UK - Rebecca Joynes, teacher, accused of sex offence against 2 pupils

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What will happen to the Baby girl?
Will she be adopted?
Will she stay in foster family for the time being?
What about the father?
He is still a minor, under 18, no?
Will he be involved in daughter's life?
Will he get custody of her later on?

I'm worried about this child.

Maybe grandparents can take care of the little girl.
Better to stay with family.
A lot will depend on the outcome of the trial IMO - If she is found guilty, then she will probably be put on the SOR and the child may well be permanently removed.

In those circumstances I would doubt that Ms Joynes' parent would be awarded guardianship. Obviously that's MOO, but in my experience kinship care requires that strict conditions are attached to how/when/where contact between the child and the parent takes place. If RJ lives with her parents then that would obviously not be possible and, even if she were to move out, I would imagine that SS and the Family Courts would have concerns about the ability of the senior Joynes' to say "no" to their daughter.

The father is a minor and a SA victim - any custody awarded to him or his parents would necessitate them having contact with Ms Joynes themselves - which I doubt would be seen as ideal.
A lot will depend on the outcome of the trial IMO - If she is found guilty, then she will probably be put on the SOR and the child may well be permanently removed.

In those circumstances I would doubt that Ms Joynes' parent would be awarded guardianship. Obviously that's MOO, but in my experience kinship care requires that strict conditions are attached to how/when/where contact between the child and the parent takes place. If RJ lives with her parents then that would obviously not be possible and, even if she were to move out, I would imagine that SS and the Family Courts would have concerns about the ability of the senior Joynes' to say "no" to their daughter.

The father is a minor and a SA victim - any custody awarded to him or his parents would necessitate them having contact with Ms Joynes themselves - which I doubt would be seen as ideal.

Thank you.
This makes sense.
The well-being of the innocent child is paramount.
I hope authorities will do their best for the little girl.
What does "teacher" mean?

1) a person who imparts knowledge to others,

is endowed with authority
and serves as a role model;

2) a specialist appropriately prepared to conduct teaching and educational work in educational institutions.

This person is not worthy to be called a Teacher.

IMO (as a teacher myself)

I'm disgusted by this case.

When basic values are crumbling,
then Society starts crumbling too.
Um. This happens all. The. Time.
I am not young, and I can recall three instances of this happening at my high school that I knew of - all male teachers with female students. I am sure it happened more often than I knew.
Um. This happens all. The. Time.
I am not young, and I can recall three instances of this happening at my high school that I knew of - all male teachers with female students. I am sure it happened more often than I knew.

I wouldn't know as I live far away from the U.K.

I hope
this doesn't "happen all the time"
(quote from above post)
as it would paint a really grim picture of the state of educational system.
And indicate rather perverse "role models" for the young people attending schools.

After all,
schools' task is to educate and provide positive "role models".

Not corrupt.

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What will happen to the Baby girl?
Will she be adopted?
I'm worried about this child.

Better to stay with family.

Dotta, whether or not it's better to stay with family probably depends on the individual situation. I know sometimes adoptions don't go well. There have been cases here on WS where the adoptive family is alleged to have abused and/or murdered their adopted children. (A case in the US where a little boy ended up in a washing machine, another case in the US - Hawaii to be precise - where a little girl 'disappeared from her bed in the night' and has never been seen again, presumed dead). But here we tend not to read about the adoption cases that go well.

In this case, the 30 yo mother sounds emotionally very immature, so I'm not sure the maternal grandparents would be best for baby. The father sounds much more mature but he was a minor and SA'd as well. I don't think he or the paternal grandparents should be forced into it. Plus, there may be the perfect adoptive family out there!


Joynes has arrived at court each day of her trial with a pink knitted baby bonnet tucked into her trousers.

Denying the baby bonnet was a ploy to 'influence' the jury, Joynes insisted she always had it with her.

'I sleep with this every night,' she added.

She denied bringing the hat in order to win 'sympathy' from the jury – and insisted she hadn't chosen to stand in the witness box out of a desire to ensure they could see it during her evidence today.
This job is NOT for everyone.

One has to have nerves of steel,
kindness, sensitivity, empathy,
ease of establishing contact.

Being fair, demanding and consistent
are vital.

Ability to cope with stress is essential.
Oh, and add a sense of humour.

But, first of all, a teacher must be ETHICAL.

