SC - Mica Miller, 30 yr old Found Deceased - Pastors Wife's Death Being Investigated, May 2024

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I’d be content if this were a euphemism for “jail,” but if he truly didn’t shoot her, I suppose he will be free as a bird.

Even if his behavior led to her mounting distress.

Hopefully, there will be an audit of all financials,
Mica Miller was ‘afraid for her life’ before death: Police report"
"The report continued, “While I was out with the victim, she received a No Caller ID call which ended up being the suspect, the suspect was advised that the victim does not want any further contact and if he proceeds then warrants may possibly be written up.”

"Shortly after, Miller took her car to the gas station for fuel. It was then that the suspect whom Miller said she believed was responsible for slashing her tires in the first report arrived at the gas station and tried to talk to her, according to police. Miller told the male suspect to go away and leave her alone. She pulled out her phone to record the incident, but then the suspect sped away.

The 30-year-old then drove straight to the local Honda dealer to get her temporary tire replaced. The suspect showed up at the car dealership again, according to police reports. That’s when Miller called the police for a second time that day.

The suspect had left by the time D’Amocamtonio arrived at the dealership. When D’Amocamtonio was with Miller, she received a “No Caller ID” phone call from the suspect, according to police reports. The officer said he talked with the suspect and told him to leave Miller alone, or else he would be cited.
After D’Amocamtonio left the dealership, Miller texted him that the dealership discovered a tracking device on her car, according to police reports. An hour after the incident, Miller was trying to get a restraining order against the suspect at the police department when D’Amocamtonio retrieved her GPS.
D’Amocamtonio was standing outside of the magistrate’s office with Miller when a white Honda Accord slowly drove by the office, and she informed the officer that was the suspect in the car, police reports state. The suspect sped up and drove away."

The "suspect" was clearly stalking her and harassing her.
LE should have immediately brought the husband in.

If the JP had accessed to Mica’s email and credit cards, he may have ordered the tracking device and tool to slice the tires.
I don't want to be the one to say it, but if the full investigation will be over tomorrow, as the email suggests may be the case, we are likely looking at a suicide ruling with nothing to indicate foul play. JMO
I think it is possible he was placed on leave because there is an investigation under way into the Church's finances.

Cody Alcorn
We’re expecting to hear from the sheriff’s office on Tuesday.

Cody Alcorn
The Robeson County Sheriff’s Office said they’re aware that information pertaining to death of Mica Miller has been released by the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office.

Sheriff Burnis Wilkins said he has scheduled a meeting with the family of Mica and will be releasing more detailed information to substantiate the medical examiner findings tomorrow evening.

Sheriff Wilkins is also asking for everyone to please await the full timeline of events before making assumptions and coming to conclusions.

I'm trying to picture my pastor announcing to the entire congregation that he looked at his wife's phone and saw messages from 18 people offering to help her with regard to her husband if she needed it. It's extremely uncommon to say something like that from the pulpit. I'd say it's even more uncommon for the congregation to not call him on it, but here we are.


IMO this “un-pastor” had none of the aspects that are expected of Christians, particularly those who are “shepherds of the flock.”

Where’s the humility? He seemed OUTRAGED when he was announcing this very private situation to his congregation.

Where’s the wisdom and discernment?

His pride was hurt and “pride goeth before a fall.”

Tragically Mica is the one who fell, but I hope his farcical “ministry” is done.

It seems to me that this entire setup was for self-aggrandizement, power and money. And having women who were weak in their choices fall all over him.

R.I.P., Mica. You’ll never know that in the end, your sacrifice has unraveled his schemes and brought him into nationwide disrepute.

Going forward I hope his children and their mother find peace as well.

Transcript from a sermon posted March 11, 2024:
There's a really weird, there's a really weird idea that most, a lot of women have, it's so weird that women have this--Christian women think "well I need somebody to talk to about these people that hurt me I need somebody to talk to" "oh you just need somebody talk just go find somebody talk to". Okay let me give you that person's name that person's name is J-E-S-U-S, Jesus okay that's who you go and talk to. If you want to talk about your own problems Bible says, "confess your own faults one to another then you can be healed," but if you're going to talk about somebody else that's a, that's a demon actually right there.

When my wife went in the hospital, um, you know I looked at her phone and I counted over the past two years 18 people who had text her and said, "if you ever want to talk about your husband you can talk to me and say anything and I'll keep it confidential." How the heck does somebody want to hear what somebody else says about their spouse? And two of those 18 were men! I thought what could--and I was thinking when I read that I thought, you know Mark Xast today he's one of our elders here and Jackie she oversees our New Testament discipleship, could you see Mark calling another woman and saying "you know what I just want to tell you some things about my wife I don't like"? Or could you see Jackie calling a woman or a man either one? No if someone wants to call you and say bad things about somebody else that's a demon talking to you and the only way to respond is with the word of God because see demons love words that line up with what they want. They cannot stand the word of God. So if anyone calls you and says listen "I need to tell you about what my husband's doing my wife"--I tell you you say "listen here's what the Bible says you need to do with that because that's a demon, so there you go okay" "I feel much better".

