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  1. R

    Tiger Woods finally speaks: 'I am deeply sorry'

    Gloria Allred is a joke. She is an embarrassment to all lawyers, which is saying something considering the number of sleazy attorneys out there. All of the women who had affairs with Tiger just need move on. They knew what they were doing, and it's over, at least for now.
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    John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

    An excerpt from an interview Edwards apparently gave ABC news some time ago, Edwards blamed the affair on the adulation surrounding his remarkable rise into presidential politics. "I went from being a senator, a young senator to being considered for vice president, running for president...
  3. R

    GA - Eddie Lawrence wants out - Sara Tokars' murderer

    I live very close to where this murder took place. I often drive past the subdivision where the Tokar's house is, and I always mean to drive by the house and see what it looks like now. Maybe I will actually remember to do that one of these days. As in the Laci Peterson house, I always hope...
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    Report: Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal Split

    Call me dumb or naive - but what is the upside to Reese participating in a sham relationship? I get why he would do it, but I don't get why she would........
  5. R

    Report: Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal Split

    Of course, I don't know anything about either of them, other than what I have read, but Reese doesn't seem like the type of woman who would put her kids through a sham relationship. I know I have read in the past that Jake spends a considerable amount of time with her children.
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    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

    Wow. Danny and Diane lived in the same house, had children together, but really didn't know each other, in my opinion. Diane didn't let anyone see the real her. Danny had to be taken care of, just like the kids. It seems to me that Diane just internalized all her problems and issues, and...
  7. R

    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

    Gosh, this whole incident just hit me like a ton of bricks again, just like when I first read about it. It is awful reading the accident report and you see just how many people saw Diane but were unable to do anything to stop her. I read one account where Diane was behind someone pulling into...
  8. R

    John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

    Well, if he couldn't do a better job of acting, he shouldn't have been on Oprah at all. He should have stayed away from the camera completely. He came across like a chastened little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but is (not so secretly) pissed off that he can't have his way.
  9. R

    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

    I know Daniel Shumer is in a lot of pain and grieving, but honestly, if he is so certain his wife was not drunk and this is all a mistake, the exhumation and independent autopsy could have already been done. Why say it is going to happen, why not just do it already? There must be a part of him...
  10. R

    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

    That does, indeed, say it all. Whether that was the very first time Diane had ever smoked and drank, or the thousandth time, is not the point. She made a choice to do it that day, while driving. Honestly, almost everyone I know has been behind the wheel of a car when they shouldn't have, at...
  11. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #2

    I am very proud of this jury. This was a horrible case to sit on, and the emotional toll had to be great. But they did an exemplary job.
  12. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #2

    I have been thinking about the phone call Channon made to her dad, apparently after she and Chris had been abducted. I know Gary feels Channon was not under any duress when she made that call, and I certainly respect where he is coming from, but I wonder if she was forced to make the call so...
  13. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    Forgive me, this is probably a dumb question, but the ME said Channon's eyes were open when she died. Does that mean she was conscious? I so wanted for her to have been unconscious at some point so that she didn't have to feel and endure what they were doing to her. This case has me...
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    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    I don't get why he is pleading guilty to some of the charges.
  15. R

    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

    SCM, I tend to agree with you that this was a seasoned closet drinker who went too far and then was trying to make it home before her brother could find her out on the road. However - the posts above about the abcessed tooth possibility made me recall a time years ago when I had a miscarriage...
  16. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    I have only sporadically checked this link in the past, but am now trying to follow the trial pretty closely. Forgive me if this has been covered already - but do these crimes remind anyone else of the wichita massacre? Not just the black on white aspect, but just the horrific degradation...
  17. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    Nice my space page for Daphne. She says she has gotten her life together, but the she talks about she is still recovering from a party night before last. She wants to be an RN. Lord, save me from the place she works.
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    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway

    If Barbara is the attorney the insurance company has retained, then Schuler needs to get one who will represent HIM and his best interests. Barbara is certainly not doing it.
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    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway

    I wonder if Barbara sought out Daniel Shuler, somehow I suspect he did. I really wish someone close to Daniel would sit him down and tell him to kick that man to the curb and be done with him. Shumer obviously needs an attorney, but he would do well to retain one with empathy towards the...
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    8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway

    If anyone gets any money from this, it will be the men whose car was hit. I think Daniel Schumer will end up losing his house and anything else of value over this, and I think the little boy is going to continue to suffer, both financially and emotionally, for years to come.

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