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  1. Lady Rider

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    I have to respectfully disagree with you, I don't feel Jennifer Ford pushed for the acquittal. I believe there were some older, stronger personalities on the jury panel that would over shadow Jennifer's opinion. I believe Jennifer was ignorant..... plain and simple of the law and relied on the...
  2. Lady Rider

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    I had the same problem as you did Lil. I believe now as I look back on it that some of the jurors were not really aware that you do not have to prove cause of death. Perfect example (Scott Peterson case) Their ignorance caused this not guilty verdict. I can't understand why within those 11...
  3. Lady Rider

    Will there be any spinoff trials from this one? MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL

    I added Zenida Fernandez Gonzales because from what we know now of the verdict of Not Guilty. Zenida's attorney's can file a defamation of character. Zenida was one of the many victims of ICA, and probably the one that was harmed the most by ICA's lies.
  4. Lady Rider

    POLL: How did JB do in closing statements pre-lunch?

    JB did bring out a few things through all the BS that woke me up. 1. As JB pointed out and in the trial I did not see a fetal shaped stain in the trunk carpet. Just didn't see it. Maybe I need a stronger pair of magnifying glasses. If someone can point it out to me, I will definitely go...
  5. Lady Rider

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    OMG did I hear JB right? He's talking about Dr. Spitz's (medical examiner) finding that when you open a SKULL if a person has died from suffocation there is sometimes discoloration on the back of ears. And JB said there was no discoloration? Are their ears on a skull?????:banghead:
  6. Lady Rider

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    Just catching up on defense closing arguments by watching TiVo...... geez I've got a couple of more hours of the BS. Did anyone else catch this Freudian slip by JB? The Truth stops here, the the truth starts here.
  7. Lady Rider

    Let's Hear it for George!

    We do not know who the pursuer of this alleged affair was between George and River. You know the old saying "it takes two to tango". We do know that River was a volunteer that was helping to try and find Casey. And it is said that River donated $4,200 to help find Caylee. Now to call River...
  8. Lady Rider

    What will be the sentence for ICA?

    I'm starting to lean towards aggravated manslaughter......LWOP
  9. Lady Rider

    What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

    Denile is not just a river in Egypt :floorlaugh:
  10. Lady Rider

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    <modsnip> The computer searches for chloroform, neckbreaking, etc could be considered as: consideration or planning of an act beforehand. Based on the amount of Chloroform found in the trunk of the car and the child being found dead and as Dr. G said "no child should have duct tape on their...
  11. Lady Rider

    What will be the sentence for ICA?

    In an answer to your question, I have a feeling Casey WANTS to believe that she will walk but she has been in a state of denial so common in her family. But I feel now that she's getting a sense that her attorney's especially JB has really messed this up. It is a good possibly that she's...
  12. Lady Rider

    What will be the sentence for ICA?

    Welcome Kim........ glad you posted this is a wonderful web site and one of the most interesting out there. There are very insightful members with a lot of postings that really get you to thinking on the current and past crimes committed. Welcome again.
  13. Lady Rider

    Let's Hear it for George!

    I guess I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. I believe that GA had an affair with River Cruz or whatever her name is. And I'm sorry but I have a big problem with George chasing skirt while his granddaughter Caylee is missing and possibly dead. He reportedly was over at River's place...
  14. Lady Rider

    Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

    Maybe George on the stand yesterday is starting to crack.
  15. Lady Rider

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I have tried to watch as much of this trial as I could and paid close attention to ICA. Everytime through out the trial when something was brought out to show that Casey was lying, something that put her in a bad light or just outright busted her she would shake her head no. I feel it was her...
  16. Lady Rider

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I have always thought the Anthony's knew that ICA killed Caylee and that Caylee was dead, once Cindy called 911 and said "there's something wrong, it smells like a dead body in the damn car." Also when George went to pick up the car at the towing yard and smelling the smell of human decomp. He...
  17. Lady Rider

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I believe the jury is going to look at all of the evidence in it's totality, George's statement was his truth. And the truth will set you free. You cannot fix what you don't acknowledge. I just have to look at how Casey has run a mack truck over her own family who has supported her all along...
  18. Lady Rider

    Its the End of the Hallway: What's Next?

    Or to enter the door to the room for lethal injection.
  19. Lady Rider

    2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

    We can never forget what this family is really up to.
  20. Lady Rider

    Will Casey Testify?

    I believe Casey thinks she can out talk, out wit, out smart and do her song and dance and make the jury believe her. This would be her "big day" to talk her way out of the situation she has put herself in. And in Casey's little world she believes she can by herself get up on the stand and...

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