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DNA Solves
  1. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

    So did Matt flip state meaning he Flipped to being a STATES WITNESS?? Sorry, I wasn't sure if that is what was meant?
  2. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i Here is the one link in which one of Joey Arias's friends makes a smart arse comment about Travis Alexander. Sickening. This is in response to the postings by Jodi Arias's little brother Joey on his facebook page. I posted that Jodi...
  3. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

    I just cannot bear to watch Nurmi and his driveling nonsense, are they just making this crap up as they go along? UNREAL. Even MORE disturbing is how this Judge is allowing this to continue?? I understand it's a DP Case, but at some point the Judge HAS to have some discretion and control of...
  4. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

    Well, the ONE thing we can say this is evident regarding this pathetic Re-Direct is that we now know for CERTAIN what the DUH-Fense is seriously worried about as far as the evidence the State is providing the Jury and the Court. The Facts that they (Defense) are hitting on these specific topics...
  5. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

    She is coming across as a LYING, MURDERING, CONNIVING, STALKING, TWISTED, CALLOUS, SHALLOW, EVIL, WHORISH, PIECE OF TRASH that she is. Therefore I haven't watched since Fat Boy, Sausage Fingers Nurmi (Even his NAME makes me want to vomit) started his sorry excuse Re-Direct. Imagine...This...
  6. I

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #2

    Could you PLEASE tell us how the Jurors are reacting towards Nurmi and Arias now that the TRUTH has REALLY come out thanks to Mr. Martinez??? I would LOVE to be in there today to see if the Jurors look just disgusted and totally OVER the Defense and their attempt to justify this brutal murder...
  7. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    An observation that I made while watching Jodi on the stand is that she shows absolutely NO remorse whatsoever. NONE. When she is describing what happened in that bathroom "According to Jodi" she doesn't show any sorrow regarding what she did to Travis, it was almost like she was taking great...
  8. I

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #2

    Hope this isn't too much off topic but thought all of you Juan Martinez Fans like me would appreciate this! Really BUMMED about Beth Karas! She deserves her own Show! the media has NO clue what we the viewers want and who we connect with do they? Great story about Mr. Martinez...
  9. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    I too agree that the Cancun trip WAS in fact the catalyst. If you remember, Arias was SO arrogant and brash that she actually had the NERVE to be at Travis;s house "Cleaning" when he was out on a date with Mimi Hall. She then used the excuse of "Falling Asleep" to remain at his house when he...
  10. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Don't forget the Moon Pie's and RC Cola! Bought from the Piggly Wiggley! I have family from Arkansas! Yeeehawww! Juan is nailing her to the post! She just needs to confess and be done with it...but then if she confesses the jury may let her live.
  11. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Also, my concern is that this is giving her time to concoct her story and to allow for Fat Boy Nurmi and his sidekick cheerleader to coach her into the stance she should take. The judge needs to FORCE her to do what Martinez tells her to do instead of DISRESPECTING him and just sitting there...
  12. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    So is Juan Martinez CONCEDING that he was SHOT first? IS this going to HURT the Prosecution in their making her act this out? I hope this doesn't backfire into an OJ moment? Good Gorsh!!! <mod snip> Murmi Squirmi has to get his fat butt into the middle of it all.
  13. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    :truce::truce:Sounds like ole Arias KNOWS her arse is going to get the needle! She sounds like she is defeated and wants to just tell what happened but she knows she can't. I wish like crazy Juan would get her to just bust down and have a Perry Mason moment where she just confesses...
  14. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    For whatever reason Travis had that duct tape wrapped around his bicep. You can see it in on the pics of him on the bed. Then in the shower you can see the red marks from where he removed the tape. the tape was eventually found stuck in the bedding or near the washer and dryer.
  15. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Juan is taking all this somewhere...I am just not sure where he taking this and I can hardly wait to get there with him! C'MON JUAN BRING THIS HOME!!! I can't stand hearing her little whiny voice..."yesss" in her weakest little child voice she can muster....UGH!!!!!!!!
  16. I

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #2

    UNREAL!!!!! Here we go with the complete LIES! She refuses to admit it unless Juan can literally PROVE she is WRONG! GO ahead Juan, PROVE HER WRONG!!! Bring this lying, murdering <mod snip> down today once and for all! Justice For Travis! I am SO over her arguing and the lies from her...
  17. I

    A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

    All the "Talking Heads" on the TV Shows are ALL saying that Juan needs to wrap this up soon or he is going to "Lose" the Jury, that he is arguing with her too much and that he is getting bogged down by Arias and he bullcrap. Are those of you that are there in the courtroom getting this vibe too...
  18. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #59 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    Wouldn't these convenience stores have her on VIDEO pumping all this gas? Couldn't they have obtained these videos for trial? Seems to me they would have obtained these as they are CRITICAL to the case for premeditation???
  19. I

    jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #59 *may contain graphic and adult content*

    RUH ROHHH MORE GAS CANS!!! More LYING by omission! WOW!!! What else has she forgotten to mention!

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