Lies point us to the truth #3

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Thank you for explaining this. I thought this was only something women did to impress others. Most men I have known do not fall under this umbrella. Sometimes, I feel I live on another planet. But in my own defense I do live in cowboy country.

Makes one wonder why one of the books found on PR night table (given to her by her Mom) was ‘Why Johnnie can’t tell right from wrong‘?

I would the take this to read: BR was the one leaving grapefruit size poop in JB bed. This boy has so many issues! People take note!

An 8” cracked skull is some very serious staging if this is the case.

BR stated himself that JB slept in his room Christmas Eve. Remember he set his alarm for the occasion and then was told to go back to bed until his folks came down? He looked down at the Christmas tree and saw the handlebars of the bike and was excited. As he explained “vroom, vroom”. It is possible that BR spent Christmas night in JB other bed though.
Rain on my Parade,
I thought this was only something women did to impress others.
Could be as women are not bereft of status either, except it affects desire to a lesser extent.

Makes one wonder why one of the books found on PR night table (given to her by her Mom) was ‘Why Johnnie can’t tell right from wrong‘?
Has to mean Patsy was confounded regarding Burke's behaviour. Note the title refers to a male name.

I would the take this to read: BR was the one leaving grapefruit size poop in JB bed. This boy has so many issues! People take note
Sure, seems like JonBenet and Burke had similar issues, as JonBenet would just drop soiled clothing on the floor. Might be Burke developed pathological fecal behaviour which he possibly used to inlfuence JonBenet?

An 8” cracked skull is some very serious staging if this is the case.
Yes, definitely. Does the sequence of events matter, e.g. SA, Head Trauma, Asphyxiation or Head Trauma, SA, Asphyxiation ?

Assuming BDI would the parent's have been aware of the Head Trauma?

BR stated himself that JB slept in his room Christmas Eve.
Meaning, of course, he did NOT sleep in JonBenet's bedroom. If the case is really BDI, then all his utterances are suspect.

I reckon the case turns on whether the Fecally Soiled Pajama Bottoms left on JonBenet's bedroom floor belonged to Burke, as they would place Burke IN JonBenet's bedroom Christmas Night?

Note: James Kolar declined to tell us what the color of the Fecally Soiled Pajama Bottoms was, suggesting he knew they were Burke's but might be Colorado Child Protection Statutes block him from linking Burke to the pajama bottoms?

Why would Kolar hold the color back if he is building a case for BDI in his book?

As I've mentioned before Fleet White can tell us, as he said he made Burke's bed for him?

There is no smoking gun telling us the case has to be BDI. It could just as well be JDI, but thinking over all the evidence relating to the staging, would JR not have done a better job in this area?

Rain on my Parade,

Could be as women are not bereft of status either, except it affects desire to a lesser extent.

Has to mean Patsy was confounded regarding Burke's behaviour. Note the title refers to a male name.

Sure, seems like JonBenet and Burke had similar issues, as JonBenet would just drop soiled clothing on the floor. Might be Burke developed pathological fecal behaviour which he possibly used to inlfuence JonBenet?

Yes, definitely. Does the sequence of events matter, e.g. SA, Head Trauma, Asphyxiation or Head Trauma, SA, Asphyxiation ?

Assuming BDI would the parent's have been aware of the Head Trauma?

Meaning, of course, he did NOT sleep in JonBenet's bedroom. If the case is really BDI, then all his utterances are suspect.

I reckon the case turns on whether the Fecally Soiled Pajama Bottoms left on JonBenet's bedroom floor belonged to Burke, as they would place Burke IN JonBenet's bedroom Christmas Night?

Note: James Kolar declined to tell us what the color of the Fecally Soiled Pajama Bottoms was, suggesting he knew they were Burke's but might be Colorado Child Protection Statutes block him from linking Burke to the pajama bottoms?

Why would Kolar hold the color back if he is building a case for BDI in his book?

As I've mentioned before Fleet White can tell us, as he said he made Burke's bed for him?

There is no smoking gun telling us the case has to be BDI. It could just as well be JDI, but thinking over all the evidence relating to the staging, would JR not have done a better job in this area?

