NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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Yes. I have had several family members die at a hospital ER and our family did leave after the death.

In this case, LE did testify that the father left AFTER the child was pronounced dead so what exactly did you expect the father to do? The nurse who testified also admitted she was a member of the mother's social media website that was bashing the father non-stop.

Well, in my considerable experience (17 years as a funeral director and a grandparent to a child who sadly died), parents whose children have died universally hold their beloved child in their arms until long after all residual warmth has left their soft limbs.

They cry and rock their little ones and try to commit every last whorl of hair and freckle to memory because this is the last time that they will be able to hold that precious weight in their arms. Hospitals understand this need - it's why they provide cold cots to extend the time that grieving parents can spend with their child.

That's what I expect the father to do.

NOTE some articles state Christopher left the hospital at 4:36 pm, 20 minutes before Corey's death. Some include both contradictory times

This is because, for some GODFORSAKEN AND RIDICULOUS REASON, the time stamps on the security camera were inaccurate at that medical center (tf?)--Nurse Carnevale says as much, when prosecutor asks her if the time is accurate, she says NO.

It's shocking and so ridiculous that the hospital doesn't have accurate time stamps on something as critical as a security camera.

I'm going with what was stated in court and clarified.

Just FYI all, there is an ignore button which helps me navigate this site with much ease. Heart emoji.
The long hours of practise begin. He'd have to have a coach to get him to appear at least average. ... I want to see this man in the witness box, that little clip of him being spoken with by the Tennessee highway patrol was a real eye opener, to me, it was odd to see him so animated and , as expected, offended and resentful at being questioned.

So far , in court, he maintains a Moai face, he has slipped a few times, once a tear rolled down his little cheek, but it was in an odd context,... I think it was when his dad was talking about his education. ... the tear did not fit the occasion.,.

Many a slip twixt cup and lip, though., .. the very thought of it may paralyse him, he may turn tail... anything.

( Moai.... Moai )

( Edit)... I do think Mario was being a bit shifty and evasive about this matter. Why not say, my cient will be on the stand?. all this round about hints and devious patter is a bit concerning. To me. )
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The long hours of practise begin. He'd have to have a coach to get him to appear at least average. ... I want to see this man in the witness box, that little clip of him being spoken with by the Tennessee highway patrol was a real eye opener, to me, it was odd to see him so animated and , as expected, offended and resentful at being questioned.

So far , in court, he maintains a Moai face, he has slipped a few times, once a tear rolled down his little cheek, but it was in an odd context,... I think it was when his dad was talking about his education. ... the tear did not fit the occasion.,.

Many a slip twixt cup and lip, though., .. the very thought of it may paralyse him, he may turn tail... anything.

( Moai.... Moai )

( Edit)... I do think Mario was being a bit shifty and evasive about this matter. Why not say, my cient will be on the stand?. all this round about hints and devious patter is a bit concerning. To me. )
I don't believe it. That he'll testify.
I think he is just putting his wet finger in the air to see which side dries first. On the other hand I would like to hear cg's answer as to whether biting a 6 year old on the head makes him feel strong. I'm a little worried that the jury may not realize the jerk picked his son up by his clothes so he wouldn't have to touch him. And, the biting, I didn't notice it the first couple of times I watched. Was the far away version shown to the jury or one of the close ups?
Well, in my considerable experience (17 years as a funeral director and a grandparent to a child who sadly died), parents whose children have died universally hold their beloved child in their arms until long after all residual warmth has left their soft limbs.

They cry and rock their little ones and try to commit every last whorl of hair and freckle to memory because this is the last time that they will be able to hold that precious weight in their arms. Hospitals understand this need - it's why they provide cold cots to extend the time that grieving parents can spend with their child.

That's what I expect the father to do.

My daughter is a Nicu NP and her husband is a nurse and their child died in NICU. The children’s specialty hospital unit provided a private room for the family to spend precious hours with their baby. My daughter and her husband cherish those memories for a lifetime.
A loving and caring parent does not walk out when child is dying.
My daughter is a Nicu NP and her husband is a nurse and their child died in NICU. The children’s specialty hospital unit provided a private room for the family to spend precious hours with their baby. My daughter and her husband cherish those memories for a lifetime.
A loving and caring parent does not walk out when child is dying.
I know, my fellow traveller. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your grandchild, and for the experience of watching your own child in such pain and distress while feeling completely helpless ♡
My daughter is a Nicu NP and her husband is a nurse and their child died in NICU. The children’s specialty hospital unit provided a private room for the family to spend precious hours with their baby. My daughter and her husband cherish those memories for a lifetime.
A loving and caring parent does not walk out when child is dying.

