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DNA Solves
The one juror Nate interviewed - 9 - is a young one. Wow. Poor fella also said he was thinking they'd be done in a week before he realized what was actually going on.

Juror 9 interview highlights Pt.1:
  • Juror 9 was raised Mormon.
  • He avoided looking at Chad for the first few weeks.
  • He said a lot of the jurors were already familiar with mainstream LDS beliefs. Sorry Prior!
  • He said most of the jury could see through Prior trying to throw them off.
  • It was hard to keep up with names, i.e. Melanie, Melani, James, Elena, the demons, etc.
  • He said Emma felt "robotic" and that she "sounded coached."
  • Described the room as "weird" during her testimony.
  • He thought it was weird that Prior felt the need to tell everyone he didn't coach Emma.*
  • He said that he felt some of the defense witnesses helped the State more.
* The way 9 said this, it was almost like he was implying that by saying that, Prior was trying to say: "I didn't coach her, but her dad did."
Juror 9 interview highlights Pt.2:
  • Describes Lindsey Blake as an "amazing prosecutor;" he liked Boyce.
  • No TV or cell phones during sequestration, but they had approved DVDs. They give a list to Boyce of what they want (DVDs, books, music, art) and he had to approve it. I guess that means they could've packed some stuff from home in advance?
  • Believes when they left the courthouse on Wednesday night, they all believed in guilt. They just wanted to go through everything.
  • There was never any "no" response when asking if everyone thought he was guilty.
  • He and many jurors became emotional during impact statements. Specifically cites Colby.
  • Sentencing was more challenging than guilt. Said there was a juror, a "he," that had some reservations about going with DP.
  • Said Boyce came by to socialize with the jury after it was over, shook their hands. Liked the bailiffs.
  • Said Prior "did what he could with what he had."
  • He has since been researching everything he can about the case.
  • It was "rough" to look at the autopsy photos. They do offer counseling to jurors.
  • There is a jury group chat now (lol).
  • Said there was one juror younger than him, and another about his age.
  • Said he would serve on a jury again.
  • He was THE juror that shaved his mustache! Another juror said a friend of his contacted him to ask about the "mustache man" from a "podcast he was listening to" (LOL!)
There were a few ducks quacking in the background.
I go back and forth wondering if CD knew he was lying at all times or if he eventually started to believe his lies after telling them so many times.

Between his completely flat affect, heavy fantasizing, delusional thinking and perhaps some magical thinking, I do wonder if he would fit the criteria for one of the schizoid PD’s, maybe schizotypal. I wonder if he often lived in a schizoid fantasy world inside his head. Once Lori threw herself at him he shared that fantasy with her and she fed into it, encouraging and enabling him to live it out, so to speak.

MOO but as an undergrad I worked in abnormal psych. From what I read and what people living with this PD shared, schizoid fantasies are like elaborate daydreams where the person knows it’s not reality. The purpose of retreating into these fantasies seemed to be to escape or embellish reality. The most common themes involved omnipotence, grandiosity, being a hero during some kind of disaster or emergency, having secret knowledge, and having strong talents, superpowers, or super-human abilities. Some fantasized about friendships and romantic relationships as those were not areas of strength for them in reality. While the vast majority of people would never act on them, fantasies involving violence seemed to be common as well.

Heavy on the MOO, and this is not to suggest people with this PD are murderers, nor is it to soften any blame on CD.

Sounds good to me! I'm sure there's a GREAT deal of full-fledged medical/psych opinions and diagnoses but for simple ol' me it just boils down to EGO. The more that the ego is fueled the flame just continues to grow. Then, if you couple that with growing ethereal/religious beliefs... it can all become one large explosion. Even if it begins with a whimper like Chad.


Chad Daybell is now in custody at the maximum security prison in Kuna.

Transfer records from the Idaho Department of Corrections show Daybell entered the prison at 9:34 a.m. on June 3, according to KIVI.
Daybell is the Gem State’s ninth inmate on death row.

Idaho law allows for execution by lethal injection or firing squad, though firing squad executions have never been used in the state.
I could never knowingly live in a home where a murder occurred. I'm sure someone bought Nicole Brown Simpson's condo. It was in a sought after and expensive area. I would have bought OJ's house, in a heartbeat (if I were a millionaire) because nobody was killed there and two flat acres in LA is gold. I believe the buyer tore it down and built something even nicer. That house the pharma couple in Toronto were killed in was sold, I believe. No way in hell I would live there.
Re: the Sherman's. Nope, it was demolished, and still apparently full of items, according to the series I watched on the case the other day, Billionaire Murders. I have no idea if the children removed anything beforehand, but there was still furniture inside, pictures on the walls, etc. as the machinery was tearing it to pieces.


Never have we seen entwined cases like these...
Will Arizona be able to utilize the Idaho Prosecution team as witnesses?
'My friend' assumes the investigators (LE) will be.
From what I can find, looks like the county prosecutor in AZ will be the prosecuting team. This article was from awhile ago so maybe more news will come out now that Chad's trial is over.