There are several references made especially by Kolar in interviews (talk radio, etc). What I am wondering is: are those pants the pair found on the bathroom floor or JB bedroom floor? It is stated that the pants she wore to the Whites party are there with her boots on the floor beside a sack. I didn’t see another pair of pants lying on the floor during the video under Media links.
Sorry for all the repeats. Looked like it didn’t actually go through on my end. Obviously I was wrong!
I’m linking the video here. I have posted it twice and it disappears.
Rain on my Parade,
It worked fine for me.

Must admit if I was not familiar with the layout of the Ramsey house which room the camera was in would be lost on me.

One NEW observation for me was noting the positions of the drinking glasses in the breakfast bar. Curious that the glass with the teabag placed in it was next to the bowl of pineapple?

There are several references made especially by Kolar in interviews (talk radio, etc). What I am wondering is: are those pants the pair found on the bathroom floor or JB bedroom floor? It is stated that the pants she wore to the Whites party are there with her boots on the floor beside a sack. I didn’t see another pair of pants lying on the floor during the video under Media links.
Rain in my Parade,
It is stated that the pants she wore to the Whites party are there with her boots on the floor beside a sack.
Really, how would anyone know?

Did they offer the underwear size, even the brand possibly?

So JonBenet's boots and underwear are left on the floor beside a sack, but her black velvet pants are nicely folded and put on her spare bed.

While she was found wearing the White Gap top that she wore to the White's party.

From memory pants along with soiled underwear were found on JonBenet's bathroom floor.

1998 BPD Patsy Interview, Excerpt
Detective Tom Haney talking to Patsy (looking at photos), e.g. 378

16 TOM HANEY: How about 378?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: This is JonBenet's floor, her

18 pants.

19 TOM HANEY: Do you recall those particular

20 pants, when she would have worn those last?

21 PATSY RAMSEY: Not for sure. Probably

22 recently because they are dropped in the middle of the

23 floor, but I don't remember exactly.

24 TOM HANEY: They are kind of inside out.



1 TOM HANEY: 379 is a close up of it. It

2 appears they are stained.


4 TOM HANEY: Is that something that JonBenet

5 had a problem with?

6 PATSY RAMSEY: Well she, you know, she was at

7 age where she was learning to wipe herself and, you

8 know, sometimes she wouldn't do such a great job.

9 TOM HANEY: Did she have accidents, if you

10 will, in the course of the day or the night, as opposed

11 to just bed wetting?

12 PATSY RAMSEY: Not usually, no, huh-uh. That

13 would probably be more from just not wiping real well.

14 TOM HANEY: Okay. Do you know how long those

15 would have been in that position in 378 on the floor in

16 there?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: It depends when she wore them

18 last.

19 TOM HANEY: Again, do you recall?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't remember.

21 TOM HANEY: On Christmas day were you in that

22 bathroom at all?

23 PATSY RAMSEY: Very likely, but I can't say

24 for sure.

25 TOM HANEY: Had you been in there that day,


1 would you have done something with them?

2 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I got, you know -- that

3 night I got -- I know I got the long Johns for her out

4 of that bathroom.

5 TOM HANEY: Right, out of one of the draws in

6 there.


8 TOM HANEY: Do you recall seeing those on the

9 floor that night when you got the --


11 TOM HANEY: -- underwear.

12 PATSY RAMSEY: They could have been there. I

13 don't know.

14 TOM HANEY: Could have.

15 PATSY RAMSEY: Could have been there, yes.

16 Don't know for sure.

17 TOM HANEY: Is it possible that some point

18 during the night she would have gotten up and put those

19 on or thrown them down there or changed in some way;

20 trying to account for those being there.

21 PATSY RAMSEY: I just -- I can't imagine

22 that. No, because I put those -- she was zonked out

23 asleep, so I put her to bed. And she had those, she

24 had worn the black velvet ones to Priscilla's.

25 What she had on earlier that day, I just


1 can't remember. It might have been those. I just

2 can't remember. Could have taken those off, you know,

3 gotten the dress to go to Priscilla's and then left

4 them there.