I am not so sure that we can determine guilt on this alone. People react differently in medical situations depending on their resiliency.

So sorry for your loss, and their loss.
Let's remember that Mario Gallucci is a reality star.... he is likely thrilled that he is being discussed, even though his client is perceived as guilty by a huge percentage of the public. He's getting national exposure here, and I think he loves the limelight.

If he teases that Christopher is testifying, it gets him airtime.... at any point he can bring up something that's come up that will prevent him testifying, even if it's on Friday morning. Look what happened with Detective Mitchell of Barnegat. You'd think he'd be useful to defense if they were going to call him, but he was abruptly taken off the list. There is no obligation for anyone to testify.

Mario's playing the long game here and enjoying all the attention.

(I don't think we'll see Christopher on the stand. Let's come up with questions for the prosecution...

- is that you depicted in the gym room with your son, Corey?
- is this you, picking him up, it appears you are biting him in the head?
- if not, what is happening here?
- is this a form of discipline?
- why does Corey know how to turn on the treadmill?
- how did he get bruises on his back and on flat surfaces of his body playing non contact flag football?
- was Corey vomiting at this time when you took the selfie with him at 206pm? Or was that after?
- Did Corey walk the dog with you on that day he went into hospital?
- Why did you cancel the appointment with the specialist at noon that day?

What else, folks?
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I don't believe it. That he'll testify.
It is such an unlikely scenario. I want it, but that does not mean it will happen.

He has already shown Mario that he cannot be trusted to be rational or even the slightest bit obedient to instructions and advice. The recorded phone call tells us, and tells the prosecutors, and certainly tells Mario that he has real trouble sitting right next to him. And not your ordinary nonsense, but real uncontrolled crazy, the kind of crazy that no one can predict or contain. There is no known logic to that call, and Mario knows he has a bag of nuts to deal with.

That kind of cultivated crazy that simply ignores all known parameters and plows on , louder, on the chosen path.

Mario knows this, his Dad and Sis know this, Mama knows it, and the good lady prosecutors are finely tuned to it.

What will be interesting is, will we see the Moai Man, the man who rarely blinks, the slightest twitch of an eyebrow, a tiny little moue, the smallest turn of the head, but 95% staring straight ahead, all day, every day. OR...

will we see Mr Animated Cornpone man, in the silly singlet, and the Tennessee cops good pal, co-operative, explaining in detail, hands waving, hands on hip , telling them the story of his ( possibly fantastical ) brain injury, yapping on a mile a minute, blab, blab, you'd think he was addressing a convention. Everybody's pal. Just a guy driving along with his girlfriend..

And this little vid clip of his car stop is 24 hours after his only son's death. 24 hours. You'd never know that, watching him making a social occasion of a traffic stop.
Mario intimated the same thing to the judge about his client testifying. I get the skepticism from everyone but as I said in my other comments I think this defendant is the type to want to testify. Wild horses won’t keep him from the stand. Also, I have never seen a defense atty speak to the media in the middle of a trial about what’s coming next. Mario is a true reality star because he’s giving a “And next week…” preview on the drama to come next week. Smh. JMO
I really can’t pick up what he is saying!

I tried since it was making me mad they'd release such crap video.

I'm going with timestamps from this shorter video.
this is.... April 4 around 11:30am. EASTER SUNDAY
(Corey died April 2nd, 5:03pm, GOOD FRIDAY)

This police encounter is 43 hours after his death. One day PLUS 18 hours.

10:30 Timestamp
A blonde figure (we know is Laura because of text to her "I'm heree" at 11:17am on 4/5.) She walks out of passenger side, she is walked over toward Pizza Hut*, and searched. Presumably speaking with officer.

Laura's side of story told by one officer to another.

She's known Christopher for about 2 years, just flew in from NJ into Alcoa, Tennessee. Also something about he was pulled over for speeding.

