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  1. L

    Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

    Just chuckling to myself and wondering how JA is handling Nurmi's book. Anyone have access to her file in jail to check to see if she has had any infractions lately (I no longer have the link). Am sure she is having all kinds of issues with anger, depression, rage not being able to spin...
  2. L

    Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

    I remember Dr DeMarte discussing a "flip" occurred and JA knocked TA off the pedestal causing her to no longer value his life. I'm wondering at what point and what happened to cause this "flip"? Was it on the way back to Yreka in April? I tend to think it was even before then, perhaps when he...
  3. L

    Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

    BBM Dr. DeMarte comes the closest to ascribing and diagnosing what is the madness within JA. I am thoroughly convinced she has more to say on JA's mental health but was not allowed to as it was deemed too prejudicial to the murder
  4. L

    Book released by Defense Attorney, Nov 2015 #2

    Y/N, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your insights of this book! I really appreciate all that you have done and continue to do! What is really amazing to me is that Nurmi recognizes just how manipulative JA is but refuses to acknowledge this is just the way she interacted with...
  5. L

    Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

    Sorry for the delay in responding, was listening to Nurmi's interview. IMO, the info covered here by WS members was more enlightening than this interview. But to answer your question, the site still says "coming soon".
  6. L

    Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

    May & June texts are up!! Please renew your subscription - I love your analysis!! ETA - False Alarm!!!! The member page shows texts through June but the link is not yet active! Aww Shucks - egg on my face!!!
  7. L

    SIDEBAR #56 - Travis Alexander forum

    LOL!! Now I can't get the lyrics out of my mind (Roses Are Red)! Thanks for the memories!
  8. L

    Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

    In that same exchange, she asks about a warranty that covers "submersion" and I lol when he replied "already covered". So yeah, she was definitely laying the groundwork - especially considering how the camera wound up in the washer machine - with bleach no less@
  9. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    I understand and agree, but when referring to you does he use the same phrasing? When talking about my husband in public, I too refer to him as my husband, but when discussing the children I tend to use "their father" or "his father".
  10. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Makes me wonder if he is her biological father (even though I believe he is). Seems like the sort of thing a step parent would say. Did not watch the CA trial so not familiar with how her parents were - other than what I've read on the blogs. But from what I have read, the father was not...
  11. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Does it seem strange to anyone other than me that her father always seems to call her mother "his wife" and not refer to her mom as her mom? Just struck me as very odd.
  12. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    New Document on BK site: Arias Motion for more time. Two attorneys are listed: Peg Green and Cory Engle. Reason for request: although State filed motion on Nov 6 the AAs did not receive until Nov 13. Things that make you go "Ummm"!
  13. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Very Interesting and I like! It brings to mind how DF handled her during interrogations - he firmly set boundaries and quickly established that he would not and could not be manipulated. She admitted as much when she told him "you're weird anyway".
  14. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Who is Nurmi? A jealous, no-count sloth of an attorney that feels and is inferior to JM, trying to justify his actions when it is plain to all that he is second rate and lazy to boot.
  15. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Or maybe in her Einstein Brilliance she just didn't know how speaking publicly was sinking her own ship and just kept talking. Also, thinking that she could continue to blackmail him and have him blackballed to ruin his career that he wouldn't DARE criticize or talk about her - she had his...
  16. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    It's my understanding that once she discusses information related to discussions with her attorneys with anyone else, she automatically waives that confidentiality. There were a couple of posts way upstream that discussed this and I believe also that AZL stated the same. Please correct me if...
  17. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    If the question has to do with the confiscated books she references in her "fired" letter to JSS, then IIRC, there were two: one on Christianity and the other on Buddism in which she had written notes in the margin, so she claims, comparing the similarities of the two. JM found no problem and...
  18. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    Hi Mindmatters! Not sure about repeated complaints to others by JA that voided the A/C privilege, Nurmi used this discussion as his reasoning for not violating that confidentiality. Sorry if was too vague, but not sure just how much can paraphrase or use from BK's site but tried to be as...
  19. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    It does indeed appear that JA's big mouth has landed her in trouble with attorney/client privilege: in BK's latest blog, she notes that Nurmi writes in his book that JA waived that privilege when she complained to Troy Hayden that her defense team did not call witnesses that supposedly saw the...
  20. L

    Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

    BBM Now I am really curious if the AG that asked for and received an unsealing of transcripts is working on all of her scams! If so, seems like a lot of people may be in trouble!

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