5 TOM HANEY: When she was out riding her bike,

6 do you remember, think back, look back at what she was

7 wearing.

8 PATSY RAMSEY: Can't remember. (Inaudible).

9 Envelope.

10 TOM HANEY: I don't know. But it is

11 obviously after these have been picked up and stretched

12 out for a photograph just -- it could be a

13 (inaudible). Evidence. And 380.

The takeaway is that JonBenet patently never wore the pants and underwear anywhere near to the Whit'es party.

They are most likely what JonBenet was wearing prior to dressing for the White's Christmas Party?

If not, then they probably originate from a day earlier, say Christmas Eve?

So what you have are soiled pants and underwear that Patsy states belong to JonBenet deposited on JonBenet's bathroom floor, nothing unexpected here.

Also you have fecally soiled pajama bottoms deposited on JonBenet's bedroom floor, again nothing unexpected, except Kolar says they are too large for JonBenet and likely belong to Burke. Interestingly Kolar omits the color of these soiled pajama bottoms.

As per BPD, all the above conforms to their playbook, remember how the long johns were just Long Underwear for a period until the evidence photograph showed the male access slot at the front, e.g. they were Burke's Long Johns!

Must admit if I was not familiar with the layout of the Ramsey house which room the camera was in would be lost on me.
Get ready to take a spin:

One NEW observation for me was noting the positions of the drinking glasses in the breakfast bar. Curious that the glass with the teabag placed in it was next to the bowl of pineapple?
Did they offer the underwear size, even the brand possibly?
I do not recall saying anything about her underwear being placed with her pants. Nor do I recall Kolar stating anything about the underwear.
Here is my reference:

This is the last known photo taken of JB:


So JonBenet's boots and underwear are left on the floor beside a sack, but her black velvet pants are nicely folded and put on her spare bed.
Do you see the snaps on the jacket? Review the video again and you will see them on the item on her other bed. IMO this is the imprint left on the right side of her face.

From memory pants along with soiled underwear were found on JonBenet's bathroom floor.
Yes. But are there others in reference here? Pants?

So what you have are soiled pants and underwear that Patsy states belong to JonBenet deposited on JonBenet's bathroom floor, nothing unexpected here.
PR states a year and a half after the murder.
I do not recall saying anything about her underwear being placed with her pants. Nor do I recall Kolar stating anything about the underwear.
Here is my reference:

This is the last known photo taken of JB:

View attachment 415616

Do you see the snaps on the jacket? Review the video again and you will see them on the item on her other bed. IMO this is the imprint left on the right side of her face.

Yes. But are there others in reference here? Pants?

PR states a year and a half after the murder.
Rain on my Parade,
I do not recall saying anything about her underwear being placed with her pants. Nor do I recall Kolar stating anything about the underwear.
I'm most likely misremembering what was meant to be in the photo, e.g. 378. Probably because I'm assuming JonBenet wore her recently purchased Bloomingdale's size-6 to the White's? So we can discount the reference to underwear?

Do you see the snaps on the jacket? Review the video again and you will see them on the item on her other bed. IMO this is the imprint left on the right side of her face.
You could be correct here, there have been many attributions for the imprint left on JonBenet's face, Patsy's ring was a favorite.

Do you think JonBenet was wearing jacket with the snaps when she was assaulted and killed? Knowing this changes what might have taken place, i.e. did JonBenet make it to her bedroom that fateful night?

PR states a year and a half after the murder.
Sure, nothing unusual here, same Ramsey spin. You could run with Det. Haney's questioning:

8 TOM HANEY: Do you recall seeing those on the

9 floor that night when you got the --


11 TOM HANEY: -- underwear.

12 PATSY RAMSEY: They could have been there. I

13 don't know.

14 TOM HANEY: Could have.

15 PATSY RAMSEY: Could have been there, yes.

16 Don't know for sure.

17 TOM HANEY: Is it possible that some point

18 during the night she would have gotten up and put those

19 on or thrown them down there or changed in some way;

20 trying to account for those being there.

21 PATSY RAMSEY: I just -- I can't imagine

22 that.
So Patsy is non-commital, yet there is the option that JonBenet wore the pants after the White's party?

