NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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So the Jury charge sheet which was discussed on Tues also includes the charges of involuntary manslaughter and reckless manslaughter so the jury can also convict him of that incase one dissident juror decides it was not murder. I wonder how long of a sentence they carry considering Corey was just a child.

I know CG turned down the plea deal of 30 years - curious to know if that was specifically for the murder charge or for the homicide of a child in general. Whatever the case, I hope his actual sentence is longer than that.
If someone can tell me this.... Where I am , if you actually turn down a deal like that,.and persist in going to trial, and you are found and convicted as guilty, you get no discount on your sentence., ie, if you are guilty, say so , and the court will take that into consideration at sentencing and it will have a positive affect on your overall time served before you can apply for ( but not neccesarily get ) parole.

If Chris is found guilty, having dismissed the 30 years thingy, does this mean that he serves the full time , because making the court go thru the entire process when he was in fact guilty? No discount, no years taken off the sentence, etc/?
I can't remember a case where so many are so blasé about the victim. The bizarre time gaps sure to PO the jury. The access of the jury to simple non traceable youtube surfing. The pure meanness of the defendant and family. Imo You know the tiny kid whose life was stolen. COREY.

Mean girls scene

Cough cough, I'm sick
-Mario G.

My guess is Mario had practice round with CG, and he was oh! $$$$! And then CG started crying!! Ha! "Lets postpone!"
defense attorney is sick meaning it is Gallucci. Def a farce and delay tactic.
Is anyone surprised? Friday was supposed to be the Big Day.

Mario just treating this like a Reality Show (since that's what he loves anyway)... let's just remember this is about COREY...

He seemed like such a fun and clever little boy whose whole world was his mommy. Breanna mentioned he loved Japanese anime (Naruto, DragonballZ)- an adorable little Italian kid into Japanese anime, what a wonderful thing.
dang it. I hate the fact that we have all these breaks in this trial. I worry the jury will lose the thread due to protracted absences from court as testimony and evidence fade from their memories. Testimony may lose some of its initial impact after days spent away from the case. JMO :(

It has been days since I saw that video. I have not forgotten one second of it. And I wish I could erase it from my brain.

Honestly, every single testimony I have heard sounds like the sound parents make in "Peanuts" cartoons..."Wanh Nah Wanh Nah". All I see is a scared little boy, desperately trying to make a mean bully, his own father, happy. I have no doubt who killed Corey.
Yes my sentiments exactly. Breanna posted on her FB page (Justice for Corey) that the defense attorney is sick meaning it is Gallucci. Def a farce and delay tactic.
Fallen ill. Geez. A case of the vapors, more like.

Judge should demand a note from his doctor.

If he's truly ill, my apologies.

If he's on the fainting couch, however...

In the end, a one day delay isn't going to make CG look any better. I seriously doubt he'll take the stand.

My bet:

If it's defense attorney who fell ill, when he recovers, his client won't take the stand. It was proffer never in good faith IMO.

CG testifying would be devastating for the Defense, that us if it has anywhere farther to fall.

The best they could do was elicit as much hearsay through the grandfather's testimony. In the end, it was altogether unsuccessful IMO. The sum and substance of CG's extraordinary parenting of Corey was in that he listened when the grandfather briefed him on Corey's schoolwork. When CG was home, that is. Oh, and also, he looked at houses (in order to fledge), but didn't think he'd be able to.

CG on the stand isn't going to convince ANYONE IMO that he didn't flee the State (the minute that either Corey's death was imminent or immediately after).

He's not going to charm anyone trying to explain his cruel texts to Corey's mom, threatening to withhold Corey from her (as retaliation for visitation overruns while she was getting Corey medical care).

The ONLY reason I'd hold out and say CG MIGHT take thr stand is because you'd have to be an idiot to do so.

To my mind all these delays convey to the jury that the case is being shoehorned into corners of the week where they don't have anything "important" going on.

Ok I know I've already said something similar. (As have Ticya and others). Just have never seen anything like it. Plus don't get it why the G's can lie, under oath, about the creep being home on Easter.
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Plus don't get it why the G's can lie, under oath, about the creep being home on Easter.
Thankfully that was flaky mama Gregor, right? Her "it was Easter Sunday" was part of the proffer, still under oath, but not in front of jury. *I will re-listen to Gramps in front of jury to see if he mentions Easter.*

It's a good thing they didn't put her on the stand the next day, she'd probably have gone to jail for perjury! Anything for her son!

This stop and start, stop and start case is confusing as heck and consider

Jury isn't allowed to take notes!!!
Isn't allowed to rehash anything at home
Isn't allowed to discuss among themselves until deliberations begin....

I don't understand how any of them can keep this straight. I'd ask to have the entire testimony shown to me again during deliberations.

Can jury member go home and write down notes???
We have the luxury of going back and forth and listening and re watching again. Does the jury?

