SC - Mica Miller, 30 yr old Found Deceased - Pastors Wife's Death Being Investigated, May 2024 #2

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For anyone still wondering who runs Solid Rock at Market Common, from their website. Keep in mind that the people in all of these positions were likely hand-picked by the founder and owner of the church JPM...

There may be a meeting of the entire Body called by the Leadership in times of great decisions or crisis, but the general governmental decisions of the ministry are made by the Pastor, with encouragement from the Board of Trustees and advice from the leadership of the church (the Deacons, Deaconesses, and Elders).

Our Trustees:
Solid Rock is incorporated with the State of South Carolina as a non-profit church organization. The laws of S.C. and of the U.S. require that legal entities like Solid Rock have at least 2 trustees or more to incorporate. The Function of the Trustee Board is to guarantee that the corporation maintains its non-profit status and functions at all levels in a legal and proper manner. No property or anything of consequence can be bought or sold without the permission of the Trustees. The Board of Trustees gives approval to the Annual Financial Budget of the ministry, major financial decisions, mortgages, and provides any personal help or ministry advice that is needed by PJP. They are the only legal voting entity in the Church since Solid Rock follows a church government according to the New Testament.

There are seven Trustee Board members of Solid Rock at Market Common. These include a Bishop overseer, Pastor JP as the President of the Board, Elders, Businessmen, and ordained ministers. It is the personal goal of Pastor JP to never make a decision based on the involvement of the Trustees unless the Trustees’ opinions are unanimous.

Ephesians 1:20-23 makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and He appoints those to represent Him in the government of the church, starting with the Pastor or founding Apostle. Jesus entrusts the Pastor with the vision for the church and entrusts the leaders and members of that church to follow the Word of God and fulfill the vision of that particular local church.
“I believe that it was all staged. I believe that the whole thing was premeditated,” Mica Miller’s father, Michael Francis, told NewsNation’s Rich McHugh.

To get to the location where Mica Miller’s body was discovered, her family had to walk down two separate trails, walk through knee-deep water and climb through mud, trees and fallen debris.

“The theory of suicide does not add up to me. You’re telling me her body floated all the way down this stagnant water?” Mica Miller’s sister Sierra Francis said.

“It’s not like she could have, you know, left her belongings and walked down the water and then come out here and then somehow bullets and everything over there,” she said.

The shell casings were found on the bank near her belongings while the gun was found right in the water. Then, Mica Miller’s body was about 40 meters away. However, the water doesn’t flow — at all.

“We have video that I provided that shows the water just sits there. There’s no no way she would have floated 40 meters away from the edge,” Michael Francis said. “She was placed there.”
I can't imagine what her family must be going through right now. Heartbreaking!
That $500 cash has really upended my mental picture of Mica's last hours.

You don't need cash to commit suicide but you do need cash to leave your abusive spouse.

Buying a gun for self defense seems reasonable under the circumstances, since it's been said she was familiar with weapons and knew how to use them.

Now I'm wondering if perhaps she left her phone behind at her apartment and Mr. Awful found it there? And had it with him as he tracked her to the pawn shop? And used it to call 911 and then left it on the bank?

Between the pawn shop and her job seems to be when her movements suddenly become unusual.
That $500 cash has really upended my mental picture of Mica's last hours.

You don't need cash to commit suicide but you do need cash to leave your abusive spouse.

Buying a gun for self defense seems reasonable under the circumstances, since it's been said she was familiar with weapons and knew how to use them.

Now I'm wondering if perhaps she left her phone behind at her apartment and Mr. Awful found it there? And had it with him as he tracked her to the pawn shop? And used it to call 911 and then left it on the bank?

Between the pawn shop and her job seems to be when her movements suddenly become unusual.

She called 911 right? I thought I heard her voice.
My question is why?
I have the exact same question.

In the past I volunteered for a movement that took me into a lot of conservative churches. 15 years ago, Secularization started hitting DFW churches hard.

The signs are everywhere here (well to those who care): Declining attendance, closed churches, merged churches, downsized Easter and Christmas festivities, and... on one occasion, a Catholic Bishop and Evangelical big church Pastor arguing not over say, confession theology- but about who deserved what "pulpit time" in the movement.

Sure, there are churches in DFW that buck that trend. I know of.... two. But at the end of the day, there is not a lot of extra flock in DFW. Wayward DFW Pastors don't get second or third chances to reboot, re-image then- drive on.

I deeply suspect that no amount of spin control could save JP in DFW. There are just not that many "walk ins" to replace people who left. Likewise, it does not take much for people to stop attending church here.

I imagine that the Myrle Beach bible belt buckle is still fastened relatively tight. So, there is a bigger flock to share regarding walk in and less people inclined to walk out. But.... how does he overcome all the other points you mention?
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Yes, JPM does seem to run his own show, but TBH, the sheeple that still support this guy worry me almost as much as he does, and I get the real sense that several influential people in town are likely members of SR Church, or are, at least within his friends and associates circle. My question is why? Myrtle Beach is not a huge city. Understanding that in the summer, the population is about ten times higher, the year-round population is only about 35K, so many residents likely know the history of JPM and Solid Rock, either firsthand, or through town talk and gossip. First, he has a well-known family name, as his father, another "pastor", has quite a history in the area. Secondly, he was running a church and married to one woman while he began having an affair with Mica, leading to the divorces of both Mica and her husband, who was also in ministry, and who were both members of SR church. That resulted in many people leaving the church, but apparently enough continued to support JPM, that he started over and the church rebounded and grew. He married MIca, and it was not long before she began to get mentioned often in "sermons", as JPM drug out all the dirt he could, telling repeatedly about Mica having mental issues, how sick she was, and how she emptied his bank account and fled, and she did this, and she did that. What kind of pastor would do that, and what kind of people would continue to show up, week after week, almost as if tuning into a soap opera. It shouldn't take but a few sermons to realize that Mica may not have been the unhinged one, and surely was not the only unhinged one. Yet people continue to support poor JPM. It has been voted 'best place to worship' two or three years in a row in a '"best of Myrtle Beach' poll.