Could be JonBenet changed into those black stained pants, placing her velvet pants on her bed, might also explain why there was no underwear?

We know Patsy just makes stuff up, her story regarding the size-12s, and the Partially Opened Gifts are examples of this.

Yes, I've always found the semantics referencing JonBenet's clothing problematic, e.g. pants.

Again from memory, no photograph to hand, the pants on the bathroom floor were leggings style, and not underwear per se.

The pants on JonBenet's bedroom floor were allegedly fecally soiled pajama bottoms, and according to Kolar who viewed the CSI report or photograph they were too large for JonBenet and attributed to Burke.

So on Kolar's part that is inference not fact, until he quotes the color of the pajama bottoms from the CSI report.

So all we really know is that Patsy confirms there were stained pants on JonBenet's bathroom floor, and fecally soiled pajama bottoms on JonBenet's bedroom floor, assuming the CSI report is valid.

So with Patsy saying she knows nothing about the pants on JonBenet's bathroom floor, yet she offers an explanation suggesting JonBenet wore them on Christmas Day?

Is she covering something up?
I'm most likely misremembering what was meant to be in the photo, e.g. 378. Probably because I'm assuming JonBenet wore her recently purchased Bloomingdale's size-6 to the White's? So we can discount the reference to underwear?
Can you show me photo #378? I don’t know what you are referring to.

You could be correct here, there have been many attributions for the imprint left on JonBenet's face, Patsy's ring was a favorite.

Do you think JonBenet was wearing jacket with the snaps when she was assaulted and killed? Knowing this changes what might have taken place, i.e. did JonBenet make it to her bedroom that fateful night?
Seems to me that JB face was planted into something hard enough to leave an imprint and bruise. JB may have not changed her cloths when the crime occurred. Perhaps this is why the story of her being zonked out was made up.

This is interesting that I just found:
THOMAS HANEY: Okay. Anything else on the bed?
PATSY RAMSEY: Well, this looks like a little -- the little pot holder square she was making. This multi-colored thing here. This black thing I can't (INAUDIBLE). Oh, that's sort of looks like it might be the little velvet dress (INAUDIBLE). Little silver snaps.
TRIP DeMUTH: When did she last wear that?
PATSY RAMSEY: She wore that to the Whites on the 25th. - (0255-21) THOMAS HANEY: Well, it was documented also on video and I believe there is a description of what's in each room.
Dress? But she clearly has on the white gap top underneath the vest taken @ the Whites party. She did wear a purple dress the night before according to JR. What we see is black not purple.

So all we really know is that Patsy confirms there were stained pants on JonBenet's bathroom floor, and fecally soiled pajama bottoms on JonBenet's bedroom floor, assuming the CSI report is valid.

So with Patsy saying she knows nothing about the pants on JonBenet's bathroom floor, yet she offers an explanation suggesting JonBenet wore them on Christmas Day?

Is she covering something up?
PR also states she can’t remember what JB wore Christmas Day. And there are those that believe in IDI?
I do not believe for one minute that Patsy bought size 6 Bloomies for JonBenet. The store was sold out of that size. The only package she purchased was for Jenny. JBR was found wearing a pair removed from the package meant as a gift for Jenny. The package was wrapped by the store and placed in the Hell Hole to hide, along with Burke's birthday gifts, from the children.

I find it very odd to purchase underwear for anyone not in the immediate family. Every parent, in the R's social circle and relatives, could afford to provide underwear for their own children.

JBR complained of having a cold on Christmas Day. She allegedly rode her new bicycle for a short spin. Otherwise, I think she stayed indoors before getting dressed to go to the White's home for dinner.

SS showing the stained front from the child's urine indicates she was on in the prone position.

Screenshot 2023-04-21 11.49.05 PM.png

File:Underwear.jpg - Jonbenet Ramsey Wiki
I do not believe for one minute that Patsy bought size 6 Bloomies for JonBenet. The store was sold out of that size. The only package she purchased was for Jenny.
Do you have a source for that? Thank you!

