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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Demand Change In Vermont Law

    I'm a big believer that we should start looking at sex crime courts where EVERYONE...the judge, the prosecutor, all of the experts have been certified as knowledgeble about sex needs to come out of the hands of a jury and be more like juvenile and family court. That's the only way...
  2. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

    He was Brooke's former step father and if I remember correctly lived in the same house with Brooke for several years.
  3. M

    POLL: Has the DNA evidence changed your theory on who killed Jonbenet?

    The whole problem with the intruder theory is that believing it requires relying on the idea that "child killers do crazy things" to explain away a series of actions that do not follow any known behavior pattern for this kind of would mean that this intruder is off the charts as far...
  4. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

    While I agree group therapy is overrated overall and that most of these treatment programs are more geared toward making the rehabilitation crowd happy rather than creating anything measurable in terms of play devil's advocate...what do you want the government to do with sex...
  5. M

    Demand Change In Vermont Law

    I agree, but it seems that most people are so emotional on the subject that the horrific rate of prosecution and conviction for sex offenders goes in one ear and out the other. The overwhelming majority of sex crimes against children do NOT include DNA...if you've got an adult's DNA on a...
  6. M

    NY - Megan Wright, 19, suicide after no charges filed in dorm rape, 7 May 2006

    Yeah, its ridiculous, for all anyone knows they told her it was all a joke and if she wrote it they would leave her alone. I would think that significant bleeding and genital injuries that the nurse considered evidence of a BRUTAL rape would have trumped anything she might have signed under...
  7. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

    I'd say right now there is enough evidence to prove Jacques committed the murder based only on what is known publicly: detailed plan to abduct and rape her, testimony placing Brooke last alive in his home, planting false evidence, history of sex crimes. I suspect they already also have the...
  8. M

    Low copy number (LCN) DNA = Ramsey's far from cleared

    Lacy doesn't say who else they compared the DNA would assume it was compared with any sample they had acquired during the investigation...which I think also exonerates all of the other 'suspects' that were named by the Ramsey family. I've simply never heard of a case where 'touch...
  9. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

    That's what I remember..all emails sent from Jacques computers...but I don't remember him admitting that Chevy was his email address.
  10. M

    Low copy number (LCN) DNA = Ramsey's far from cleared

    I guess "probably" saliva doesn't make much sense to me..either they know the source of the DNA or it was too miniscule for them to know the source. Or there are some sources than can be ruled out and some that cannot be excluded. If they can't ID the source of the DNA then how or why would...
  11. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

    I would think so, especially since her funeral was open casket. I've thought from the beginning she was strangled or smothered. There could be all kinds of reasons for the delay...they may not want to file charges until they've completely investigated the child *advertiser censored* angle and given...
  12. M

    Low copy number (LCN) DNA = Ramsey's far from cleared

    I don't think it has ever been stated on the record by LE that the DNA from the panties was saliva...though I think it has been said that it was not from semen.
  13. M

    Demand Change In Vermont Law

    Disagree. What if you are arrested for failure to pay parking tickets, or being drunk and disorderly or possession of weed? I agree that DNA should be taken from those who are arrested for VIOLENT felonies, and there should be a mechanism for the DNA to be taken out of the database if it is...
  14. M

    I talk with a DNA expert

    I think we're going to see all kinds of LE problems in the next few years regarding transfer DNA. How often does it happen really? There have been so few tests on transfer DNA that it seems no one really knows. Would the presence of transfer DNA from JonBenet's parents make it more or...
  15. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #20

    There is still a lot that is unknown and its premature to make any final judgements about AR's responsibility.. But, being afraid/brainwashed/young can only go so far in explaining and excusing her part--whatever it was--in Brooke's death, though I realize there are different opinions as to...
  16. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #20

    Too little, too late as far as I am concerned. Assuming that AR was truthful about the length of abuse, which I believe she was, and taking her emails about the abduction at face value...she wished to see her cousin suffer and she willingly agreed to help with her abduction, and we know for...
  17. M

    Low copy number (LCN) DNA = Ramsey's far from cleared

    Context is everything. If the crime scene is a home then there are almost always going to be unidentified fibers, hairs, fingerprints and DNA....the fact of it being unidentified is neither exculpatory or inculpatory unless/until its evaluated in the context of the particular case. In this...
  18. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #20

    That's what I think, its the difference between state and federal rules. Gagnon's state court appearance was cancelled so they could charge him under federal statutes...where there are no cameras or photos. I don't think there is any back story or investigative reason.
  19. M

    GUILTY GA - Four dead in Atlanta courthouse shooting, Brian Nichols on trial

    He already escaped from jail once and he stands accused of plotting a second escape, I also remember that his girlfriend who he was on trial for raping said he told her if he had to be a model prisoner for 20 years in order to get out, he would do it and come after her. If anyone needs to be...
  20. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    We're going to to have to agree to disagree on the relevance of knowing the names of various minors and relatives in photos, AR's half sister's names, and so forth in terms of the actual case of Brooke Bennett's abduction and murder. The only exception I would make is information on AR's...

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