Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #5

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I think the last activity on her one account is a pretty glaring red flag, and I also think it's a little ridiculous the PI brought that profile to public light in FB comments.

I've looked through cache and curated Instagram sites at users her Sinsta follows, and I think there's something peculiar there and worth looking at, but I'm sure LE is doing so. Not really relevant to her disappearance, but relevant for behavior profiling etc.
Her flight was delayed. May have intended to but after the delay she said she would just take a Lyft instead.
I just think this was a new person. It's why people aren't coming forward. I'm sure a lot of people here have sleuthed some people she knows and so have police. I think this is a new person and he took her. They've surely gotten in to her account and are working on seeing who this person is but some people are smart about these things.

STOP debating whether SD/SB relationships involve some sex, only involve sex, or never involve sex. Good grief, we seem to have an awful lot of of sex-obsessed, pearl clutching, sanctimonious posters on this thread. If Kenzie's purported life choices are so personally offensive to some members, then perhaps you should not be following this case. We have thousands of other cases that do not involve the sugar lifestyle or sex. This thread is about a missing woman. It doesn't matter if she has sex with every person she meets or none of the people she meets. She is an adult.

We are a victim-friendly forum and our purpose is not to convince people that SD/SB relationships are wrong or that using dating apps are wrong, etc.

We need to figure out where Kenzie is now. If a sugar daddy kidnapped her or killed her, that is no different than if a stranger jumped out of the bushes and attacked her. Who cares if it was a sugar daddy? Go ahead and assume it was a sugar daddy that she met. Okay, now how do we find her?

Timeouts will be issued and warning points will continue to be handed out if members cannot comprehend this. We also require that all verified members (insiders and professionals) are treated with respect. Do not act snarky towards them on the thread.
This is why you are my favorite mod. Thank you, LT!
With the size of her luggage wouldn't you think the Lyft driver would have helped her with that luggage. If not I know big bulky luggage does not move the way you want it to and when you're tired it can be a struggle. It's very odd he wasn't very attentive. If there was someone who met her if they were on the up and up that person would have jumped at the opportunity to help transfer her luggage.

Every ride share or taxi I have ever used while traveling the driver insisted on loading the luggage. Probably because he doesn’t want the bumper of his car scratched up by people banging their luggage against it while loading it.
Does anyone know why just the still pictures from the airport were released and not the video?

I believe the release of the still photos was two fold: to get best quality photos of ML out as quick as possible, and not violate the privacy of other travelers that would be in the video footage.

I don't discount that edited video coverage may be made available later.

SeekingArrangement profile is only a little over a month old, but MacKenzie's advice to someone 12 weeks ago indicated she had used that site and had two sugardaddies.

Is there possibly a 2nd profile that is either still in use or was deleted prior to the beachbaby profile?
Trafficking is a highly misunderstood thing. There's been a lot of hysteria about it and assumptions based on movies like Taken.

That kind of scenario doesn't exist.

Traffickers don't snatch middle class white women or girls off the street, and force them into prostitution. It just isn't a thing.

Sex trafficking victims are primarily:

1. Black.
2. Addicted to drugs and/or mentally ill.
3. Poor.
4. From highly dysfunctional families.
6. Runaway youth.
7. Immigrants brought here for the sex trade or forced into it in exchange for paying off "fees" for transporting them to the US.
8. Voluntary prostitutes who travel voluntarily to sell sex.

Sex trafficking hysteria actually began at the turn of the 19th century as a backlash to women's growing independence at that time and fear of "foreigners" or black people who were able to engage in business and cross state lines. It stemmed from misogyny and racism- the myth of this frightening, husky-skinned "other" snatching up "vulnerable", indepdent, pretty white women.

It's a gross myth that cruelly combines a cautionary tale meant to squash women's independence- they're too vulnerable to be so and must be protected- and hate and fear of minorities who are cast in this narrative as inherently evil rapists.

The myth has persisted. But it is a myth.

The closest I've seen come to us the case of two white teens from a working class neighborhood who accepted a ride from a man and woman who forced them into prostitution. ONE case.

But this happens to people that the media and LE doesn't care about as much. Those girls' own families had to track them down and rescue them from the house they were being held in. LE didn't even bother to show up as the family begged for help.

The reality of "trafficking" is dirty motels, truck stops and humans made vulnerable by mental illness, addiction, poverty, and lack of a support system.

Traffickers don't go after intelligent, educated women like Kenzie who society cares about. That would be far too much risk and trouble. Especially as there are so many easier, more controllable targets.