The package was wrapped by the store and placed in the Hell Hole to hide, along with Burke's birthday gifts, from the children.
Again, do you have a source? Thank you! Why would you need to hide the size 12 bloomies from the children?

I find it very odd to purchase underwear for anyone not in the immediate family. Every parent, in the R's social circle and relatives, could afford to provide underwear for their own children.
PR probably thought she was at a nice department store and wanted to pick up something small for Jenny that she could use; is my guess.

JBR complained of having a cold on Christmas Day.
Source please? Thank you, again.

SS showing the stained front from the child's urine indicates she was on in the prone position.
I’m not quite sure who SS is. I always think of Susan Stine in this case. Yes, JB was strangled with her face down so the destroyer couldn’t see her face.
Do you have a source for that? Thank you!

Again, do you have a source? Thank you! Why would you need to hide the size 12 bloomies from the children?

PR probably thought she was at a nice department store and wanted to pick up something small for Jenny that she could use; is my guess.

Source please? Thank you, again.

I’m not quite sure who SS is. I always think of Susan Stine in this case. Yes, JB was strangled with her face down so the destroyer couldn’t see her face.

Most everything written in the post can be sourced to a CandyRose. PR states in her depo that JB had a cold Christmas Day. She also states in Depo that wrapped packages, including Burke's bday gifts, were placed in the basement to hide them from the children.


A small gift for a child Jenny's age could be a game of some sort or a I Love NY Tshirt. As I stated as MOO underwear can and should be purchased by the parents; not for a distant relative. All of the purchased gifts were wrapped by the stores and shipped to the R home. (PR went to NY twice.) Have you not seen images of the wrapped packages in the basement?

SS = ScreenShot The image posted was a screen capture with the link to it provided. It would not make sense to believe SS is Susan Stine in the sentence written:
SS showing the stained front from the child's urine indicates she was on in the prone position.

You can state it is your opinion that the killer placed the child in the prone position as not to see her face but it's not a fact that is the reason bc we can't get inside the mind of a killer.

I've posted on JRB's forum since I joined this site. I'm the one who discovered the book inside the blue Samsonite luggage was the only adult book written by Dr. Seuss with drawings of naked people. He introduces the Peeping Tom. The SS of the proof has been posted numerous times throughout the forum.

The Seven Lady Godivas - Wikipedia
Do you have a source for that? Thank you!

Again, do you have a source? Thank you! Why would you need to hide the size 12 bloomies from the children?

PR probably thought she was at a nice department store and wanted to pick up something small for Jenny that she could use; is my guess.

Source please? Thank you, again.

I’m not quite sure who SS is. I always think of Susan Stine in this case. Yes, JB was strangled with her face down so the destroyer couldn’t see her face.
Rain on my Parade,
Patsy likely mispoke regarding the dress meaning the velvet pants?

Seems to me that JB face was planted into something hard enough to leave an imprint and bruise. JB may have not changed her cloths when the crime occurred. Perhaps this is why the story of her being zonked out was made up.
Might be the case, if it was really the snaps that left the imprint on her face then most RDI theories will need to be revised.

Can you show me photo #378? I don’t know what you are referring to.
The reference is from Patsy's 1998 BDP Interview:
16 TOM HANEY: How about 378?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: This is JonBenet's floor, her
18 pants.
19 TOM HANEY: Do you recall those particular
20 pants, when she would have worn those last?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: Not for sure. Probably
22 recently because they are dropped in the middle of the
23 floor, but I don't remember exactly.
24 TOM HANEY: They are kind of inside out.
1 TOM HANEY: 379 is a close up of it. It
2 appears they are stained.

Note: they are not in the middle of the floor in the following photo.

I'm assuming this is the pants:

File:Jonbenetbathroom1.png - Jonbenet Ramsey Wiki

Also they can be seen in the REELZ videos that you just posted.

These have been referred to as pants, jeans, leggings, etc.

The underwear in the pants might be due jameson posting misinformation, or it might be factually correct, consider Holly Smith, head of the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team Smith saying most of the panties in JonBenet’s dresser drawers had been soiled with fecal material, so not unexpected?

posted by jameson a long time ago.
Very true - there was a pair of her pants on the bathroom floor - a pair of panties were in those pants, like she pulled them down and off as one piece.

