PA PA - Beth Lynn Barr, 6, Pittsburgh, 23 Nov 1977

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Cold Case: The disappearance of a six-year-old girl

PITTSBURGH — It’s a crime that shocked the community and the region. A-six-year old girl swiped right of the street while walking home from school and two years later, her body found in a shallow grave.

43 years later, no one has been charged with the death of Beth Lynn Barr. Now for the very first time, her mother is speaking out about the tragedy.

Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle spoke with Donna Barr about the case.

“We never got to experience her going to school dances, going to college, and I’m sure she would have gotten married and had children,” said Barr.

All of that was taken from Donna Barr on the afternoon of November 23, 1977, when her six-year-old daughter, Beth Lynn, never made it home after an early dismissal from school.

One Day in November

Kidnap-Murder Case Still 'Not A Lost Cause' 34 Years Later


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After our story, police received a four-page, handwritten letter pointing to a possible suspect.

“My first thought was very hopeful, like well maybe this will have some answers and to actually get a physical letter,” said Donna Barr, Beth Lynn Barr’s mother.

The letter, which was not signed, suggest that a deceased former police officer may have abducted and murdered Beth. A witness said she saw the girl talking to a man and then getting in the car with him. No one was ever charged with the crime.

The anonymous author wrote: “In 1977, I was one of many who went to search for this beautiful innocent ‘lil girl. This case has affected me my entire adult life.”

She goes on to say she knows Beth’s parents and then poses a question.

“I am wondering and have been, if someone is deceased, yet worked as a police officer, if perhaps their fingerprints/DNA could possibly help to solve this horrendous heartbreaking case? So that Beth’s soul/spirit, and Charlie and Donna, could finally have closure. I feel so terrible at even writing and sending this to you.”
Anonymous letter responds to decades old cold case
Just a general overview

In these cases, the Killer is usually someone who lives or works in the area , usually in their late 20s to mid 30's , with some exceptions (Prison, or time in treatment)

The killers name is usually known to LE in some fashion, (Volunteer, Interested party, Friend of the family, witness, POI, or suspect etc..) within the first 7-10 days

They have likely interviewed him already as well.

Often identified as "Social Marginals" they tend to be loners, few friends, have very odd ways about themselves.

Slightly more than half live with parents at the time of the crime, slightly less with someone (significant other etc..)

Slightly more than half are strangers unknown to the victim or their family, but in some cases, they are acquainted with the victims family at least.

Its been my experience, that in most cases, of FORCED abductions (IE Physically abducting , grabbing, threatening etc...) the victim turns up deceased.

In most cases, the victim is killed within 1-3 hours following the abduction, which also reveals a staggering fact ... Most children aren't reported missing for 2-4 hours after the abduction has already occurred,.......which means that the child is likely dead before anyone has even noticed they are missing .

Because its high risk to move a body as it is , its extremely high risk to move a body when everyone is going to be looking for them, which in child abduction cases, is almost certain within a few hours

Barring evidence to the contrary, most (almost all) victims are abducted for sexual purposes, selected solely due to the lack of an adult presence at the time.

Its extremely high risk to hold a victim for a period of time, they usually take the victim somewhere to rape them then kill the victim and leave them hidden the sexual component of the crime is often a vehicle

A vehicle is used in approximately 94% of abductions (tell your kids to stay away from them!)

The killer usually takes the victim to a place they are familiar with, hence the spatial relationship we find almost static with these cases, in which the body recovery site, and the murder site are usually within 200 feet of each other , and often one and the same .

Whats surprising is how many actually revisit the body site after , usually within 48 hours, which is why its important to scrutinize reports of any vehicles or people near the recovery area

Its a long shot but hopefully with modern technology they would be able to extract DNA and that would be the best chance of solving this particular crime
I feel like with her being the child of a police officer, she was likely highly warned to not trust unfamiliar adults. I'm convinced that beth knew whoever it was who abducted her.
Wow, I can't believe her case is here. I grew up in Monroeville and I read about this case for years. I lived about a mile from where she was found. As kids we went to the Restland Cemetery to feed the ducks, at the duck pond. I drove past her school about 3 times a week to drop a friend off at home in Wilkinsburg after school, so we saw the kids get out all the time. Her school was Johnson school and she was found on Johnston road, and we knew a guy who was a pedophile with the last name Johnston, so we always thought it was him, because he walked past the cemetery to get to Monroeville from Pitcairn.
May 06, 2021
Major development in cold case investigation of murdered 6-year-old girl
''McCool said some of the evidence in the case was compromised, but he said they still have some important pieces of evidence that could prove pivotal.

“We have stuff, yes we have items, that are beneficial to our cause, yes so and I think, they will come into play very soon,” said McCool.''
THANK YOU Dotr for the link. I hope they get what they need to solve the case.
The thing I found odd about her case was, she was found dressed. They usually leave the victim nude or in a disrespectful way. And the fact she got into a car, or at least he was able to get her in, broad daylight, witnesses all around, makes me think she knew the person or at least trusted him. Any way, glad to hear they are close.
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I wonder if this case and the Cherrie Mahan case can be related? Cherrie, 8, was kidnapped in Winfield Twp. Pennsylvania in 1985. Not seen again after getting off her school bus in front of her house (which was a LONG driveway up) She even resembles Beth.
Particularly since it has now been said the "van with the skiing mural" is NOT part of Cherrie's case.
Cherrie lived only 30 miles from Beth and has never been found.
Sounds like someone stalked these girls and then kidnapped them when there was opportunity perhaps?
The car is the weird aspect. If it was found at a rental agency, belonged to the agency yet had not been rented during this time period, it seems that the number of folks having access to the car would be limited. If this car matched the one seen by the woman at 08:30 am someone has to know the car was unaccounted for. I would assume that an employee of the hotel had the car out and police have followed that trail to a conclusion, but who know?
Good to see Beth's case here. I think Zandy Dudiak, whose work has already been linked, really wanted to solve this but ended up discouraged. One of her later blog posts is fairly depressing. Who knows if anything will come of the "new info" of the last few years.

I've often figured that there has to be more to the rental car story. If it were that simple the case would've been blown open way back then. There has to be a detail that's been left out over the years else that would be the answer.
Good to see Beth's case here. I think Zandy Dudiak, whose work has already been linked, really wanted to solve this but ended up discouraged. One of her later blog posts is fairly depressing. Who knows if anything will come of the "new info" of the last few years.

I've often figured that there has to be more to the rental car story. If it were that simple the case would've been blown open way back then. There has to be a detail that's been left out over the years else that would be the answer.
I really agree with your last.

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