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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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1:43 p.m. Lori was in Hawaii at the time they were texting. The last message from Chad says, “I know exactly how you feel. I’m feeling sad. But it isn’t for the reason everyone thinks.”

1:41 p.m.
The morning after Tammy died, on Oct. 20, Lori sends a text to Chad saying she is missing him and she needs him to hold her tight. Lori asks about him flying to Hawaii and maybe she should just return home. Chad asks Lori to come home so they can spend the night together. He says he needs to take care of the financials. Chad tells her to look for a condo for them. I want to get working on the Lilly workout plan – “tan my skin, grow out my hair, flatten my stomach.”

So why was Samantha and Jason's 12 y/o daughter possessed by an evil spirit?

Did she think Uncle Chad was creepy? Maybe she was talking about how much she misses Aunt Tammy too much?

12 y/o is old enough to "sus things out."
He does seem to have a spiteful resentment of teenage girls. I know twelve isn't quite teenage, but it's close enough. And he seemed to have loathed Tylee from the off.

I can't help but think of Elmer Fudd when I hear him talk. Some of you probably don't remember the old cartoon where Elmer Fudd was always hunting the rascal Bug's Bunny.
He does seem to have all the charisma and gravitas of wallpaper paste. Whenever he opens his mouth, I can't get over how awkward and creepy he is, and just how poor a speaker. His talks in sacrament meeting must have sent people right to sleep.

This whole thing would be comical if it didn't have a body count.

I wish I could see the jury’s faces. It seems to me that the last two witnesses have painted a pretty clear picture of CD’s involvement and I keep wondering whether the jury sees it the same way. I might not be able to tell much from looking at their faces but I would be watching them for sure. I was not so sure the prosecution wasn’t losing the jury yesterday with all the talk about AC’s device locations and not enough about CD’s involvement but think they did a much better job today of showing the big picture.
That may be so, but I think clarity of fact is important, and you did state they were all dark 'from the beginning', and the only one you named who actually was on this original list was Tylee.
Clarity is important but I was going back to testimony I heard in this trial. As so many have. Please forgive me, if you can.
Didn’t they just get back from lunch?
They had only been back from lunch for less than an hour when the Judge decided it was time for the mid-afternoon break! They'll be back at 2:15 pm, go for another hour, then the Judge will say it's time to go home. (That's the latest prediction from my Ouija board!)
I can’t help but wonder what Lori’s reaction will be if she is told Chad was found guilty, and even more so if she is told he got the death penalty.

At first I can imagine her anger that Chad messed up more than Alex did. And the shock when she realizes he is not a god nor a prophet and that she is no goddess.

Then I can imagine a complete mental breakdown when she realizes she murdered her children for NOTHING. And was responsible for the deaths of Charles and Tammy and Alex.
Clarity is important but I was going back to testimony I heard in this trial. As so many have. Please forgive me, if you can.
No forgiveness needed! I wasn't being snippy, I'm sorry if it came across that way. I just feel it's important to be accurate, that's all. It's so easy for something to get repeated and grow legs, and when there's an inaccuracy in it, it becomes difficult for folks to know what's correct. That's why I linked to the source. It wasn't personal, I assure you.
I can’t help but wonder what Lori’s reaction will be if she is told Chad was found guilty, and even more so if she is told he got the death penalty.

At first I can imagine her anger that Chad messed up more than Alex did. And the shock when she realizes he is not a god nor a prophet and that she is no goddess.

Then I can imagine a complete mental breakdown when she realizes she murdered her children for NOTHING. And was responsible for the deaths of Charles and Tammy and Alex.
And MGibb was right all along, she WAS being deceived and led astray. She IS Korihor afterall!
WOW. One part Nate Eaton skipped over that I think is important is LVD saying: "What I'm saying is that it's a combination of only, you know, five problems..."

1. Charles
2. Tylee
3. JJ
4. Tammy

5. Alex? Brandon?
Was that from a recording played in court today?
I can’t help but wonder what Lori’s reaction will be if she is told Chad was found guilty, and even more so if she is told he got the death penalty.

At first I can imagine her anger that Chad messed up more than Alex did. And the shock when she realizes he is not a god nor a prophet and that she is no goddess.

Then I can imagine a complete mental breakdown when she realizes she murdered her children for NOTHING. And was responsible for the deaths of Charles and Tammy and Alex.
I think if that happens, she'll remain convinced it will turn out fine until they pronounce him. And even then, I think she'll come up with a way for him to be the Second Coming and fling open the prison gates to release her.

She's never going to let go of her delusions, IMO. They make her too happy. She's a goddess, she's a warrior, she's Jesus's chosen one, with her soulmate through the lives by her side. Everything she does is absolutely fine, because 'it doesn't count for her', because she's already as exalted as she can be.

Who is she without it? A washed up, aging hair stylist with five failed marriages who committed adultery for a loser who mooched off his wife and wrote apocalypse fan fiction, and who murdered her children for no good reason and no lasting benefit. Who would want to be her?

On the jailhouse call Lori says to Chad that, looking back, there are things she could have done to have reduced the risks to the 'plan', but they weren't made aware of the extent of the risks in the blueprints. (Seems like a jab at Chad to me.)

Chad replies that he is thinking of previous 'blueprints' where the people weren't warned either.
(I guess the information he received from beyond the veil wasn't perfect. What kind of prophet is he anyway?)
I wonder if Chad’s reference to previous blueprints meant he had killed — or arranged killings — before.
I think the prosecution should make a distinction between JP’s claim that CD has not been implicated in the murder of CV or attempted murder of BB. AZ did not say he was not implicated but that he was not being charged as they didn’t think they had enough to prove it. And I’m not so sure they couldn’t glean enough of the info revealed in this trial to change their minds and charge him at some point down the line if they chose to do so.
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