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  1. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    I have wondered if they asked him where are the clothes you were wearing last night ? Now we know he received those scratches on his chest through clothing that shirt would indeed be a tell tale piece of evidence unless it had already been disposed of!
  2. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    So he must have disposed of her at the creek reasonably quickly ? Within a few hours - so got assistance quickly too one would have to assume ? Hmmm!
  3. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Allison would have been furious if GBC suggested she not go to the Conference the next day because TMH was upset and had applied pressure to - she had had her hair done and was looking forward to going . If she knew TMH was going to be there sparks would have ensued.
  4. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Well if they had a sleep over its still kinda true in GBC s mind! They are not up yet - OW hasn't dropped them back yet I'm making lunches - he probably was I'm dressed - he probably was S up now having breakfast or whatever - probably was I could never get my head around how the girls...
  5. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Sorry where do you get 7 feet from ? They had to lower the QPS to retrieve Alison's body 14 m . Was it only 7 feet from where she lay to top of bridge height?
  6. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    He wouldn't want he to float out to sea and never be found - he'd have to wait 7 years to claim on insurance - by lowering her down and dropping her under the bridge she eventually be found - thus he would be able to claim on het insurance - which of course we all know he did - even before...
  7. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    I am puzzled as to why Allison had no broken bones if she was thrown off the bridge some 12 m ? I know she landed in mud which would cushion the landing somewhat but one would think broken bones would still occur ? I have been of the opinion she must have been partially lowered down and then...
  8. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Remember he was given a phone from Flegg prior to April - could this number be that phone number ? Just a thought!
  9. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Someone with skills on using this site and photos already posted may be able to check to see if any show this or his blurb about himself earlier on as a great salesman and family man
  10. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Do we know whether GBC is left handed or right handed! - re the cut on his right hand supposedly from s screw driver which he never mentioned the day before to his real estate friend helping him Jodie - being such a talker you would have thought this would have been mentioned. And did it bleed ...
  11. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    The 10 leaves etc could only have been caught up on Alison's body and clothing at the Brookfield residence if she was either and or dragged around on the ground or placed on the ground prior to the back of the car. Maybe he placed something like a tarp or blanket on the floor of the car to then...
  12. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Why did the QPS drive TM to and from the court for the committal hearing when other witnesses didn't get this same privilege ? Do they feel for her security? Or has she been given some sort of immunity? She still appears blindly to love GBC - one has to wonder what more she knows!
  13. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    I am going to be doing jury duty straight after Easter in the Supreme Court eek!
  14. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    GBC was in financial distress that's for sure! Reading the financial planner/advisor document - he emailed GBC on 13.4.12 advising his income protection policy was in arrears and would be cancelled on 6.5.12 GBC advised he would sort it out - this was a man who had maxed out his credit cards...
  15. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    So pleased the girls are with the Dickies not the BC's and I can only assume that the QPS were able to assist in this process - that witness comment about S <modsnip> comment that she couldn't talk about anything on 26.4.12 until after the nightly debrief - these debrief s would have been...
  16. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    Interesting GBC records show he texted ABC and NBC at 8.23 pm on 19th - which would indicate she wasn't home yet - maybe still picking up the kids then had to get home put children to bed have shower change into track suit and have 15 mins session with GBC and talk about plans for next day etc...
  17. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    I am puzzled by NBC and OW saying GBC is innocent ! Look at those scratches on him for a start!
  18. P

    Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #44

    I recall very early on NBC when they shoved a mic in front of him he said the same as OW that the truth will come out ... But back then I thought he might have been suggesting a suicide - do we assume there was someone else there not a family member after the fateful act?

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