News coverage is dwindling, and the heat seems almost over. I suspect that, barring an arrest by the FBI on some financial charge or such, which I do not believe is imminent, JPM will likely be back in his pulpit within another week or so, telling the many people that continue to show up and support him, how Satan and the news media tried to crucify him, but how he ultimately came out the victor, because God will not let him be defeated. JMO

Excellent post, and I agree. Barring indictment, JP will return as an inspired hero and leader of his flock -- until the next incident, and with this guy there is likely to always be a next incident.

I think of his SR "ministry" as essentially a business, and JP is clearly someone who knows how to give his people what they want. As noted upthread his schtick includes a soap operatic reliance on revelation and cliffhangers, with a longrunning narrative arc that positions JP as the courageous if flawed protagonist beset by evil on all sides and battling through with the fervent support of his flock, their cash, their planes, etc. Mica, as per his pulpit ramblings, was his errand of mercy who couldn't be saved (for those following the Daybell case, she was his Tammy).

Again, in the absence of charges, Mica's death and the coercive control and stalking that preceded and likely were a casual element in it, will be framed as simply one more challenge to surmount. Hopefully no one else suffers as she did by him -- but I fully expect others to suffer, and I expect this to embolden and not chasten him.
The church website (not their FB page) is finally back up after being offline all but about a day in the last two and a half weeks. The bio on lead pastor JPM is still there, but the 'leadership' page is blank, with 'information coming soon'. I wonder how many members if the board resigned, or whether they just do not want to be publicly associated with him and his church for a while. JMO

IMO: the Solid Rock elders/ministers could have questionable pasts. JPM probably surrounds himself with a like kind.
I think of his SR "ministry" as essentially a business, and JP is clearly someone who knows how to give his people what they want. As noted upthread his schtick includes a soap operatic reliance on revelation and cliffhangers, with a longrunning narrative arc that positions JP as the courageous if flawed protagonist beset by evil on all sides and battling through with the fervent support of his flock, their cash, their planes, etc. Mica, as per his pulpit ramblings, was his errand of mercy who couldn't be saved (for those following the Daybell case, she was his Tammy).
Very well said and I think it constitutes an excellent analysis of JP's approach.

As a side note, Jim Jones also had a near similar approach that featured a running as you said, "soap opera", Jones as a flawed hero, Jones as victim, Jones betrayed, and....internal "traitors" who were beyond help.

Then add in oppressive control and....the same uncanny ability to re create the "ministry" to what the audience wanted to hear (Jones would present his movement as a church, or a socialist utopia- depending on the audience)

I hope koolaid is not on the menu at Solid Rock.
She called 911 right? I thought I heard her voice.

Yeah, nothing seems to fit all the facts. Hopefully the FBI investigators will clear up some of the confusion.

But it looks likely we might just have to live with the contradictions and uncertainty. I hope she's found peace, wherever she is and however she got there.
Yeah, nothing seems to fit all the facts. Hopefully the FBI investigators will clear up some of the confusion.

But it looks likely we might just have to live with the contradictions and uncertainty. I hope she's found peace, wherever she is and however she got there.

Initially I thought he was involved at the stage of the "suicide".

But now it seems he didn't kill her.. .but he drove her to that terrible ending.
Initially I thought he was involved at the stage of the "suicide".

But now it seems he didn't kill her.. .but he drove her to that terrible ending.
I have never believed that he physically killed her. I do believe that he may as well have psychologically loaded the gun and handed it to her, though..

Had he wanted to kill her, I'm sure he could have found someone to do his bidding for him, allowing him to have a documented alibi that puts him somewhere else at the time.JMO
Mica's death should have closed a lot of avenues for discovery that a divorce would have caused. It was really is a great outcome for a church pastor that already had one scandalous divorce that divided the church. Financials wouldn't be scrutinized, assets would not need to be divided, there would be a lot of sympathy and empathy for him since he was dealing with his mentally ill wife. Her death was a nice gift for JPM. Even if he didn't pull the trigger he certainly is the beneficiary of it. Of course that hasn't happened and I am pleased that more eyes are on him and the church now, along with any of the other directions this may go in. JMO
Yeah that probably fits more of the facts--but that $500 cash is really odd.
Maybe she just didn't know how much the gun would cost so brought extra just to be sure she could buy it. I know she paid w/debit card, but this would still apply, if she wasn't sure if they accepted debit cards, and/or if she wasn't sure how much she had on her card.
I think $500 is the most you can withdraw from an ATM in a single day. Maybe she took out the maximum amount that same day thinking it would be at least one thing she could keep JPM from taking from her. :(
He will probably claim the $500 since they are still legally married.

If she wanted him to not have access to the money she could have put it in an envelope and dropped it in the mail to someone. (wouldn't that be horrific, receiving cash from someone days after they killed themselves)

I would imagine there was more than just the $500 in her account, so why not transfer it all to someone else if she wanted to keep JPM from getting some or any of the money she had.

Wait a minute if she had $500 cash on her, why did she make a grilled cheese sandwich to take to work, a workplace that makes food? If you have $500 on you, you can afford to get yourself something to eat--- why didn't she just get something to eat at work why did she make a sandwich to "take" to work.

Unless that $500 was meant to go someplace else, which she would have done if she hadnt died....hmmmm...
And $500 exactly. Not $483, $507, $500.85.

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