[Christopher more audible]
"She asked me yesterday if she could fly out"
"I'm freaking out right now because there's like police cars"
"I went to grad school, too. And I was a math teacher"
"Those that can't do, teach"
"It's been _________ past two years to say the least"
"She wanted to be with me for the drive home, she also might or might not stay"
"One of the main reasons, was She didn't feel comfortable driving with me another 13 hours after I've drove, driven so much already"
"I haven't slept well as you can imagine"
"Like numb at this point with everything going on and this now I'm a little freaked out"
"My attorney is...."
"I played football"
"When I first got out of the car and you searched me"
"If that was you I apologize"
"There's nothing that I'm hiding, I'm really not, so I'm not worried"
"He didn't have any bruising... I knew when he got home and I knew something was wrong in my gut.... should have took him"
"A lot of me thinks like you know this was partially my fault because..."
"Still be alive..... If I never came back from Baltimore and filed for custody.... that's been going through my head this whole drive"
"They planted marijuana in my vehicle before and I got arrested for that in New Jersey"
"She's a special kind of dirtbag"
"When I was in Maryland teaching, I got my masters degree from Johns Hopkins in special education"
"My brother's in California.. go visit him"
"I left at 5:35 Friday afternoon"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Flight times"
"It doesn't make sense but... it's fine."
"I remember at one point... it was Texakana? Or Texacado? Maybe. It's possible I remember seeing that but I'm not sure"
" I got to Nashville yesterday at like 6 in the afternoon, ate dinner, had a drink. And then I got the hotel room, called her, and went to sleep"
"Heading straight back to New Jersey that was my intention"


"My legs don't feel great right now"

42:26 (stands up)
"My dad was a state trooper in New Jersey , very much respected... UNLIKE most people in New Jersey "
"Just curious why... I'm not saying it's your guyses fault as a department but wondering it's taking so long to get a car identification.... "
"It is Easter and I understand that.... "
"Did they say when it originated, the search warrant?"
Yeah don't get me started on my commentary on this.

NONE of this video will be shared with jury so Mario Balucci likely presented this in court just SO it would become internet fodder. Maybe he hopes jury members might see it and admit to it.
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The problem for CG on the stand is that he must convince the jury that he was a loving father, incapable of hurting his child. But whatever he says, there is the CG of the video, making the case that he is an abuser. How can he ‘practice’ to refute the ‘testimony’ of his own abusive behavior?.

In my opinion, CG grew up with a very strict and demanding Father. Once he was on his own at school, he cut loose and was sent home in disgrace. Maybe part of the reason he never went away to school again…was because Dad felt he needed supervision to graduate.

CG finally gets off on his own and there is another incident, and the news about Corey. Soon, he is living in his Father's house again. Now he is being also supervised by Dad on how to ‘father.’ When he came home from work, Dad was probably there, insisting he review schoolwork, have play time, etc. There were advantages to living at his parents, but I am guessing the desire for ‘freedom’ outweighed those advantages.

So he moves to his ‘bachelor pad.’ But his freedom is now burdened by having this child all on his own. Did he take Corey on his dates? It doesn’t seem he is ‘utilizing’his parents anymore.

I believe he was stealthy in how he hurt Corey because he still needed/wanted his Father’s approval. Just like the treadmill, my guess is that he slammed footballs into him, tackled him hard, all things that could be excused away and the malevolence not articulated by a 6 yr old child. In my opinion, he took it too far that morning.

I would like to hear the actual tape of the call his Father made to the police that morning. Did he say…’unattended’ or ‘unintended?’ Was Dad expecting the police to comfort his ‘unattended’ son? Corey was the one…unattended who died alone. Was he asking for police to protect him from maternal relatives that were not even informed? Or was he getting ahead of his son’s latest problem…insisting that the child’s death was ‘unintended.’

I felt the Father was flustered during that part of his first testimony and took care to say he couldn’t remember whether he said “unattened” or “unintended.”

I tried since it was making me mad they'd release such crap video.

I'm going with timestamps from this shorter video.
this is.... April 4 around 11:30am. EASTER SUNDAY
(Corey died April 2nd, 5:03pm, GOOD FRIDAY)

This police encounter is 43 hours after his death. One day PLUS 18 hours.

10:30 Timestamp
A blonde figure (we know is Laura because of text to her "I'm heree" at 11:17am on 4/5.) She walks out of passenger side, she is walked over toward Pizza Hut*, and searched. Presumably speaking with officer.

Laura's side of story told by one officer to another.

She's known Christopher for about 2 years, just flew in from NJ into Alcoa, Tennessee. Also something about he was pulled over for speeding.