From the same sermon:
It's funny my enemies think they're going to stop me they're actually putting fuel in my gas tank for me to keep going. Last year you know, my wife, they went to Africa had a wonderful trip--amazing trip --and um, and she came back with the idea to start a school in Africa. And six weeks goes, she goes in the hospital, gets out, and just leaves just completely: leaves me, leaves everything. Drains the bank account and goes. Guess what? While you're talking bad about me out there I'm building a school in Africa for over a hundred kids to be able to be fed. I'm just doing that. I'm doing the work.
[Transcriber's note: JPM speaks very quickly, without pauses between sentences, so it is not entirely clear what he is saying, but I believe he is saying his wife went to Africa, wanted to start a school there, was hospitalized, gets out of the hospital and leaves him and starts talking badly about him along with draining the bank account, and meanwhile he does what she had said she wanted to do and starts a school.]

Now listen, I'm hurting more than I've ever hurt going through so much pain you can't imagine. Last week, I have somebody that's going to donate a plane to our church for me to be able to fly from Florida to Tennessee North Carolina and Georgia for me to go preach at churches. Because listen, God gave me the idea--I don't care about other churches, I care about other pastors. And for some reason I can develop a sermon on tithing, on gossip, on strife, on supporting your pastor, and I can say things to the church that'll bless the pastor. So now I'm getting invitations to speak at other churches all over the states around here and we got a free plane--I can go around this park right here behind the movie theater for $70 a month they keep the plane there--so while you're talking about me on Facebook, look up in the sky and you'll see a Solid Rock logo on a plane, that's me going to Miami! You can't keep me down. You're putting fuel in my plane. And guess who's not going to be in the plane? My enemies. You have to take a taxi if you want to get there. Rejoice not over me my enemies when I have fallen for I will arise." David that said that.

You know three years, ago the elders walked out on me, and got so upset about stuff. The city of Myrtle Beach called us and they said, um, "You guys just won the best house of worship award number one church in all of Myrtle Beach." I thought "I didn't even know that," I said "How does that happen?" They said, "We, we phone call, we poll people all through the community, we look on social media, we see what people are saying, all these different things, and y'all got first place." "Oh that's so cool." Two years ago when we started the school and people started giving me all kinds of problems and headache and things behind the scenes that had nothing to do with the school at all--got upset stabbed me in the back--Myrtle Beach called us again, "Guess what, y'all got best Church of the year two years in a row that's amazing." Last year I'm going through hell in so many areas, my marriage is under attack, Myrtle Beach calls us, "for the first time in the history of Myrtle Beach y'all got the best Church award three years in a row." Now, my wife left me a few weeks ago, I don't even know what I'm doing with my life, the city of Myrtle Beach called us last week--guess what? We got best Church of the year four years in a row. We made it in the business Hall of Fame! No church in South Carolina, in any city in South Carolina has ever gotten it four years, much less four years in a row, and now we're in the business Hall of Fame for that.

Every time you go up in God there's always going to be an enemy. And I pray for you my enemies, I pray that you come to a place of repentance. [Crying] I play, I pray that you realize you're not hurting me, you're hurting the kingdom of God. You can't stop us from building a school, you can't stop me from flying and preaching other you can't stop us from building on 28 Acres you can talk about me you can call my church members you can do whatever you want to do you're not going to stop me, you're not going to stop me!
JPM comes across as quite bitter, IMO. An "F the haters" kind of attitude. It's funny, he's talking about how the desire to speak badly about someone is demonic, even if they deserve it, but he also repeatedly speaks badly about people (his wife, former elders, etc.). He suggests that people who oppose him are enemies of the Kingdom of God.

Something about the way he speaks and frames things reminds me not of a religious leader or even nefarious religious leader, but of the way that abusers in intimate partner relationships can manipulate situations so that their victim feels dumb or guilty.
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Hopefully, there will be an audit of all financials,

LE should have immediately brought the husband in.

If the JP had accessed to Mica’s email and credit cards, he may have ordered the tracking device and tool to slice the tires.
I'm not LE so I'll leave the investigation in their hands.

I think it very possible JP's goal all along was to drive Mica to suicide. I am hoping there is enough evidence of his stalking, tire slashing, emotional abuse to result in felony charges.


Looks like a faintly updated article as before -- or I missed it.
Headline reads like it's a leak away from confirmed:

Pastor's wife Mica Miller's cause of death revealed: Medical examiner confirms 30-year-old died from...

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