"In a few months, Lori Vallow is expected to be sentenced in Idaho. Then the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office will prosecute her for two cases.

Those cases are the murder of her fourth husband Charles Vallow and the attempted murder of her niece’s ex-husband Brandon Boudreaux.""

Never have we seen entwined cases like these...
Will Arizona be able to utilize the Idaho Prosecution team as witnesses?
'My friend' assumes the investigators (LE) will be.
I cannot see why the AZ team would NOT be working with the Idaho team in this case...
They probably will be called as witnesses, but IANAL so don't know for sure. JMO
From what I can find, looks like the county prosecutor in AZ will be the prosecuting team. This article was from awhile ago so maybe more news will come out now that Chad's trial is over.

"In a few months, Lori Vallow is expected to be sentenced in Idaho. Then the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office will prosecute her for two cases.

Those cases are the murder of her fourth husband Charles Vallow and the attempted murder of her niece’s ex-husband Brandon Boudreaux.""
Thanks spartygirl.

However I am not suggesting the Idaho prosecution would be the prosecutors, just will the Arizona prosecution have the Idaho Prosecution team as witnesses.
Many years ago there was a family murder in Sydney. The husband and father killed his wife and 2 sons with a baseball bat, IIRC, and then shot himself. He was a psychiatrist, I seem to recall (go figure!)
So - the brother of a friend of mine bought the house. He had been seeing it for years from the train on his daily commute, and just loved it. So as soon as it came on the market he jumped right in. Good for him, but I couldn't live there, no way.
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Many years ago there was a family murder in Sydney. The husband and father killed his wife and 2 sons with a baseball bat, IIRC, and then shot himself. He was a psychiatrist, I seem to recall (go figure!)
So - the brother of a friend of mine bought the house. He had been seeing it for years from the train on his daily commute, and just loved it. So as soon as it came on the market he jumped right in. Good for him, but I couldn't live there, no way.
Good Lord! Such a gruesome crime, too.
Juror 9 interview highlights Pt.2:
  • Describes Lindsey Blake as an "amazing prosecutor;" he liked Boyce.
  • No TV or cell phones during sequestration, but they had approved DVDs. They give a list to Boyce of what they want (DVDs, books, music, art) and he had to approve it. I guess that means they could've packed some stuff from home in advance?
  • Believes when they left the courthouse on Wednesday night, they all believed in guilt. They just wanted to go through everything.
  • There was never any "no" response when asking if everyone thought he was guilty.
  • He and many jurors became emotional during impact statements. Specifically cites Colby.
  • Sentencing was more challenging than guilt. Said there was a juror, a "he," that had some reservations about going with DP.
  • Said Boyce came by to socialize with the jury after it was over, shook their hands. Liked the bailiffs.
  • Said Prior "did what he could with what he had."
  • He has since been researching everything he can about the case.
  • It was "rough" to look at the autopsy photos. They do offer counseling to jurors.
  • There is a jury group chat now (lol).
  • Said there was one juror younger than him, and another about his age.
  • Said he would serve on a jury again.
  • He was THE juror that shaved his mustache! Another juror said a friend of his contacted him to ask about the "mustache man" from a "podcast he was listening to" (LOL!)
There were a few ducks quacking in the background.
Juror 9 also singled out Zulema''s testimony as damning for Chad's case, with her explanation of his doctrine and showing of her notes.
When a group of jurors was interviewed separately (5 jurors, 1 alternate), they mentioned Chad's confirmation that there was a plan to "take" the children, his remark to Emma that he wasn't coming back, his talk about turning up the children's pain level, as well as his message after Tammy's death about not being sad for the reason everyone thought. The jurors noticed how he labeled Lori's family dark, but not his own (apart from Tammy).
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Many years ago there was a family murder in Sydney. The husband and father killed his wife and 2 sons with a baseball bat, IIRC, and then shot himself. He was a psychiatrist, I seem to recall (go figure!)
So - the brother of a friend of mine bought the house. He had been seeing it for years from the train on his daily commute, and just loved it. So as soon as it came on the market he jumped right in. Good for him, but I couldn't live there, no way.

I'd struggle with it. Me and the late Mr T22 were once shown a house where a tragedy had occurred (I won't be specific but let's say no one else was involved). What was really creepy was that all of his stuff was lying around, his work boots, his spare change, even a post it note that said: "I have friends on the end of the phone". It was like he had just popped out. We didn't buy it because it didn't suit us (we bought a place around the corner).

In Gloucester the West's home was demolished. Perhaps Fremont County or the state of Idaho could buy the land and use it for some positive purpose and incorporate a dignified memorial. Although I've followed the case I'd missed that the defence attorney now owns it. Was it some form of payment for his services?

Before I even read your post I thought what a beautiful cat!...

Thank you! He's my special little guy even though this morning he decided to wake me up at 6am!

And I saw your furry friend - I get the impression he/she fancied a ride in the car!

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