VERDICT WATCH MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #14

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I agree with that. There was nothing inappropriate done in front of the jury. Judicially, she was fine. However, the cameras were rolling. Judge, in her momentary lack of reasoning, forgot that. Under such, she herself just moments before scolding KR for laughing, had giggled/chuckled out loud at Yannetti's comment about him not ever seeing a Verdict form like that before. Then she does her snarling take-down of KR for laughing. Netflix was watching.....We all were watching.

She needed to act quickly to redeem herself, and she did. But we saw it.

I do wonder who will portray her in the series.

Judge Judy??
No, it hasn't been mentioned as something happening everyday. I don't think anyone was making a point or emphasizing wearing pink. It could be as simple as the juror felt like wearing a pink dress today, nothing more nothing less.
Ok thanks
Last night I had a random thought. What if the insistence on going to trial was intentional? Maybe the judge knew the case was a joke and heads were going to roll once the FBI and DOJ finished their part. Maybe she’s not a bad guy after all. She can’t just come out and lean towards the defense bc these people are long time “friends”. But maybe she really did want the truth to come out somehow. So she says let’s go to trial. Get allllll of this on the record for all the world to see. This trial gives the FBI and DOJ a TREASURE TROVE of additional evidence to work with. Maybe going to trial was her way to trying to balance a long standing friendship with justice without being obvious about it? I cannot for the life of me figure out why she would allow camera coverage of this debacle and insist it be held asap when both sides wanted to delay.
Help me understand this statement.
Please re-read the previous threads where this was extensively discussed. In order for her to be guilty of the charge, she only needs to have taken reckless action that reasonably would have been expected to cause him harm. If she sped backwards and he jumped out of the way, hitting his head, and never hit him at all she would still be guilty.

This is actually not the issue with this case, the issue is going to be intent- it is difficult, given her texts of the morning, to show she intended to kill him. She clearly didn't, this was an accident that was overcharged by the DA.

The first and most serious charge Read is facing is murder in the second degree. To be found guilty, the commonwealth must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • Read caused O'Keefe's death;
  • Read either intended to kill O'Keefe or intended to cause grievous bodily harm to O'Keefe or intended to do an act which, in the circumstances known to her, a resonable person would have known created a plain and strong likelihood that death would result.
"The second charge is manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor. To be found guilty. the commonwealth must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • Read operated a motor vehicle;
  • Read did so on a public way or in a place where the public has a right of access or in a place where members of the public have access as invitees or licensees;
  • That while operating a motor vehicle, Read was under the impact of intoxicating liquor;
  • That while operating a motor vehicle, Read did so recklessly so that the lives or safety of the public might be endangered;
  • That Read's act(s) caused the death of another person.
The third and final charge Read is facing is leaving a scene of personal injury and death. Again, the commonwealth must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:

  • Read operated a motor vehicle;
  • It occurred on a public way, or in ap lace where members of the public have access;
  • Read did knowingly collide with O'Keefe."
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While I am hoping for a quick, resounding NG verdict for KR, I am equally anxious for a thorough, robust, unbiased (!) investigation into the Alberts, McCabes and Higgins. What went down in the basement and where is Chloe? I don’t believe she was re-homed at all :(. Massive cover up. Circle the wagons, and lie, even under oath.

I hope we find out all about the FBI investigation findings into this whole thing

I heard today on CourtTV that Karen Read is filming a documentary. I don't know, I find that kind of tacky. It is like cashing in on John O'Keefe's murder. If she is found innocent, I can understand her suing multiple people/organizations for defamation and being framed and getting money from that. But the documentary, which my guess it is with Netflix (has not been confirmed) and pretty sure she is getting paid for that, doesn't set right with me. This is just my feelings and MHO.
Please re-read the previous threads where this was extensively discussed. In order for her to be guilty of the charge, she only needs to have taken reckless action that reasonably would have been expected to cause him harm. If she sped backwards and he jumped out of the way, hitting his head, and never hit him at all she would still be guilty.

This really seems like moving the goal posts. For weeks I've heard about how she hit him with a car, now that the FBI scientists put the kabosh on that, is the CW changing their theory AGAIN?? JMO
I heard today on CourtTV that Karen Read is filming a documentary. I don't know, I find that kind of tacky. It is like cashing in on John O'Keefe's murder. If she is found innocent, I can understand her suing multiple people/organizations for defamation and being framed and getting money from that. But the documentary, which my guess it is with Netflix (has not been confirmed) and pretty sure she is getting paid for that, doesn't set right with me. This is just my feelings and MHO.

Needs to pay legal fees. Lost both jobs. Frankly i can’t blame her.
I listened to AJ closing again and it was really good. Going up against a team like this defense must be Lally's worst nightmare. But many have said even a public defender would look good with the facts of this case....but AJ is fun to watch he is so skilled.

Can't not be impressed with Alan Jackson. He's been a pleasure to watch. It's nice seeing a bit of humour now and then for instance when he was trying ask questions of the three defence expert witnesses, and he openly admitted he was out of his depth structuring questions on the technical side of things.
Lally - "Objection"
Judge - "Sustained, ask it a different way Mr Jackson"
AJ - "Easy for you to say..."

On the flip side he can be terrifying. I recall him on cross examination with Proctor - This video:
Lead investigator Michael Proctor cross-examination
Pretty much a whole day affair. Circa six hours of Proctor looking all kinds of guilty and ashamed and wishing the witness box would just open up and swallow him.
And I mean Proctor REALLY deserved it. AJ didn't even come up for air, he was completely unrelenting.

My analogy at the time was that it was like watching a dog tear apart a fluffy toy, and the toy gets destroyed in the first 30 seconds... But then it somehow just keeps tearing more strips off for SIX HOURS.
Please re-read the previous threads where this was extensively discussed. In order for her to be guilty of the charge, she only needs to have taken reckless action that reasonably would have been expected to cause him harm. If she sped backwards and he jumped out of the way, hitting his head, and never hit him at all she would still be guilty.

OK, then where was his body when the plow driver drove by? Why did nobody see him out there (except for one witness who claims she saw a blob)?
Please re-read the previous threads where this was extensively discussed. In order for her to be guilty of the charge, she only needs to have taken reckless action that reasonably would have been expected
This is NOT what the CW has offered up as evidence, or a theory, so they can just make that up?
While I am hoping for a quick, resounding NG verdict for KR, I am equally anxious for a thorough, robust, unbiased (!) investigation into the Alberts, McCabes and Higgins. What went down in the basement and where is Chloe? I don’t believe she was re-homed at all :(. Massive cover up. Circle the wagons, and lie, even under oath.

I hope we find out all about the FBI investigation findings into this whole thing

They are 10 hours now in deliberation. I don't know, but I think the quick verdict is out of the window. I would consider a quick verdict to be between a 2 hour to 4 hour deliberation time. Pushing it maybe to a 5 hour time. JMHO.
I heard today on CourtTV that Karen Read is filming a documentary. I don't know, I find that kind of tacky. It is like cashing in on John O'Keefe's murder. If she is found innocent, I can understand her suing multiple people/organizations for defamation and being framed and getting money from that. But the documentary, which my guess it is with Netflix (has not been confirmed) and pretty sure she is getting paid for that, doesn't set right with me. This is just my feelings and MHO.

I have no issue with that. When she's found not guilty, SHE should be the one to make money from a documentary. If not her, someone else would be doing it (and probably is, actually).

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