WA WA - Seraya Aung Harmon, 2, Pullman, 29 May 2024 *father and daughter went on a fishing trip in Montana but did not return*

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I feel this is important to understand:

Police do not want to create a crisis, a hysterically emotional situation, for the safety of the child. They want the adults to stay calm, and feel they can just bring the child back, and have it be okay. Not create a 'do or die' desperation.

They can't stop the mother seeking media attention, but they can advice the adults, such as parents, to be chill. h

He has a warrant out for his arrest, I can't imagine that he's very calm or thinking it's going to be okay, he is on the run somewhere or hunkered down. Regardless I think the child is in danger. All JMO

I can only assume they don't suspect "imminent danger" due to lack of any previous abuse or threats of violence.
For whatever reason he hasn't returned her, I think it helps a bit (maybe) to know he's the one who actually petitioned the court for paternity to be established, and support and custody to be worked out. He's a dad who wanted to be in his child's life, and took legal steps to make sure that happened.

My guess would be, he's probably a good dad, despite whatever's going on here.
I hope you're right about him being a good dad.
He has a warrant out for his arrest, I can't imagine that he's very calm or thinking it's going to be okay, he is on the run somewhere or hunkered down. Regardless I think the child is in danger. All JMO

I'm curious what gives you that impression?
I have the opposite impression, but mine's based purely on him petitioning the court to establish him being that baby's father. That's not something most young men do.
I'm curious what gives you that impression?
I have the opposite impression, but mine's based purely on him petitioning the court to establish him being that baby's father. That's not something most young men do.
I think anytime a child is unaccounted for and whereabouts are unknown they are in danger. We don't know what conditions she is being held in. JMO
<modsnip - not an approved source> My worry is that something happened to Seraya by accident (either on the “fishing trip” or not) and now AA is panicking and on the run, desperate for help from his fiancé. That could also explain Nadia’s sudden, abrupt departure from the airport— if AA contacted her somehow and told her it was an emergency situation. I REALLY hope this isn’t the case and that this is just a misguided attempt by some young people to do what they believe is the “right thing.”

To be clear, it is absolutely NOT and this is an unfair situation for everyone involved—especially Seraya and her mom. If AA feels that Seraya is better off with him for some reason, then he needs to go to the courts and petition for custody like a normal father. I hope they are found soon and I feel for all of their loved ones, who I know are probably distraught.

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My worry is that something happened to Seraya by accident (either on the “fishing trip” or not) and now AA is panicking and on the run, desperate for help from his fiancé. That could also explain Nadia’s sudden, abrupt departure from the airport—
IMO, LE have some evidence that NC's departure was preplanned.

In particular, I believe they know her departure preceeded AA picking up baby S. However I can't confirm that.

If baby S was still with her mother when NC left the airport, then it would not be because anything had happened to baby S.

Then, it becomes clear this was a preplanned, deliberate, intentional, final, disappearance.

IMO, LE have some evidence that NC's departure was preplanned.

In particular, I believe they know her departure preceeded AA picking up baby S. However I can't confirm that.

If baby S was still with her mother when NC left the airport, then it would not be because anything had happened to baby S.

Then, it becomes clear this was a preplanned, deliberate, intentional, final, disappearance.

Custodial Interference is a Class C Felony in Washington. NC could be looking at accessory charges depending on her role in the custodial interference and how much she knew about it before hand. There is a distinction between accessories before the fact and accessories after the fact (where the person knew about the crime before it was committed). After the fact is when the person helps AFTER a crime is committed but did not participate in the crime itself. Traditionally common law considers an accessory just as guilty as the principals in a crime and subject to the same penalties. So I thinking she could conceivably face the same charges as the child's father if she was an active participant in the child's disappearance. View Document - Washington Criminal Jury Instructions
Custodial Interference is a Class C Felony in Washington. NC could be looking at accessory charges depending on her role in the custodial interference and how much she knew about it before hand. There is a distinction between accessories before the fact and accessories after the fact (where the person knew about the crime before it was committed). After the fact is when the person helps AFTER a crime is committed but did not participate in the crime itself. Traditionally common law considers an accessory just as guilty as the principals in a crime and subject to the same penalties. So I thinking she could conceivably face the same charges as the child's father if she was an active participant in the child's disappearance. View Document - Washington Criminal Jury Instructions
Yes, possibly, but my point was police are not taking a threatening, alarmist tone, they are using a deliberate strategy to try to defuse the situation. They haven't issued an amber alert, there is video of an officer stating, essentially, 'we aren't focussed on laying charges, just bring back baby to her mother and resolve the situation.'

Timecode: 1:45

IMO, LE have some evidence that NC's departure was preplanned.

In particular, I believe they know her departure preceeded AA picking up baby S. However I can't confirm that.

If baby S was still with her mother when NC left the airport, then it would not be because anything had happened to baby S.

Then, it becomes clear this was a preplanned, deliberate, intentional, final, disappearance.