If not, I leave open the possibility that the jury is confused as heck at this point and may not be able to render a verdict.
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Thankfully that was flaky mama Gregor, right? Her "it was Easter Sunday" was part of the proffer, still under oath, but not in front of jury.

It's a good thing they didn't put her on the stand the next day, she'd probably have gone to jail for perjury! Anything for her son!
Well I could swear that both of them said it. But, yeah, she at least. Maybe that's part of why MG didn't want to call her, aside from her son trying to influence her testimony more than imo imo he already did. No one will ever be able to convince me their testimony wasn't a family affair.

I'm just venting, they probably used a bunch of cya like "iirc", etc.

But I'm pretty sure gp mentioned cg being home by Easter, too.

Thankfully that was flaky mama Gregor, right? Her "it was Easter Sunday" was part of the proffer, still under oath, but not in front of jury. *I will re-listen to Gramps in front of jury to see if he mentions Easter.*

It's a good thing they didn't put her on the stand the next day, she'd probably have gone to jail for perjury! Anything for her son!

This stop and start, stop and start case is confusing as heck and consider

Jury isn't allowed to take notes!!!
Isn't allowed to rehash anything at home
Isn't allowed to discuss among themselves until deliberations begin....

I don't understand how any of them can keep this straight. I'd ask to have the entire testimony shown to me again during deliberations.

Can jury member go home and write down notes???
We have the luxury of going back and forth and listening and re watching again. Does the jury?

If not, I leave open the possibility that the jury is confused as heck at this point and may not be able to render a verdict.
Iirc he didn't mention easter in front of the jury.
I'm not even so sure the jury has seen cg bite Corey or pick him up by his shirt. I guess I'm on a repeat jag today. But it took me a few times looking at the vid to clearly notice those 2 tidbits. And l've seen quite a few news stories relating only to Corey falling off the treatmill.
Grandpa Gregor made it clear in front of jury that Christopher returned to NJ on April 5th. (April 4 was Easter Sunday) 52:20 mark.

The defense cleaned that up really quick, I wish they had said and insisted on the 4th on the stand, prosecution would have caught that lie with their Enterprise Car Rental receipt!

I'm listening again to see if I can remember if there was mention of Christopher buying a burner phone while in Tennessee... I can't remember when it was but I THOUGHT I heard attorneys discussing this?!?!? Anyone?
Grandpa Gregor made it clear in front of jury that Christopher returned to NJ on April 5th. (April 4 was Easter Sunday) 52:20 mark.

The defense cleaned that up really quick, I wish they had said and insisted on the 4th on the stand, prosecution would have caught that lie with their Enterprise Car Rental receipt!

I'm listening again to see if I can remember if there was mention of Christopher buying a burner phone while in Tennessee... I can't remember when it was but I THOUGHT I heard attorneys discussing this?!?!? Anyone?
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Grandpa Gregor made it clear in front of jury that Christopher returned to NJ on April 5th. (April 4 was Easter Sunday) 52:20 mark.

The defense cleaned that up really quick, I wish they had said and insisted on the 4th on the stand, prosecution would have caught that lie with their Enterprise Car Rental receipt!

I'm listening again to see if I can remember if there was mention of Christopher buying a burner phone while in Tennessee... I can't remember when it was but I THOUGHT I heard attorneys discussing this?!?!? Anyone?
That has to be the only explanation as to how CG knew about the reports from the hospital, he called someone....well maybe texts might not exist.....but, I would love to see again the timing of his last calls with anyone and when he started googling.
That has to be the only explanation as to how CG knew about the reports from the hospital, he called someone....well maybe texts might not exist.....but, I would love to see again the timing of his last calls with anyone and when he started googling.
I guess I'd have to prove it if I claimed it, but there is zero doubt in this old lady's brain who passed on the autopsy results. To the guy on the lam. Who all had his phone number? Some stranger ME?
If someone can tell me this.... Where I am , if you actually turn down a deal like that,.and persist in going to trial, and you are found and convicted as guilty, you get no discount on your sentence., ie, if you are guilty, say so , and the court will take that into consideration at sentencing and it will have a positive affect on your overall time served before you can apply for ( but not neccesarily get ) parole.

If Chris is found guilty, having dismissed the 30 years thingy, does this mean that he serves the full time , because making the court go thru the entire process when he was in fact guilty? No discount, no years taken off the sentence, etc/?
Sentencing is completely separate from any plea bargaining done prior to court. A judge cannot punish a defendant for not accepting a plea deal. If the jury finds the defendant guilty, the judge will come up with the sentence independently, based on the case presented in court.
Sentencing is completely separate from any plea bargaining done prior to court. A judge cannot punish a defendant for not accepting a plea deal. If the jury finds the defendant guilty, the judge will come up with the sentence independently, based on the case presented in court.
BBM. Good point! I think the Judge in this case is doing a great job in ensuring a fair trial.

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