NV-Lawyer fatally shoots former daughter-in-law, fellow attorney in Las Vegas law firm

What was the shooter, Joseph Houston, thinking ?

I'm not a lawyer, but I had a question for anyone here who knows, or has legal experience --- Was it a conflict of interest for the deceased man to be representing his wife, and for JH to be representing the wife's ex husband ?
Should different lawyers have been appointed ?

Regardless, rest in eternal peace to the two victims.
Terrible for their young children and the new baby of Dennis and Ashley P.
What was the shooter, Joseph Houston, thinking ?

I'm not a lawyer, but I had a question for anyone here who knows, or has legal experience --- Was it a conflict of interest for the deceased man to be representing his wife, and for JH to be representing the wife's ex husband ?
Should different lawyers have been appointed ?

Regardless, rest in eternal peace to the two victims.
Terrible for their young children and the new baby of Dennis and Ashley P.
I have been practicing law for 25 years or so (Holy cow that is hard to believe!).
Is this a conflict of interest? No. Is it a good idea? That is a different question. Especially in a domestic law case, emotions run high and having close family as an attorney may not be the best idea. I don't think there was anything unethical about the representation. But I am still absolutely stunned by what happened. I don't understand how Houston thought that this act would someone benefit his grandchildren. It didn't. It is one of the most vile things I have seen. I just assume the cancer was very seriously clouding his thought process.
I have been practicing law for 25 years or so (Holy cow that is hard to believe!).
Is this a conflict of interest? No. Is it a good idea? That is a different question. Especially in a domestic law case, emotions run high and having close family as an attorney may not be the best idea. I don't think there was anything unethical about the representation. But I am still absolutely stunned by what happened. I don't understand how Houston thought that this act would someone benefit his grandchildren. It didn't. It is one of the most vile things I have seen. I just assume the cancer was very seriously clouding his thought process.
Agree totally with this - not unethical, but absolutely an emotional powderkeg. MOO, I hypothesize that Houston thought that unless it can be proven that his son was in on it (remains to be seen), his son will wind up with full and sole custody. I feel like this was some warped belief that he was handing his son a big gift, even as I agree his thinking was likely clouded by illness.
Agree totally with this - not unethical, but absolutely an emotional powderkeg. MOO, I hypothesize that Houston thought that unless it can be proven that his son was in on it (remains to be seen), his son will wind up with full and sole custody. I feel like this was some warped belief that he was handing his son a big gift, even as I agree his thinking was likely clouded by illness.
There is certainly a mess left behind. As the surviving parent, the father would typically be the one to get full custody of the children. But I don't think it is going to be quite that simple here. There were already some conditions on his custody, regarding alcohol etc and perhaps some more issues. Mother was petitioning to get full custody apparently and I'd be interested to know what that motion said. My understanding is that the court gave emergency custody to the children's aunt (sister of the deceased mother). I am honestly not sure how this will proceed. Father will have a right to the children but the I suspect the court is going to be very suspicious of him. Regardless, these children will grow up knowing what happened here. I can't even imagine how that is going to affect them.
There was a lot of discussion locally about whether it's a good idea to have family members representing family members in matters like this. It was quite obviously contentious between the former spouses and, from the sound of it, Ashley had good reason to be afraid for herself and her babies. I don't know how these depositions work but I do question why the ex-husband wasn't there. I'm confident LE is all over it. Based on the few texts her family released, I don't see the ex getting custody of the children anytime soon.
There was a lot of discussion locally about whether it's a good idea to have family members representing family members in matters like this. It was quite obviously contentious between the former spouses and, from the sound of it, Ashley had good reason to be afraid for herself and her babies. I don't know how these depositions work but I do question why the ex-husband wasn't there. I'm confident LE is all over it. Based on the few texts her family released, I don't see the ex getting custody of the children anytime soon.
Have we heard who was being deposed? I'm not sure I have seen that.
Have we heard who was being deposed? I'm not sure I have seen that.
From this article, I believe Kelly Houston, the paternal grandmother was being deposed

“Joe then said to Dennis, ‘Before we start, is there any hope that we can resolve any of the issues for the sake of the kids?’” Rasmussen said. “And Dennis didn’t respond at all. He didn’t even acknowledge the question. There was just nothing and instead, he turned to Kelly and started asking the deposition questions.”

Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
From this article, I believe Kelly Houston, the paternal grandmother was being deposed

“Joe then said to Dennis, ‘Before we start, is there any hope that we can resolve any of the issues for the sake of the kids?’” Rasmussen said. “And Dennis didn’t respond at all. He didn’t even acknowledge the question. There was just nothing and instead, he turned to Kelly and started asking the deposition questions.”

Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
Thanks for the link, that provided a lot of information I hadn't heard before. So the Dennis was taking the deposition of Kelly Houston, the grandmother, who was there with her attorney. About three questions into the depo, Houston started shooting. Wow.
From this article, I believe Kelly Houston, the paternal grandmother was being deposed

“Joe then said to Dennis, ‘Before we start, is there any hope that we can resolve any of the issues for the sake of the kids?’” Rasmussen said. “And Dennis didn’t respond at all. He didn’t even acknowledge the question. There was just nothing and instead, he turned to Kelly and started asking the deposition questions.”

Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
Las Vegas law office shooting survivor recounts heated meeting: 'He was pointing a gun'
This might explain why Dylan, the son, was not present, as he was not needed for the deposition, but his email to Dennis five days before the shooting sure sounds threatening and like he knew what was to come, doesn't it?:

"Five days before the shooting, Dylan Houston, who is also an attorney, emailed Dennis Prince, 'You have no idea what’s coming do you, all your cards are on the table and I haven’t played one [laughing emoji],' according to documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained."

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My hubby is a family law attorney. He has one in his office for protection
I have a friend who makes appearances for uhmm... "contentious divorces" as a child advocate. In urban areas, everyone goes through a metal detector for meetings etc.

But.... she told me that she has had several very scary moments in rural areas where the metal detector is only for those entering the actual Court room. People going to meeting rooms are not screened.

In one case, the people started arguing in Spanish, the husband then got even angrier, went back to his car to "get something". He came back in with.....

Social media photos of his daughter wearing a "bust'in out blouse" and drinking with friends while his ex had custody. My friend said that she almost started crying with relief.
This might explain why Dylan, the son, was not present, as he was not needed for the deposition, but his email to Dennis five days before the shooting sure sounds threatening and like he knew what was to come, doesn't it?:

"Five days before the shooting, Dylan Houston, who is also an attorney, emailed Dennis Prince, 'You have no idea what’s coming do you, all your cards are on the table and I haven’t played one [laughing emoji],' according to documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained."

The email from Dylan certainly doesn't look good, plus it was sent at something like 1:30 a.m.
Keep in mind that this was not an actual court hearing, but just a deposition. Those are typically done in a lawyers office conference room or similar space. I have never attended a deposition that any kind of security. I have had some tense depositions, but never to the point I felt anyone was in danger.
I just hate that this schlub will probably get full custody at some point. The texts he sent his ex-wife were so vile and the fact that he had no qualms doing cocaine and drinking while he had the kids is infuriating. The judge is supposedly adament that the children's interests should come first but as we've seen time and time again, children are often failed by the court system's insistence on giving custody to unfit parents.
Geez, I was taken aback a bit by the age gap of the deceased couple (30 year old woman, 57 year old man) and was even more surprised to read that they’d just had a child six months ago!
I definitely noted that as well. I have my own opinion about those types of situations, but won’t say anymore.
This might explain why Dylan, the son, was not present, as he was not needed for the deposition, but his email to Dennis five days before the shooting sure sounds threatening and like he knew what was to come, doesn't it?:

"Five days before the shooting, Dylan Houston, who is also an attorney, emailed Dennis Prince, 'You have no idea what’s coming do you, all your cards are on the table and I haven’t played one [laughing emoji],' according to documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained."

I personally find it a troubling that DP, the attorney representing his own wife in the custody dispute, refused to respond to the question from JH. It just seems disrespectful and very unprofessional. Of course that was no reason to commit murder.

Quoted from article:

Joe then said to Dennis, ‘Before we start, is there any hope that we can resolve any of the issues for the sake of the kids?’” Rasmussen said. “And Dennis didn’t respond at all. He didn’t even acknowledge the question. There was just nothing and instead, he turned to Kelly and started asking the deposition questions.”
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