TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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When I went to my office today, the door was frozen shut and no one could open it. I was thrilled. I came back home and spent the last 6 hours reading every single post you guys have written over the last week. It was awesome, and I wondered if you guys ever stop and think about what a great community you all are a part of here. I truly am amazed by how hard each of you are working on trying to help find Hailey. I also wanted to say this: I truly believe that if all of you had the record of all of the cell phone pings, if you had the chance to question DD, if you had been there during the long interrogation of BD, if you were there during the polygraph tests, if you could talk to CD, and finally, if you could question SA at length--I think every one of you would know the answers to all of the questions that haunt you and your dreams and sometimes just make you crazy. I wish LE would or could tell you more. I hope that the Texas Rangers, the Secret Service and the FBI know all of the answers to the questions that all of you have. I have to believe that they do. I'm trying to give some of you hope so that maybe you will get some rest. In a perfect world I would like to think that someday Hailey will get a chance to read some of your posts and know how hard you all were looking for her and how much you cared. Just my thoughts. Carry on.
There were pictures of the Dunn home can anybody get them back faster than me ? I have a question of who the white Van belongs to in front of BD house ! It was also on the first NG video ! Help Please

This one?

That does sound possible. If CD told BD he was calling LE, she may have gone to the station to file the report to keep LE away from the house longer. I don't know either.

This thought is probably not on the table with the authorities though, since they said yesterday that she is not even a person of interest.
Sounds like they have a program that sorts this data out for them? Man, we could SO use one of those! Kudos to the people here that manually sort through all of this stuff and make some kind sense of it for us!

Doesn't sound to me like they have a program that sorts out the electronic data and matches it (or not) to witness accounts. What they DO have, that we do not, is the electronic data!
BD had attempted to revise (her) and (our) understanding of the events surrounding the disappearance of HD. I don't see any mother getting a free pass if the man she trusted and moved into her home had anything to do with why her daughter is not in her house.
If a parent chooses a partner and attempts to divert attention or "mis-state" the truth, it is not a forgiveable lawful "mistake". A parent who assumes responsibility for their child has an obligation to protect that child from harm while under their care. IMO, any parent who attempts to shield a "partner" from any criminal charges toward a child should be prosecuted along with the guilty partner. Love or lust are not loopholes. Our children should be our first priorities.
When I went to my office today, the door was frozen shut and no one could open it. I was thrilled. I came back home and spent the last 6 hours reading every single post you guys have written over the last week. It was awesome, and I wondered if you guys ever stop and think about what a great community you all are a part of here. I truly am amazed by how hard each of you are working on trying to help find Hailey. I also wanted to say this: I truly believe that if all of you had the record of all of the cell phone pings, if you had the chance to question DD, if you had been there during the long interrogation of BD, if you were there during the polygraph tests, if you could talk to CD, and finally, if you could question SA at length--I think every one of you would know the answers to all of the questions that haunt you and your dreams and sometimes just make you crazy. I wish LE would or could tell you more. I hope that the Texas Rangers, the Secret Service and the FBI know all of the answers to the questions that all of you have. I have to believe that they do. I'm trying to give some of you hope so that maybe you will get some rest. In a perfect world I would like to think that someday Hailey will get a chance to read some of your posts and know hard hard you all were looking for her and how much you cared. Just my thoughts. Carry on.

Wow...., and, just....wow. So beautifully and eloquently expressed. Thank you, you do have a great talent with words. Hailey, if you are out there reading this in the future sweetheart, know that you ARE LOVED. I think I can go sleep now, too. :great:
I wonder why in BD's latest revised timeline she promoted in her press conference she said that CD was expected to call 911. And for what? His daughter was not missing from his home. He did not allow her to go spend the night at a friend's home with no verification. Just what information was he supposed to give the police. He knew nothing of this "story". Who, what, when, where, why? BD was the only one who could go over every detail with LE. How would CD know what HD was wearing? This whole "he dropped the ball" shift needs to bounce right back in BD's lap.

this is IMO
BD had attempted to revise (her) and (our) understanding of the events surrounding the disappearance of HD. I don't see any mother getting a free pass if the man she trusted and moved into her home had anything to do with why her daughter is not in her house.
If a parent chooses a partner and attempts to divert attention or "mis-state" the truth, it is not a forgiveable lawful "mistake". A parent who assumes responsibility for their child has an obligation to protect that child from harm while under their care. IMO, any parent who attempts to shield a "partner" from any criminal charges toward a child should be prosecuted along with the guilty partner. Love or lust are not loopholes. Our children should be our first priorities.

:loveyou: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :loveyou:

Usually, I LOVE to boldface stuff (ok ok, AND enlarge *ducking*) and elaborate on certain points. But I found that every single statement in yours should be boldfaced, enlarged AND SCREAMED FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS from here to eternity.