Thanks for this. The moral panic -- now centuries old, as you note -- around white slaving/ human trafficking seems frequently to reroute discussion in MP threads. And the specific circumstances of this disappearance, including location/geography, rule it out (once again) in this case, IMO.
I’m not at all impressed by the FBI joining in. IIRC they joined in on the case of that blonde mom who swore some Mexican ladies kidnapped her or something and then released her on Thanksgiving. That entire case was beyond sketchy and it was fairly obvious it was not what the family portrayed it to be.
And they may have been involved precisely because that was a hinky situation. The FBI gets involved with many different cases for many different reasons. Whatever the reason, it often hinges on the fact that they have more resources and can sometimes get results more quickly (on digital stuff, DNA, etc).
On the topic of burner phones:

Personally, I highly doubt that Kenzie had a burner phone. Why? She was pretty open and upfront about her lifestyle and choices, is an adult, is not in a committed relationship, and really, has nothing to hide. On the other hand, any SD or other person she might be in a relationship could indeed be the one to have a burner phone that they kept hidden for purposes of sexting, messaging, using dating apps, etc., that they need to keep separate from their regular, in-the-same-house with their spouse, children, sig other. That, in my opinion, and the fact that Kenzie probably used the in-app messaging functions rather than direct texting to communicate with anyone she might be meeting up with, is what's causing the delay in identification of any POIs.
Me either, but I thought I would share the info about the app since so many are talking about burners. I can see some uses for it for myself, though, so I might get it:D

Gardenista, my post wasn't directed towards you at all. I just don't understand why ML would need or want to go that route. She seems rather comfortable with her lifestyle, she's making public posts on FB about it. It's not as if she's sharing her cell phone bill with a spouse and she's trying to keep things hidden from him.
From the last thread:

poppydarling said :

“Essentially. It’s very similar to any traditional means of dating. Which is why it is emotionally charged when sex work, sadness, or lack of autonomy is suggested. That’s simply not the driving force. It’s very close to what is considered mainstream.“


Disclaimer I haven’t had my coffee yet. I am not attacking anyone in this post FTR:

Similar to traditional means of dating? I’m honestly not seeing the correlation here. Traditional means of dating imo is going on a date with someone because you are interested in them, are possibly attracted to them, enjoy spending time with them. Not because you want something from them necessarily. If these men didn’t have money, then the ladies wouldn’t want to go out with them. This in itself inserts a variable of artificiality, fake was and materialism. This is nothing like traditional dating, imo, just because they go to a movie or restaurant because it is not the same, imo.

I’m really concerned about what I’m reading here. Young ladies seeing this as safe. Does it take something like this for young ladies to open their eyes? I’m not explaining myself well but I’m not getting g this discussion at all and am VERy CONCERNED about what is seeing to be normalized.

Which I’m not sure I agree with that either—-just because some young ladies here state this is normal and accepted and not frowned upon, that doesn’t mean the rest of America feels this way. I can think of plenty of young people who would say this is not appropriate or Safe.

This is a crime forum. Any kind of justification that this is safe behavior I am not in agreement with.

I appreciate the respectful discussion and if this is abrasive, I don’t know how else to word it.

Yes I’m all about female liberation and equality of power and all that stuff. Of course I am.

Would I be concerned if my friends or family members were meeting up with strange men because they had money? Of course I would! Wouldn’t anyone?

I just woke up and need coffee but I am NOt feeling what's been put down here in these posts, moo.

I am not attacking anyone and mean this post as respectfully and academically as I can state it.

The more young women think this is normal or safe, the less they have their guard down.

Of course the majority of these men have sexual expectations, moo.

Again, for all the female libbers out there, believe me I am on your side. I am just saying ImO this is not safe, meeting up with some older man because he has money.

Adults are adults and are free to have whatever kinds of relationships they want. I am all about a “May to December” romance ftr, as both of my exes are much older than me.

I’m not here to impose my morals on anyone, but I refuse to sit here on a crime forum and read about how these types of relationships to not pose very real danger concerns.

Yes, yes, yes. I don't think it is responsible for all of us to pretend like these relationships are not risky. I too believe in female liberation (or whatever you want to call it), but we need to be reasonable.

Also, thinking that if I had a daughter...and this type of behavior was being completely normalized, I would be very worried. MOO
I've followed most posts and have updated the media thread with others - I do not believe I have seen any comments about where she stayed in CA or how she got to the airport when she left. I will only make one comment on the large suitcase - as a college student perhaps that is the ONLY size she owns as a roller bag? She may use it whether she needs the space or not IMO.

I do believe she met someone she knew prior even if only through online/cell contact. It may or may not have been the first meeting in person - IMO. My guess is - this person is known to her and she was not afraid at all. Her phone records/bank records will tell the story JMO.
SeekingArrangement profile is only a little over a month old, but MacKenzie's advice to someone 12 weeks ago indicated she had used that site and had two sugardaddies.

Is there possibly a 2nd profile that is either still in use or was deleted prior to the beachbaby profile?

I believe that's a fair assumption.

I also understand that the sight is free for women, and only men pay a few to use the sight.

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1) Did anyone else miss the wedding in California? Like, did someone else not show up who knows her? I would want to possibly know who was invited. Maybe she had no intention of returning once she heard that an ex would be there or someone else? Having just been in CA and seeing family, friends, etc at funeral, maybe she had a conversation with someone and did not intend to go back again so soon?

2) What about roommate or friend current or ex-boyfriends? Anyone’s behavior a little off lately?

3) Is everyone at her job cleared?
Not necessarily true...there was a women (white, intelligent, middle-aged woman) a couple of months ago who was almost abducted in a grocery store parking lot in mid-day.
That "report" came from the woman herself (who got nearly a million likes) and not LE. She also admitted she has no idea if they were traffickers. Imo
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