They are more noticeable as a couple unless she’s drastically changed her appearance. If she has shorter darker hair and they dressed baby S as a boy then
they might be able to hide for awhile. He could have also lightened his hair.
From all the news reports, she found out her daughter was missing when Aung failed to return the daughter for a custody exchange. At some point she got the police involved, and was likely told Aung was unable to be located, and their daughter and Cole were missing.
my understanding as well. She didn't know Ang and baby were missing until he failed to show for custody exchange. She was not informed of alleged fishing trip to Montana until LE began investigating why Ang hadn't shown up to relinquish baby Seraya.
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MOO, pure speculation, perhaps something happened with the child which caused Aaron to panic. Maybe this was related to her medical condition or maybe there was an accident of some kind during this alleged fishing trip. Somehow he mentioned this to Nadia (voice call? Text? DM on social media? As far as I can tell, we haven't yet heard if her phone was wiped of data...), advised her he would likely be going "on the run," and they subsequently made a hasty decision to abscond together. IMHO, 21 and 22 are still very young ages and scary situations can make for drastic, even thoughtless, decisions on the fly - regardless if the subjects are generally intelligent, well-rounded people or not. I wholeheartedly hope that whatever decisions were made, and wherever they have gone, they will come to their senses and "turn themselves in," for lack of a better term - healthy and unharmed.
Something like that could've happened, but I think the timing might be off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think NC left the airport before her boyfriend picked up his daughter. If that's not right, we do at least know they disappeared the same day.

I'm stumped why they did this.

I'm curious what gives you that impression?
I have the opposite impression, but mine's based purely on him petitioning the court to establish him being that baby's father. That's not something most young men do.
I hope that is the case. It also could be that he was verifying he was indeed the father as perhaps he doubted it.

Yes, possibly, but my point was police are not taking a threatening, alarmist tone, they are using a deliberate strategy to try to defuse the situation. They haven't issued an amber alert, there is video of an officer stating, essentially, 'we aren't focussed on laying charges, just bring back baby to her mother and resolve the situation.'

Timecode: 1:45

I understand LEs' rather quiet approach. Both NC and AA are adults and can move about in the world wherever they want to, without telling anyone. The issue is AA has the child without the mother's consent. All anyone wants is for the child to be safely produced.

I can only assume they don't suspect "imminent danger" due to lack of any previous abuse or threats of violence.
For whatever reason he hasn't returned her, I think it helps a bit (maybe) to know he's the one who actually petitioned the court for paternity to be established, and support and custody to be worked out. He's a dad who wanted to be in his child's life, and took legal steps to make sure that happened.

My guess would be, he's probably a good dad, despite whatever's going on here.
and, after the court had established paternity and a visitation/custodial arrangement, has now apparently taken illegal steps to get mom out of Seraya's life.

MOO that is not how I would define a good dad.
Something like that could've happened, but I think the timing might be off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think NC left the airport before her boyfriend picked up his daughter. If that's not right, we do at least know they disappeared the same day.

I'm stumped why they did this.

I'm stumped for how they thought it could WORK.

They're adults. They can be stupid together. But the child didn't sign up for this.

Bring her home.

I also don’t understand why they would have practically wanted to take the child with them? Not only is she ill, it immediately takes the situation up a notch to basically a kidnapping scenario — they had no reason to assume the police would take such a calm stance, wouldn’t you be terrified of taking a child with you?

I can understand (disagree with, but understand) wanting to run away from your family with your new fiancée and leave the world behind. But why bring the child?

To me it’s either a very stubborn father believing he’s in some way “saving” Seraya, or perhaps to hurt the mother? To start a new family in what HE thinks is a better environment? It’s such a risk.

I absolutely don't buy the idea that AA or SAH (toddler) had any sort of medical issue that brought this about. NC is the daughter of a doctor (MD, dad said so in the interview as an aside.) She finished college and is about to take LSATs and become a lawyer. She's no dummy when it comes to these things. The moment a child is hurt it's going to be.... go to a hospital. Period. Her daddy is a doctor.

I think we're making huge assumptions that AA doesn't have a violent or angry side, we know nothing about him. There is no documented history of anything that we know of, but then again, none of his friends have come forward. (NC's girlfriends have.) His sister has posted about the disappearances on Facebook & Insta but that's family.

We also don't know anything more about the engagement and how the Cole parents saw Aaron. They have not commented on Nadia being engaged... if it were a situation where they loved him and were happy for the couple, I would think there would be more concern for both of them, together.

The fantastical idea is that they've left the area and are building a new life together with hidden stash of cash and new identification/fake passports. But that's in the movies. I think they're hiding out in some nondescript town/village somewhere desperately hoping no one will hear about this missing child/family, trying to lie low. Part of me also thinks there's a side of Aaron that no one is sharing just yet.
This is along the lines of what I said on Seraya’s thread (I wish they would merge). If her constipation / impaction had her in such a dire situation I find it hard to believe they would just discharge her home rather than handle it at the hospital.

They wouldn't have. Especially in a 2 year-old, and depending on the timeline (more or less than 7 days) and any red flags in history, results / progression of treatments (glycerin, saline, MiraLax) whether is acute vs functional, etc.

Source: I'm a doc, and whilst severe instances aren't everyday common, it's certainly something seen with some regularity in a paeds / ER rotation. Parents aren't always comfortable with / able to administer treatment at home and a child that age isn't always able to provide dates, etc. reliably.
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