Just my way of saying ITA

See, I DID get in a boldface and enlargement. :floorlaugh:

(I really need to go to sleep)
I find it interesting that Billie obviously knows how to dial 911 directly - as evidenced in the Feb 2010 calls when she and SA were fighting - yet suddenly cannot seem to bring herself to do it when Hailey goes missing. Asks CD to call. Then drives around for awhile, then personally goes to the police station. Weird:waitasec:.
I disagree. She does occasionally say ' Shawn says' in the timeline. But more often than not she leaves that out:

"Monday morning, Shawn quit his job."
[ Did he really? I think that is still in dispute. And it is stated here as if it were a fact

"Then he went to his grandmother’s house in Dunn, but they didn’t answer the door, so he came down to I-20. He didn’t come into C. City, just to I-20, and went to Big Spring."

[ Again, this is stated as if it were factual/]

"He got to Big Spring before 8 o’clock, and he knows that because his mother wasn’t, hadn’t left for work yet. He stayed there until just after two."

[ Once again, she says HE KNOWS THAT BECAUSE... making it seem like it is
not in dispute.]

"Hailey left just about 15 minutes after he got here."

[This also reads like a statement of fact.]

"Shawn remained home until he left to go pick me up from work."
[ As does this]

Anyone reading the timeline might assume these statements were not in dispute. IMO

Above BBM.. Not only is what she states"Monday morning..Shawn quit his job" still in dispute here..
Most Importantly LE states that they spoke with Shawn's job and not only did SHAWN NOT QUIT HIS JOB MONDAY..HE WAS NOT FIRED EITHER..He saw his supervisor but did not speak one word..instead left work after 10 mins of being there..without having spoken word one...AND THAT DEFINITELY INCLUDES THAT HE DID NOT QUIT WORK MONDAY...as Billie clearly states that he does..

Unfortunately it is only one of dozens of lies..falsehoods..misleading statements..and statements that just took her daughters case and made it resemble a circus like side show..of ridiculous BS that I am only assuming she and whomever contrived that "timeline" meant to only confuse anything/everything about Hailey's case..with the icing on the cake being the misdirected..inappropriate.. inmature.. teenaged innuendos..
Doesn't sound to me like they have a program that sorts out the electronic data and matches it (or not) to witness accounts. What they DO have, that we do not, is the electronic data!

I've questioned what they have been using also but here's the industry standard.

The industry-standard digital forensic solution; trusted by corporations, law enforcement, and government. EnCase Forensic is fast, powerful, forensically sound, and proven in courts worldwide. A pic shows more...

Well, think about it - - Cindy Anthony made a lot of us bloggers more aware of the "value" of an excited utterance. It is amazing how much the recordings of 911 calls play a huge part in determining what is behind the words expressed.
I wonder why in BD's latest revised timeline she promoted in her press conference she said that CD was expected to call 911. And for what? His daughter was not missing from his home. He did not allow her to go spend the night at a friend's home with no verification. Just what information was he supposed to give the police. He knew nothing of this "story". Who, what, when, where, why? BD was the only one who could go over every detail with LE. How would CD know what HD was wearing? This whole "he dropped the ball" shift needs to bounce right back in BD's lap.

this is IMO

Above BBM.. ITA but Hailey's Daddy is too busy actually out searching and pounding pavement..to even bother with inmature mud slinging ..and as Clint Dunn said himself he will keep searching and appreciates and is blown away at the ppl who care and are helping him in being able to keep searching to find his little girl..lOOKS LIKE HE DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR THE INMATURE INNUENDOS BACK IN HER LAP..

IMO the grant$ would have gone alot further toward helping the parent actually searching for their child and not one that's "calling out" LE and negating/contradicting what is in court docs SOLELY BASED ON their partner's word..partner being THE ONLY POI AND SUSPECT IN HAILEY'S "DISAPPEARANCE"
I've questioned what they have been using also but here's the industry standard.

The industry-standard digital forensic solution; trusted by corporations, law enforcement, and government. EnCase Forensic is fast, powerful, forensically sound, and proven in courts worldwide. A pic shows more...

View attachment 13589
Great Peli! Now where can we get one?..lol
By now surely at least one person has begun the outline for a best-seller mystery novel about this bizarre case. The book will have all the ingredients sure to please a wide variety of readers, including lurid details of Lies, Loss, Love and Lust. While the plot should have revolved around a missing beautiful thirteen-year-old girl, others have vied for larger, more tantalizing roles in this mystery. The novel begins to attract attention of the town when the dominant main character, BD, entered a police station to report that her daughter was not in her house. Many persons have been interviewed, resulting in many conflicting statements . There are some characters who can explain what really happened to the lovely young miss, but they speak in cryptograms and twist the truth this way and that. When BD, the mother, read from her carefully prepared revised script on Monday, it became evident that there are now more puzzles than ever. Intermingled with the pretty faces is the only named POI under intense scrutiny. This would be the live-in boyfriend of BD, a chillingly menacing younger man, SA, who has a penchant for horrific sadistic, or slasher-type films and collects chilling face masks.
A month later, little evidence has been revealed by the hard-working police force. The mystery persists in being the talk-of-the-town, with who, what, when and where yet unanswered. The saddest part in all of this is the most truthful part – HD is still missing. There was no hero to rescue her. She was so young, so beautiful, and somebody took her somewhere, somebody left her, somewhere. Where is HD?

