Found Deceased Mexico - Jake & Callum Robinson,Jack Carter Rhoad 30’s, Australian, & Friend, surfing trip in the Baja California, 28 April 2024

Heartbroken Perth parents make desperate dash to Mexico

Yes, media have now confirmed that both parents are going.
I hope they are given a police escort/ protection.
It’s a dangerous mission since the three arrested were purportedly running drugs in one way or other.
This is so sad. It’s breaking my heart.

Three guys go on vacation, surf, camp, hot tub and having a great time then nothing.

Vehicle found burnt out, some woman has one of their phones, blood and teeth found in the abandoned tents. For what? Just to steal their stuff?

Just isn’t right. They weren’t hurting anyone. Just having a good time.

I think we all know that the only outcome here is finding their bodies.

So very sorry for their families.

Yes, killing to steal is what it sounds like.
Some people have utterly no moral compass.
Vile, evil criminals.
Oh no... if this is the case, my heart is broken.

<modsnip: referenced post was removed> I can't bear to think about it.

I can't understand why a robbery escalated to murder. It seems a whole lot more complicated for the perps. And the car? Usually cars get stolen and set on fire when they've been used to commit other crimes.

This is just awful - and I haven't seen any other siblings in the family photos. I think the 2 sons were the only children :(
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If stealing the truck were a motive, they didn’t try to disguise it and sell it.
The three probably didn’t carry much cash or anything more valuable than
their phones or surfboards. Three lives were lost for nothing.
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If stealing the truck were a motive, they didn’t try to disguise it and sell it.
The three probably didn’t carry much cash or anything more valuable than
their phones or surfboards. Three lives were lost for nothing.
They could have had a chunk of cash to pay for their air b&b. Some places ask you to bring cash. No amount of cash justifies violence, obviously.
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If stealing the truck were a motive, they didn’t try to disguise it and sell it.
The three probably didn’t carry much cash or anything more valuable than
their phones or surfboards. Three lives were lost for nothing.

The second vehicle, which looks like a dark-colored Lexus or maybe Mercedes in one photos has not yet been described as located.

It's horrible to think 3 lives were lost in a brutal murder, probably for money. The robbery probably got their passports which could be sold, and the surfing stuff, probably some nice electronics.
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It's horrible to think 3 lives were lost in a brutal murder, probably for money. The robbery probably got their passports which could be sold, and the surfing stuff, probably some nice electronics.
IMO, such robbers believe that they're more likely to get away with it, if they take their victim's lives. Whereas most American thieves understand that they're less likely to get away it, and the consequences will be much, much worse.

Horrible. Woke up to this in Melbourne. Feel awful for their families and loved ones.

Yes, it is horrible news for us all to wake up to this morning. :( :( :(

I only hope that Callum and Jake's parents learned this news before they stepped on a plane. It would be even more horrible for them to learn about it mid-journey or upon arrival.

If this is the men (and I think this will be confirmed soon), the only consolation is that they have been found. Their families are not going to wonder endlessly where their boys are.

Mexican authorities have located three bodies in an area of northern
Mexico where two Australians and one American were reported missing, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation.

There are unconfirmed local reports that two of the bodies were found in a well, but other outlets have described the location as 'near a cliff'.
The detainees are: Jesús Gerardo Garica Cota, alias El Kekas, his partner Ari Gisel García Cota, and on whom they found the cell phone of one of the disappeared; as well as Cristian Alejandro García, brother of Kekas. All three were in possession of different drugs at the time of arrest.

They've been found deceased.
So heartbreaking for their loved ones !
Hope justice is swift and as harsh as allowed by law.

Rest in eternal peace, Jake, Callum, and Jack.
Stories like this always get me. Has to be absolutely gut-wrenching and life-changing for their families. RIP to the victims.

This story caught my eye because years ago I once participated in the famous Rosarito to Ensenada Bike Ride.

This is the Original Party on Wheels!! The Rosarito Ensenada is an award-winning 50 mile bicycle ride along the Pacific Coast and inland through rural countryside from Rosarito Beach to Ensenada, plus a Finish Line Fiesta on the Ensenada waterfront with food, drinks and live music until sunset.

The Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Ride started on 1979 when a group of friends decided to ride over the toll free highway from Rosarito to Ensenada, After accomplishing the challenge they realized they had rode exactly 50 miles and this encouraged them to keep coming and bringing together other cyclists to what later became the 50 Mile Fun Bicycle Ride, a concept that prevails until today.

It’s been three decades and now, the Rosarito Ensenada Bike Ride is one of the largest cycling events in the world.

The Rosarito Ensenada Bike Ride | Event History
Three young men, in the prime of their lives, successful and accomplished in their lives. They planned a fabulous trip for a fabulous experience, and forever memories.

Wiped out for absolutely no reason.
I just hope they really have the evil ones and do away with them as quickly as possible.
Authorities think they may have also found the older remains of a 4th deceased person.

Maybe another family is now going to know where their missing family member is.

So heartbreaking for the families of the missing men. As a Perth mum and also from the northern suburbs near them, I am in tears today for the loss of 3 beautiful young men who were so full of life.
I imagine the Robinsons’ must have still been flying when the bodies were discovered? I think I read that it would be about a 30 hour flight to Mexico? It must be horrible to be making such a long journey and have so much time to think.
what was the social media post? I don't see it at the link

Hi LadyL,
The photos in the above news story were taken from Callum’s Instagram reel of Mexico.

Hi LadyL,
The photos in the above news story were taken from Callum’s Instagram reel of Mexico.

I don't see a post at the link, just his IG pictures. The article headline said 'Missing surfer’s chilling last message before vanishing'. That's the post I'm looking for. Or was it just clickbait.

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