TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #48

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If LE hasn't released it yet, there is a reason.

1. Hailey either bought nothing much and the video is very grainy = not worthwhile to release it.
2. Hailey wasn't alone / bought something of interest and it's not where it should be based on the alleged time she left home / did something that appeared unusual or she looked unusual...= LE has clues from the video/purchases and needs to hold back on releasing it so as not to jeopardize the investigation into finding Hailey.


I want door #3 or 4:

3. The prosecutor is keeping in mind that he likely will have to show that there were no signs of life from Hailey after Shawn came back home from work Mon morning, or

4. The prosecutor is keeping in mind that he likely will have to show that when Shawn came back home from work Mon morning is when he took Hailey's body to dispose of her.


(Right now the hairdresser sighting is being used attempt to show signs of life and no body disposal prior to noon, ergo Shawn didn't-do-it.)

With all due respect.... this points to Shawn.... not Billie. She can't confirm HIS alibi or HIS timeline for the day Hailey went missing if she was not there.
If noone saw Hailey on Monday as the article states..... LE is unable to confirm ANY witness accounts of Hailey on monday...then the last to see Hailey are both billie and SA.....imo
I think a press conference is a good idea at this point. CZ...Billie needs to make it very clear at the start that she will not be taking any questions (if she doesn't want to) and also that she doesn't give a rats a@@ what people think of her anymore...we need to find Hailey and that is her only priority. I think it would also be a good if Clint and his gf could be there...along with Billie's family if possible.
Originally Posted by LisaB

If I had been the one who reported it a year ago, I certainly would have called the tipline after Hailey was missing and said "I called about this guy threatening the Dunn girls last year, and I am sure you checked it out then, but I wonder if it has any bearing on Hailey's disappearance..."
People often dismiss the value of the information the know and fail to report because they don't think it is useful and think they are going to be seen as silly. You never know the info you think is unimportant may break the whole case.

If I thought it significant enough to call LE about it a year ago, I think I'd not only remember, and consider it significant, but I'd be the sort of person who is predisposed to reporting things to the police, as evidenced by my having done so a year ago when it was just a "threat" that may now have been acted on.
BBM to indicate the part I am addressing

I don't understand why Clint was not asked to take a polygraph. As you say, the suspect pool was narrowed to Billie and Clint, yet he was cleared by virtue of NOT taking a polygraph and claiming not to have seen her that day? How does that make sense? Unless he was in police custody on another matter during the window of time during which Hailey disappeared, I don't understand why they are so sure he could not know anything at all about what happened.

Also, in the first interview you quoted, Sparky never said AND. He said OR. Could just be a nitpicky semantics thing, but maybe not.

I don't understand why you don't understand. If someone hasn't said or done a blessed thing that's suspicious, and has a good alibi, why in the world would LE poly them? If LE has people - from the home - they can't get over the huge brick walls to get past - why in the world would they start pulling in others who haven't shown any signs of involvement? Now that's what I don't understand.
i agree with this... Billie does not owe the public anything. She does owe it to herself and to hailey to answer any and all questions from le. If she is doing that and is cooperating with them, that's all we need to know.
Everything else is just fluff.

The problem is she had said previously ( and so had cz for that matter that his family wasnt allowing her to speak to him. She is contradicting herself so m uch and then people wonder why she isnt believable.

We know from her that she doesnt ask him about what happened that day so what do they talk about? there love for each other? horror movies or his latest mask hes bought? :banghead:

Perhaps at the time the statement was made, his family wasn't allowing her to speak with him. His lawyer may since have told him he can talk to her, but that they should not discuss the case. JMO
I know you guys have most likely already discussed this... but what the heck is this and why is she just now saying this???

Hailey's mom now says she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasn't been found," said Dunn.

Dunn didn't elaborate beyond that point.

Perhaps at the time the statement was made, his family wasn't allowing her to speak with him. His lawyer may since have told him he can talk to her, but that they should not discuss the case. JMO

However it was only a day or so that CZ said they wasnt talking..and yet..Billie is saying they is.
I know you guys have most likely already discussed this... but what the heck is this and why is she just now saying this???

Hailey's mom now says she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasn't been found," said Dunn.

Dunn didn't elaborate beyond that point.


What i would like to know personally is who the person was who reported this "event" happening?
Its so difficult to decide what the movements of a perp would be after an abduction. A stranger abduction you would think, he would just go on his way. Someone more close to home might interject themselves into the picture, ask more questions and be a little too interested in what going on, ride around the area to see whats happening, etc.
The suspect had the opportunity, but whats the motive?
A regular vistor to the neighborhool had opportunity, have they all been checked out?
I really think the clues are in that neighborhood. People had to put out their trash, get their mail, get in their cars, people were out all hours of the day, someone noticed something and they are just not remembering.
Those neighbors need a non Le person to sit and talk with them, look out their windows so they see what the neighbor could see, go over what they did that day, just help them go back and remember.