The panties had "skid marks" in them, Patsy was asked about that and simply said that sometimes JonBenét didn't do a good job wiping herself after using the toilet.

When did JonBenét wear those pants and panties? I don't believe that was ever determined. They could be the ones she wore Christmas day when the kids were over playing - - she might have taken them off when she changed into the black velvet pants to go to the Whites'. But as far as I can tell, no one knows for sure.

Patsy buying size-12 Bloomingdales for JonBenet and another pair for her niece, begs the question why bother opening the Christmas Gift meant for Jenny, and where did they all go, only one pack of size-12 Bloomingdale's was returned, no mention if any were missing!!

Here is another posters take on the underwear:

The panties were collected by Boulder CSIs during the execution of the search warrants on December 26 and 27. It is my opinion that they collected only the panties that it was apparent to them that were all those she was currently wearing. It appears that 14 pairs were collected on the first day, which in my opinion were all the clean ones stored in her bathroom drawer. Then there was one extra pair was collected on the second day, which in my opinion was the pair found inside her discarded jeans left on her bedroom floor, which was clothing she had taken off on the afternoon of the 25th prior to changing into her party clothes to go to the White’s party.

First Search warrant
Girls underwear (36BAH)
Girls underwear (56BAH)
(1) girls underwear (61BAH)
(1) girls underwear (62BAH)
Five pair girls underwear (76BAH)
Two pair girls underwear (77RAH)
childs underwear (57BAB)
childs underwear (58BAB)
childs underwear (59BAB)

Second Search warrant
pair of underwear (45BAB)

Don't forget the hair-ties, with rubber bands etc, what is all that about, as the parents stated that JonBenet was sound asleep?

I reckon JonBenet wore Bloomingdale's size-6 to the White's Christmas Party, if they had been size-12 Bloomingdales, then BPD need not have quizzed the parents on the size-12's as their origin would not be open to debate.

Also BPD would have no need to keep JonBenet's underwear forensic details sealed!

Last edited:
Most everything written in the post can be sourced to a CandyRose. PR states in her depo that JB had a cold Christmas Day.
I have read the depo and I didn’t find any mention of JB cold.
I will have to read each interview to find the cold bit. I will have to get back with you since you didn’t include PR actually stating this.

Have you not seen images of the wrapped packages in the basement?
Yes, I have seen BR Lego’s and possibly what looked like a doll for JB.

It would not make sense to believe SS is Susan Stine in the sentence written:
SS showing the stained front from the child's urine indicates she was on in the prone position.
Thank you DeDee, that is why I asked. It didn’t make sense to me either. Obviously!

You can state it is your opinion that the killer placed the child in the prone position as not to see her face but it's not a fact that is the reason bc we can't get inside the mind of a killer.
No we are not inside the killers mind; yet JB voided in the prone position. The garrote is used from behind.

I'm the one who discovered the book inside the blue Samsonite luggage was the only adult book written by Dr. Seuss with drawings of naked people.
Is that right? How were you the one to discover this fact?
I do not believe for one minute that Patsy bought size 6 Bloomies for JonBenet. The store was sold out of that size.
Again, how do you know the store was sold out of JB size?

DeDee said:
The package was wrapped by the store and placed in the Hell Hole to hide, along with Burke's birthday gifts, from the children.
Again, why did PR need to hide Jenny’s underwear from JB and BR?
Rain on my Parade,
Patsy likely mispoke regarding the dress meaning the velvet pants?
JR and PR both stated JB wore a velvet dress on the 24th:

John, Patsy, JonBenet and Burke Ramsey Christmas Eve 1996

"We had dinner, the kids colored. I think we drove up to -- after we left there I think we drove to the Star, might have driven a little bit to look at the lights. JonBenet was miffed because we wouldn't let her walk up to the star because she had on her church dress" (snip) "It was a purple dress" [0800-05 John Ramsey, BPD 6/98]
PR: 97 BPD interview:
PR: And then we drove around town looking at Christmas lights and we drove up to the star up on the mountain there and um, I remember JonBenet was miffed because we wouldn’t let her get out and she wanted to walk up into the star . . .
TT: Um hum.
PR: And uh, she just had her little velvet Sunday school shoes on, you know, so she was, she said, ‘Well, what’s the use coming up here if you can’t even go up to the star.’