[Christopher more audible]
"She asked me yesterday if she could fly out"
"I'm freaking out right now because there's like police cars"
"I went to grad school, too. And I was a math teacher"
"Those that can't do, teach"
"It's been _________ past two years to say the least"
"She wanted to be with me for the drive home, she also might or might not stay"
"One of the main reasons, was She didn't feel comfortable driving with me another 13 hours after I've drove, driven so much already"
"I haven't slept well as you can imagine"
"Like numb at this point with everything going on and this now I'm a little freaked out"
"My attorney is...."
"I played football"
"When I first got out of the car and you searched me"
"If that was you I apologize"
"There's nothing that I'm hiding, I'm really not, so I'm not worried"
"He didn't have any bruising... I knew when he got home and I knew something was wrong in my gut.... should have took him"
"A lot of me thinks like you know this was partially my fault because..."
"Still be alive..... If I never came back from Baltimore and filed for custody.... that's been going through my head this whole drive"
"They planted marijuana in my vehicle before and I got arrested for that in New Jersey"
"She's a special kind of dirtbag"
"When I was in Maryland teaching, I got my masters degree from Johns Hopkins in special education"
"My brother's in California.. go visit him"
"I left at 5:35 Friday afternoon"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Flight times"
"It doesn't make sense but... it's fine."
"I remember at one point... it was Texakana? Or Texacado? Maybe. It's possible I remember seeing that but I'm not sure"
" I got to Nashville yesterday at like 6 in the afternoon, ate dinner, had a drink. And then I got the hotel room, called her, and went to sleep"
"Heading straight back to New Jersey that was my intention"


"My legs don't feel great right now"

42:26 (stands up)
"My dad was a state trooper in New Jersey , very much respected... UNLIKE most people in New Jersey "
"Just curious why... I'm not saying it's your guyses fault as a department but wondering it's taking so long to get a car identification.... "
"It is Easter and I understand that.... "
"Did they say when it originated, the search warrant?"
Yeah don't get me started on my commentary on this.

NONE of this video will be shared with jury so Mario Balucci likely presented this in court just SO it would become internet fodder. Maybe he hopes jury members might see it and admit to it.
Thank you for doing this. Very helpful.

When he had to sit down because his "legs didn't feel so great", I wish the universe would have provided him a treadmill. On high.

I'm not all that impressed with his boasts. Behind all that fancy education, he's a woman user, child abuser, on trial for the murder of aa six year old. Not a great resumé.


I tried since it was making me mad they'd release such crap video.

I'm going with timestamps from this shorter video.
this is.... April 4 around 11:30am. EASTER SUNDAY
(Corey died April 2nd, 5:03pm, GOOD FRIDAY)

This police encounter is 43 hours after his death. One day PLUS 18 hours.

10:30 Timestamp
A blonde figure (we know is Laura because of text to her "I'm heree" at 11:17am on 4/5.) She walks out of passenger side, she is walked over toward Pizza Hut*, and searched. Presumably speaking with officer.

Laura's side of story told by one officer to another.

She's known Christopher for about 2 years, just flew in from NJ into Alcoa, Tennessee. Also something about he was pulled over for speeding.

[Christopher more audible]
"She asked me yesterday if she could fly out"
"I'm freaking out right now because there's like police cars"
"I went to grad school, too. And I was a math teacher"
"Those that can't do, teach"
"It's been _________ past two years to say the least"
"She wanted to be with me for the drive home, she also might or might not stay"
"One of the main reasons, was She didn't feel comfortable driving with me another 13 hours after I've drove, driven so much already"
"I haven't slept well as you can imagine"
"Like numb at this point with everything going on and this now I'm a little freaked out"
"My attorney is...."
"I played football"
"When I first got out of the car and you searched me"
"If that was you I apologize"
"There's nothing that I'm hiding, I'm really not, so I'm not worried"
"He didn't have any bruising... I knew when he got home and I knew something was wrong in my gut.... should have took him"
"A lot of me thinks like you know this was partially my fault because..."
"Still be alive..... If I never came back from Baltimore and filed for custody.... that's been going through my head this whole drive"
"They planted marijuana in my vehicle before and I got arrested for that in New Jersey"
"She's a special kind of dirtbag"
"When I was in Maryland teaching, I got my masters degree from Johns Hopkins in special education"
"My brother's in California.. go visit him"
"I left at 5:35 Friday afternoon"
"I couldn't sleep"
"Flight times"
"It doesn't make sense but... it's fine."
"I remember at one point... it was Texakana? Or Texacado? Maybe. It's possible I remember seeing that but I'm not sure"
" I got to Nashville yesterday at like 6 in the afternoon, ate dinner, had a drink. And then I got the hotel room, called her, and went to sleep"
"Heading straight back to New Jersey that was my intention"


"My legs don't feel great right now"

42:26 (stands up)
"My dad was a state trooper in New Jersey , very much respected... UNLIKE most people in New Jersey "
"Just curious why... I'm not saying it's your guyses fault as a department but wondering it's taking so long to get a car identification.... "
"It is Easter and I understand that.... "
"Did they say when it originated, the search warrant?"
Yeah don't get me started on my commentary on this.

