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DNA Solves
  1. V

    Nudist's Final Wishes Rebuffed

    What difference would it make if he was buried with or without clothes? If need be, they could have a viewing with him dressed, then remove the clothes and close the casket before burial. It all sounds rather trivial.
  2. V

    79 year old crossing guard fired for refusing urine test

    I think we should be worried about the children in the Houston School District, now that he is gone.
  3. V

    Toddler flings out car window, into river

    Rather than feel angry at the lady, I feel sorry for her. She did make a mistake, but she will be the one who has to live with it. I'm guessing that the current was such that she didn't have much of a chance to jump in and be able to catch up to her child.
  4. V

    'Sasquatch' hair put to test

    Did you know that bigfoot or sasquatch has a first cousin. He lives in the himilayas and is known as the Yeti. His footprints are sometimes seen in the snow. No word yet on what he likes to eat, since no remains or evidence of his food consumption has ever been described in literature.
  5. V

    Invoiced Divorce: Wife Wants Back Pay For Housework

    Rather than asking the legal sjstem to help her, maybe she should chaLK this experience up to learning. Otherwise next time she gets married she might want a pre-nup agreement, and scare the guy off.
  6. V

    He never spent a penny of it.

    There is something about this article that is hard to believe. How could he be given 1M for supplies or incidentals, yet never bring anything back to show for it.
  7. V

    Now animals are suing veterinarian

    A better way to deal with the pain might be to grieve, then go down to the local shelter and adopt a new dog.
  8. V

    Private education for 10,000.00??

    Yes, but is it art?
  9. V

    They're off in Nude-castle

    It may have been beautiful, (at least 50% of it), but was it art?
  10. V

    Squirrel fires

    Rocky (the flying squirrel), how could you?
  11. V

    Must.... poop......NOW!!

    to get a change of address for my drivers license. Regarding that 19 year old, use bran flakes and milk next time. A good source of protein.
  12. V

    Man has been turned down more that 5000 times

    He probably acts in ways that turn women off once they get to know him. He communicates that he doesn't want them to marry him. OR, he pops the question quickly, in such a way that implies, 'you've got to marry me'. No one likes to feel as though they have to do something that normally is a...
  13. V

    Naked man arrested for shouting at trees

    Questions that inquiring minds want to know: 1. Did the trees give a statement to the police? 2. Did they sign a complaint form? 3. If a tree is stripped of all its bark, is it nude and in violation of a law? 4. Was it a crime against nature. 5. Did he 'knock wood' instead of...
  14. V

    City cancels Whorehouse Days festival

    Show me a town that refuses to have a 'Whorehouse festival' and I will show you a town that is no fun. Knowing that Yakwoman comes from that part of the U.S. I'm not sure whether she will be insulted or feel vindicated. (Just kidding, Yakwoman.)
  15. V

    Corpse Falls Into Traffic in Texas

    That gives new meaning to the phrase, Being in double jeopardy.
  16. V

    Revenge of the Fish

    Isn't that getting a little on the morbid side?
  17. V

    Marfa Lights- what are they and have you seen them?

    Unsolved Mysteries had a segment about these. It was thought provoking and curious, seems like car headlights could be ruled out. Maybe they need observers in the distance to get a better perspective on them. I doubt they are UFO's since they have been visible for many years, according to UM's.
  18. V

    New Jersey couple has two sets of identical twins in same birth

    Quick, call Ripleys Believe it or not. Call the statisticians, call the life insurance agents. Don't call the Globe, or Weekly world news.
  19. V

    Man dies during sex with a horse

    Has anyone attempted to find out how the horse felt about it? Just kidding... Why can't people just stay within their own species?
  20. V

    Can you hear me now?

    What did you say?

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