Following the moral standards of this profession.


Joynes has arrived at court each day of her trial with a pink knitted baby bonnet tucked into her trousers.

Denying the baby bonnet was a ploy to 'influence' the jury, Joynes insisted she always had it with her.

'I sleep with this every night,' she added.

She denied bringing the hat in order to win 'sympathy' from the jury – and insisted she hadn't chosen to stand in the witness box out of a desire to ensure they could see it during her evidence today.
*Massive eye roll.*
What does sleeping with it every night have to do with bringing it to court? Nothing. Of course it's an attempt at sympathy and manipulation. Even if she carried the baby hat with her everywhere she goes at every moment of her life, she could carry it in her bag. It's a private gesture. Unless of course, it benefits you to make a scene of it. I hope it's being seen for what it is
*Massive eye roll.*
What does sleeping with it every night have to do with bringing it to court? Nothing. Of course it's an attempt at sympathy and manipulation. Even if she carried the baby hat with her everywhere she goes at every moment of her life, she could carry it in her bag. It's a private gesture. Unless of course, it benefits you to make a scene of it. I hope it's being seen for what it is
Arriving back in court today, photographs in the article still show the pink bonnet tucked in her waistband Teacher accused of having sex with two pupils arrives at court
Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears

It's all "woe is me" with this woman. Absolutely everything is viewed through the prism of her own incredibly immature feelings, with zero regard for literally anyone else IMO. Not for the children she groomed and abused, or their families, or the impact on other children whose final GCSE year she distracted from. Nor for her own parents, sibling, child or extended family, as far as I can see. MOO
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She is thirty years old.
She has been teaching for some years.
Do we seriously think this was the first time?
oh i agree with you this isn't her 1st or now as alleged 2nd offence. She will 100 percent re offend as proven whilst on bail. She must be jailed put on the sex offenders register and we can only hope properly monitored. There will be many vulnerable children that need to be protected from her. i still can't get over the cheery demeanour of her father, smiling and waving enroute to court. I get shes his daughter and he wants to support her but surely head down no eye contact and get into court, it's like it doesn't seem a big deal to either of them. Perhaps they are cut from the same cloth personality wise. The whole thing is just vile.
"Speaking about how she 'opened up' to Boy B,
Joynes said she helped him with maths questions he needed help with –
despite her bail conditions at the time barring her from unsupervised contact with under 18s.

Joynes yesterday told the court she took 'flirtatious' messages he sent her –
'Get your t***s out' and
'Show us your bunda' –
as 'a joke'.

'I genuinely believed he cared about how I was feeling,'
she said."


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They are giving me serious Romeo and Juliet vibes Dotta !
Given Ms Joynes' verbally demonstrated English skills in court, its just possible that she believes Juliet was twice Romeo's age and was into coercive control :rolleyes:

Quite what Shakespeare would have made of "Show us your bunda" will thankfully forever remain a mystery.
From the link above:

"The boy claimed Joynes told him it was
'nearly impossible' for her to get pregnant because she had polycystic ovary syndrome.

But he recalled how the teacher broke the news to him on 'date night'.

He said she had ordered pizza and scattered rose petals and an Ann Summers scratchcard of sexual activities around her flat.

She then presented him with a babygrow that said

'I love my daddy to the moon and back'."

This scene looks like an excerpt from a romantic novel.
(But the hero is a trapped schoolboy).

As if the accused was living in the imaginary world of her own.
(And had power to write the script).

This^^^^ and her constant holding a child's bonnet

make me think AGAIN that a Baby was probably her objective.

IMO this is a psychiatric case.

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Back in court, this time holding the pink bonnet, apologies for the Sun 'newspaper' Link Teacher, 30, who 'had sex with two students' arrives at court supported by dad
What is it with her father being constantly touching her? He's either got his arm through hers or around her waist in every single picture taken as they head to court each day.

I realise that he's supporting her because she's his child, but the degree of physical contact by him just feels weirdly inappropriate to me. Just MO of course - maybe it's me that's weird.
What is it with her father being constantly touching her? He's either got his arm through hers or around her waist in every single picture taken as they head to court each day.

I realise that he's supporting her because she's his child, but the degree of physical contact by him just feels weirdly inappropriate to me. Just MO of course - maybe it's me that's weird.

I noticed it too :rolleyes:
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