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DNA Solves
  1. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    i was on the thread "holy smokes" the evening it was posted... it was a late night at home with dial up! I think others on this thread last night said that it was made a point to LP from here on WS through a chat. Anyone have a transcript of it?
  2. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    It's interesting that LP seems to think that they are interested in the ZG story she gave to Rob. LP (and we were talking about this also on the NG thread last night) said there was interest in the link between LR, WW to ZG.
  3. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    I think that is why they took them.
  4. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    I was saying earlier, that to determine the hair sample is Caylee's I thought you needed the father's dna to confirm.
  5. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Which is even stranger. My copy says redacted. He is listed, but there isn't a check in time.
  6. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Yes, I recall the evening. A sleepless night. I was too wound up to sleep! ... again i was on dial up at the time. Thankfully, i am at work today. Hopefully, I wont be busy! :)
  7. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Too many coincidences... Does anyone know who's #218 Apt. was at Saw Grass? I wonder if it was DS.
  8. addyM3

    Nancy Grace 9-15-08

    I was scrambling for those and got a few... again.. I hate dial up! had i been at work, i would have it done lickity split! I am going to bed since i have 5 hours until i have to get up! Ugh... i think we need to start collecting everyone's screen shots somewhere... i'll check back here...
  9. addyM3

    Nancy Grace 9-15-08

    i have a screen shot..
  10. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    it's keystroke software... i believe hackers use it too.
  11. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    you make a valid point! maybe they are still considering it a missing person's case? Not sure. It is quite possible and crazy, but what if LE has been leading the media and the public on to believe things are not as they are to keep Caylee safe while they try to find her. Far fetched? Or me...
  12. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    you mean who posted the connection between all of them, because I know who you mean as well. I dont know if anyone got screen shots connecting LR to ZG on her page. Looks like she was just noticed on NG tonight by LP! I wonder where it will take us??
  13. addyM3

    Nancy Grace 9-15-08

    i thought i heard him say that he thought it was worth looking into.
  14. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    I think all they needed to do was copy her hard drive and install the key stroke software, and whatever else they wanted. THen let her have at it!
  15. addyM3

    Nancy Grace 9-15-08

    Good catch! You are right! In AH's interview in the docs, CMA said that Caylee was at Sea World on the 4th of July party AH was hosting with a friend at WW's!
  16. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    good job.. (i hate dial up!) and now we have 2 miami sightings, which mention a spanish woman and 3 children. September 14, 2008 – 3:00 pm 2 separate sightings of Caylee Anthony in the Miami, Doral / Fort Lauderdale area
  17. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    I agree. We also have S Kostakis. I think I recognize her name as a friend of CMA's. But unsure where i saw that. BTW, forgive me mods, i think i accidently put in her name a little while ago, which you probably already caught :) sorry. anyway, she is listed as a visiter on 8/3.
  18. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Not in the docs. Rob was on the NG show and said it was in the car. He wasnt allowed to ask her anything. She told him this. He said she is a talker. AH said she doesnt shut up.
  19. addyM3

    Nancy Grace 9-15-08

    The more I read - and re-read the docs, and listen to her, i notice the media, including NG twists the facts, and only gives part of the facts. Like the way she only plays pieces of the tapes... and it's chopped and in different orders. annoys me...
  20. addyM3

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Her address was listed as motel 6 on the documents. the picture on the myspace shows the hotel thing on the door. Then there was the guy that showed her the apartment and sawgrass and recongized one of the pics that they showed him.. and then told him it was all the same person. Probably...

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