Might be the case, if it was really the snaps that left the imprint on her face then most RDI theories will need to be revised.
Why would this change IDI or RDI? Thanks!
16 TOM HANEY: How about 378?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: This is JonBenet's floor, her
18 pants.
19 TOM HANEY: Do you recall those particular
20 pants, when she would have worn those last?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: Not for sure. Probably
22 recently because they are dropped in the middle of the
23 floor, but I don't remember exactly.
24 TOM HANEY: They are kind of inside out.
1 TOM HANEY: 379 is a close up of it. It
2 appears they are stained.

Sure, it’s likely she changed out of those pants to go to the Whites party on the 25th.
Her hair isn’t fixed. She chose her own cloths for the party. If you look at JB on Christmas morning her hair is the same style as she wore to the Whites. It just hasn’t been brushed before going. So, why add extra hair ties when she is “zonked”?

JR and PR both stated JB wore a velvet dress on the 24th:

John, Patsy, JonBenet and Burke Ramsey Christmas Eve 1996

"We had dinner, the kids colored. I think we drove up to -- after we left there I think we drove to the Star, might have driven a little bit to look at the lights. JonBenet was miffed because we wouldn't let her walk up to the star because she had on her church dress" (snip) "It was a purple dress" [0800-05 John Ramsey, BPD 6/98]
PR: 97 BPD interview:
PR: And then we drove around town looking at Christmas lights and we drove up to the star up on the mountain there and um, I remember JonBenet was miffed because we wouldn’t let her get out and she wanted to walk up into the star . . .
TT: Um hum.
PR: And uh, she just had her little velvet Sunday school shoes on, you know, so she was, she said, ‘Well, what’s the use coming up here if you can’t even go up to the star.’

Why would this change IDI or RDI? Thanks!
16 TOM HANEY: How about 378?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: This is JonBenet's floor, her
18 pants.
19 TOM HANEY: Do you recall those particular
20 pants, when she would have worn those last?
21 PATSY RAMSEY: Not for sure. Probably
22 recently because they are dropped in the middle of the
23 floor, but I don't remember exactly.
24 TOM HANEY: They are kind of inside out.
1 TOM HANEY: 379 is a close up of it. It
2 appears they are stained.

Sure, it’s likely she changed out of those pants to go to the Whites party on the 25th.
Her hair isn’t fixed. She chose her own cloths for the party. If you look at JB on Christmas morning her hair is the same style as she wore to the Whites. It just hasn’t been brushed before going. So, why add extra hair ties when she is “zonked”?

Rain on my Parade,
JR and PR both stated JB wore a velvet dress on the 24th
Sure, but the 24th is not the 25th, and JonBenet wore her velvet pants to The White's Christmas Party.

Why would this change IDI or RDI? Thanks!
Because nearly everyone assumes JonBenet was assaulted in her bedroom.

JonBenet appears to have had her hair dressed for bed, her pink pajama bottoms are missing along with her size-6 underwear {Bloomingdale's?).

So apparently JonBenet has been wiped down, see Coroner Meyer's remarks, and redressed, e.g. size-12's, Burke's long johns and the White Gap top.

Knowing the snaps from her black waistcoat caused the imprint on her face, means she must have lain on it at some point.

Suggesting she never made it to her bed, and that somehow she was undressed and allowed to come in pressure contact with her own waistcoat?

There are so many potential scenarios, folks are free to offer their thoughts.

So, why add extra hair ties when she is “zonked”?
Looks to me as if someone was undoing a prior staging and forgot all about the hair-ties?

If the hair-ties are staging then this also allows different versions of the the SA and head whack to play out.

e.g. JonBenet is sexually assaulted after removing her black waistcoat, susbsequently following the head whack she falls on top of her waistcoat face first?



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