Okay, maybe I can see doing these things first IF she hadn't told Clint to call the police station to announce to them that she was on her way to file a report???

Checking at home, texting her friends, and even going to some of their houses first might be 'consistent' with their fairly lax supervision of Hailey and the responsible thing to do before going to LE. I dunno, maybe LE would have thought that to be the responsible thing to do also.

But WHY have CLINT call LE to announce HER impending arrival, and then purposefully delay that arrival? Is this grandiosity, OR is this a strategy designed to set Clint up? Did she prompt him to "start the chain of reaction" with LE and then get busy herself doing things to make herself look like the "responsible one" between the two of them?

Personally I believe this is all after the fact BS on Billie's part..Lashing out and demeaning Hailey's father because I think she's pissed that Clint and Naomi aren't going thru what her and her lover are{shes made several comments referring to what BD/SA have been "going thru" as normal[tho she keeps using the word "original" meaning the word "normal":crazy:]and I think she's pissed cuz Clint/Naomi are NOT dealing with the same issues..

I just wanna say.."Guess what If you did not lie..deceive..hide..and continue behaving in such a manner then you would not be in the hot seat that you and SA have remained in!". and if I hear the excuse one more time that "its only cuz that want sumthin' to make us look bad..like our not "original"[again where she meant normal]"hobbies"..cuz I wanna say "get a clue!" Clint was arrested for weed{uhh and illegal drug}and we see that is not being "used against him or to look bad"..Because the investigation does not give a chit about your illegal drug use it is the lies..the deceit..the hiding..the blatant covering up evidence{deleting txt in front of LE..etc}

So IMO it is anger.. it is deflection in huge attempt.. and inmature jealousy
that has her lashing out and picking thru and finding ANYTHING SHE CAN TO POINT A FINGER IN HIS OR NAOMI DIRECTION..

But as for the other idea that you mentioned about was she attempting to have Clint "set the plan in motion" so it is not linked back to yet another thing pointing at BD/SA... is valid as well..because honestly several of us have already discussed the odd/random timing of calling DD and having him to summon home sis from MB{why at noon..Billie wouldn't be off for another 7hrs..and certainly is obvious that Hailey went as she pleased quite a bit..so why noon on that PARTICULAR DAY would DD be told to summon Hailey home?????}..many have discussed that it could be so that DD would be the one that would the first to "discover" Hailey was missing..IYKWIM?
Anybody here old enough to remember the Abbott and Costello routine of "who's on first?" I honestly feel like I hear that in my head each night trying to figure this out....who is on first, no what is on second,etc. LOL

Remove BD's statement and insert:

Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.

Costello: Funny names?

Abbott: Nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--

Costello: That's what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the names of the fellows on the St. Louis team.

Abbott: I'm telling you. Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--

Costello: You know the fellows' names?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: Well, then who's playing first?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: I mean the fellow's name on first base.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The fellow playin' first base.

Abbott: Who.

Costello: The guy on first base.

Abbott: Who is on first.

Costello: Well, what are you askin' me for?

Abbott: I'm not asking you--I'm telling you. Who is on first.

Costello: I'm asking you--who's on first?

Abbott: That's the man's name.

Costello: That's who's name?

Abbott: Yes.


Above BBM.. Not only is what she states"Monday morning..Shawn quit his job" still in dispute here..
Most Importantly LE states that they spoke with Shawn's job and not only did SHAWN NOT QUIT HIS JOB MONDAY..HE WAS NOT FIRED EITHER..He saw his supervisor but did not speak one word..instead left work after 10 mins of being there..without having spoken word one...AND THAT DEFINITELY INCLUDES THAT HE DID NOT QUIT WORK MONDAY...as Billie clearly states that he does..

Unfortunately it is only one of dozens of lies..falsehoods..misleading statements..and statements that just took her daughters case and made it resemble a circus like side show..of ridiculous BS that I am only assuming she and whomever contrived that "timeline" meant to only confuse anything/everything about Hailey's case..with the icing on the cake being the misdirected..inappropriate.. inmature.. teenaged innuendos..

Lol...you don't need to say anything when you quit your job, you can just leave if you want to. Its not like they are going to drag you back and chain you to your desk if you don't say "I quit".
Lol...you don't need to say anything when you quit your job, you can just leave if you want to. Its not like they are going to drag you back and chain you to your desk if you don't say "I quit".

Not if you're looking for a good reference. The respectful thing to do is to sit down with your sup and say hey, it's been fun - I'm giving you my 2 week notice. I've been out of the work force a couple of years and hope this isn't the new way of quitting ones job ;)

Lol...you don't need to say anything when you quit your job, you can just leave if you want to. Its not like they are going to drag you back and chain you to your desk if you don't say "I quit".

That is not the issue. SA originally said he was fired after a blow up. Then he said he quit. But originally he said nothing at all and just pretended he still had the job. That is the issue imo.
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