyder, where Shawn and Billy worked. Anytime her name is brought up everyone says that they know that Billy and Shawn are responsible, but no evidence. We live just off the highway between Snyder and CCity, and have walked our land. I think of her everytime I travel the back roads. I really wish everyone could have closure.

I also live in Scurry County and agree that when BD or SA names are mentioned people are of the opinion that they are responsible. I live in the country and travel back roads in the county. I still carry pink flagging tape in the glovebox and I continue to look.
The only problem is like I said on another thread there is no confirmed sightings of Hailey alive by anyone other than the family after Sunday night. Billie was at home on the Sunday. When Billie says she has an alibi because she was at work that simply isnt true as there is no proof that Hailey was alive when she went to work that Monday. Incidentally many people believe Hailey was killed Sunday evening due to events that have come out and considering how close those remains were to Billies place of work ( if it is indeed Hailey) IMO Hailey could more than likely have been placed there before or after Billie went to work that morning ;(

I doubt there are any confirmed sightings before then either. You can't pick and choose who you want to believe is credible, either you believe people on their word, or you only go on electronic sightings. You pick and choose who you find credible based on your beliefs.
I doubt there are any confirmed sightings before then either. You can't pick and choose who you want to believe is credible, either you believe people on their word, or you only go on electronic sightings. You pick and choose who you find credible based on your beliefs.

Actually there ARE confirmed sightings before then. You seem to get angry at people who dont agree with you but it seems like you just go by what happened the first week or so of Hailey going missing and theres been a lot of developments since then.
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