I heard a comment last night by a retired LEO. He said that normally most people are not that observant. Many just do not pay attention to what is going on around them, unless it is way out of the ordinary. They can see something happening and do not "get" that it's not normal.

If someone abducted Hailey while she was walking down the street and shoved her in a car, it could have been done so quickly that a neighbor didn't notice anything unusual. Could have been someone she knew... a teacher, a delivery person, a friend of her dad's.... or ... someone she sees every day but doesn't really know.
I know you guys have most likely already discussed this... but what the heck is this and why is she just now saying this???

Hailey's mom now says she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasn't been found," said Dunn.

Dunn didn't elaborate beyond that point.

billies version...fwiw

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6071404&postcount=264"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #48[/ame]
Is the FBI still in CC working on this case? Or is it just the local 4 or 5 LE in the city?
BD this is for you ,I hope it helps you.....Teddiebear

'if' by rudyard kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
Not sure if this was ever brought out, discussed, or answered, but have been wondering when was Hailey's last participation in cheerleading? Was there a recent game where she cheered for her team? Was it an away game or a home game? Was anything unusual going on at that game? Perhaps parents of the players or other cheerleaders would recall if there were any older boys hanging around talking to HD or better yet, most of the parents I know take videos or at the very least, photos of games, so maybe the parents of the team/other cheerleaders on the teams should be asked to review their videos of recent games.

Also, just how involved was she in cheerleading? I know BD stated she did not like cheerleading as much as perhaps other activities such as martial arts. How far did she have to travel in order to get to any of her extracurricular activities and how did she get there?

As far as the surveillance videos, was she seen just walking past these stores or is there footage of her actually inside of these stores. If she was just walking past, there would be no cash register receipts to match up any purchases she may have made.
Are you sure you understand her point? Because to be honest, I don't understand yours if that is the case. If, for example, Hailey had on torn jeans and a navy blue hoodie over a red t-shirt on the dollar store surveillance tape (dated, as you say, on Sunday), and two or more people (excluding SA) said THEY had seen her on Monday wearing dark blue sweats and a light pink t-shirt with no jacket, would that convince skeptics that those people did see Hailey on Monday as opposed to Sunday?

So the dated video would HELP to establish that the outfit Hailey was seen in by witnesses claiming to have seen her Monday, was not what she wore Sunday.

It would be very easy for these witnesses to be told what Hailey was wearing on Sunday. They have been investigated and are not credible sightings per LE. LE knows what Hailey was wearing because they have the video. Perhaps they already asked these proclaimed witnesses what she was wearing and that was part of the vetting criteria.

LE wants as much reliable info as possible. I cannot see why they would discredit a sighting if it was credible. None of the alleged sightings place Hailey outside after SA says he last saw her at 3 pm 12/27. Seems like the only reason to rehash these proclaimed witnesses is to prove that Hailey was still there/alive when Billie left the house on Monday morning. They do nothing to change the original last sighting reported by SA... If Billie knows SA was lying, it moves the last time Hailey was seen up to a time that she was at home.
Not sure if this was ever brought out, discussed, or answered, but have been wondering when was Hailey's last participation in cheerleading? Was there a recent game where she cheered for her team? Was it an away game or a home game? Was anything unusual going on at that game? Perhaps parents of the players or other cheerleaders would recall if there were any older boys hanging around talking to HD or better yet, most of the parents I know take videos or at the very least, photos of games, so maybe the parents of the team/other cheerleaders on the teams should be asked to review their videos of recent games.

Also, just how involved was she in cheerleading? I know BD stated she did not like cheerleading as much as perhaps other activities such as martial arts. How far did she have to travel in order to get to any of her extracurricular activities and how did she get there?

As far as the surveillance videos, was she seen just walking past these stores or is there footage of her actually inside of these stores. If she was just walking past, there would be no cash register receipts to match up any purchases she may have made.

I don't think we've heard about the last time cheer leading, but LE and Clint have both stated that there is surveillance video of Hailey at the Dollar Store on Sunday (rather than "outside" the store). I took it to mean she was inside, but we don't know if she purchased anything or not.
So... is LE claiming that TO THIS DAY they have not revealed who passed and who failed?


"Information in the affidavits, outlined in part below, lead to what could be a more gruesome ending of a beautiful young life. Hopefully, that will not be the case, and hopefully Hailey will be found alive.
Hailey's mother and step-father failed polygraph tests and have been less than truthful since Hailey disappeared Dec. 27."

SA ........is NOT the stepfather, he is the Boyfriend of BD!
I want door #3 or 4:

3. The prosecutor is keeping in mind that he likely will have to show that there were no signs of life from Hailey after Shawn came back home from work Mon morning, or

4. The prosecutor is keeping in mind that he likely will have to show that when Shawn came back home from work Mon morning is when he took Hailey's body to dispose of her.


(Right now the hairdresser sighting is being used attempt to show signs of life and no body disposal prior to noon, ergo Shawn didn't-do-it.)


Yep, these things could certainly jeopardize the investigation and future trial. We're on the same page...
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