I came across this a bit ago but cannot find any information. I've searched for news stories, etc.. Nothing! Is there already a thread regarding this?
By bringing people, information, forensic science and technology together, NamUs helps resolve cases.
With those tattoos it seems like this should be able to be solved. Maybe these were her daughters?
"Emily 10-19-03" with wings & crown
"Tiffany 11-14-98"
Plus three other tattoos that were less detailed.
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I did find a news report of a pedestrian death on I-85 in Charlotte on April 15, 2022. Maybe the date in NamUs is off by a year?
All northbound lanes are currently shut down on I-85 North near Sugar Creek Road after a pedestrian was struck Friday night.
Here's what NamUs describes:
Circumstances of Recovery
Unidentified white female pedestrian hit by several vehicles on 8318 N I-85 Hwy, Charlotte, NC on the night of 4/15/2023. She is suspected to be homeless and may have gone by the name "Aleece."
The 8318 N I-85 address in NamUs is odd. Usually interstate locations are given by mile markers. But the 8300 block of several nearby N Charlotte streets is near the 2022 accident which was reported to be near the Sugar Creek Road /I-85 interchange.
ETA - Since the incident(s) happened on North I-85 at night on the same date I'm leaning toward the NamUs date being off by a year. The news stories I found don't really add any useful details to what NamUs already has, but it might help rule in or out some ID possibilities within a given time window.