NONE of this video will be shared with jury so Mario Balucci likely presented this in court just SO it would become internet fodder. Maybe he hopes jury members might see it and admit to it.
Thanks for posting that. Hard for me to understand the vid.

Again, I am convinced MG does not like his client very much. Just reminds jury how far CG ran. And yes, so many comments.....he was headed to CA or MX IMO. But, he wanted company, so Laura flew to closest airport.
The problem for CG on the stand is that he must convince the jury that he was a loving father, incapable of hurting his child. But whatever he says, there is the CG of the video, making the case that he is an abuser. How can he ‘practice’ to refute the ‘testimony’ of his own abusive behavior?.

In my opinion, CG grew up with a very strict and demanding Father. Once he was on his own at school, he cut loose and was sent home in disgrace. Maybe part of the reason he never went away to school again…was because Dad felt he needed supervision to graduate.

CG finally gets off on his own and there is another incident, and the news about Corey. Soon, he is living in his Father's house again. Now he is being also supervised by Dad on how to ‘father.’ When he came home from work, Dad was probably there, insisting he review schoolwork, have play time, etc. There were advantages to living at his parents, but I am guessing the desire for ‘freedom’ outweighed those advantages.

So he moves to his ‘bachelor pad.’ But his freedom is now burdened by having this child all on his own. Did he take Corey on his dates? It doesn’t seem he is ‘utilizing’his parents anymore.

I believe he was stealthy in how he hurt Corey because he still needed/wanted his Father’s approval. Just like the treadmill, my guess is that he slammed footballs into him, tackled him hard, all things that could be excused away and the malevolence not articulated by a 6 yr old child. In my opinion, he took it too far that morning.

I would like to hear the actual tape of the call his Father made to the police that morning. Did he say…’unattended’ or ‘unintended?’ Was Dad expecting the police to comfort his ‘unattended’ son? Corey was the one…unattended who died alone. Was he asking for police to protect him from maternal relatives that were not even informed? Or was he getting ahead of his son’s latest problem…insisting that the child’s death was ‘unintended.’

I felt the Father was flustered during that part of his first testimony and took care to say he couldn’t remember whether he said “unattened” or “unintended.”

I also believe, CG's only reason to ask for custody was to avoid his financial responsibilities to Corey and his mother. And when there is the type of shared custody they had, I imagine he did not have to give Corey's mom a cent. And he did not even know what Corey's health insurance card was?

I bet it was CG's mother that wanted him to get a home of his own. Is Grandpa feeling any guilt in this? He was retired, so why not just raise Corey at this point? They knew CG's past.
It is such an unlikely scenario. I want it, but that does not mean it will happen.

He has already shown Mario that he cannot be trusted to be rational or even the slightest bit obedient to instructions and advice. The recorded phone call tells us, and tells the prosecutors, and certainly tells Mario that he has real trouble sitting right next to him. And not your ordinary nonsense, but real uncontrolled crazy, the kind of crazy that no one can predict or contain. There is no known logic to that call, and Mario knows he has a bag of nuts to deal with.

That kind of cultivated crazy that simply ignores all known parameters and plows on , louder, on the chosen path.

Mario knows this, his Dad and Sis know this, Mama knows it, and the good lady prosecutors are finely tuned to it.

What will be interesting is, will we see the Moai Man, the man who rarely blinks, the slightest twitch of an eyebrow, a tiny little moue, the smallest turn of the head, but 95% staring straight ahead, all day, every day. OR...

will we see Mr Animated Cornpone man, in the silly singlet, and the Tennessee cops good pal, co-operative, explaining in detail, hands waving, hands on hip , telling them the story of his ( possibly fantastical ) brain injury, yapping on a mile a minute, blab, blab, you'd think he was addressing a convention. Everybody's pal. Just a guy driving along with his girlfriend..

And this little vid clip of his car stop is 24 hours after his only son's death. 24 hours. You'd never know that, watching him making a social occasion of a traffic stop.
I wish the jury could see him in motor mouth mode, flabby arms, gesticulating and gf frisked. So far, although I have his number, (having met a few pretty boy, weak, pouty-lipped momma's boys)........if I were a juror he appears to be a quiet guy, a few discreet tears, obediently sitting, adequately dressed. Far less prone to tears than Dad.
Question... That day BM was on the stand someone spoke against court ruies and said they paid for Corey's funeral, at which she snapped "no you didn't". Was that CG?
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