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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    I understand that people get emotionally involved and want to feel a part of things, so I can see why people would want to see the funeral. But, truth is, people want to see all kinds of things that are inappropriate. I'm sure if they televised executions they would get fantastic ratings...
  2. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    How is this relevant? How are the names of minors on Brooke's myspace relevant? How is all the speculation about whether or not the blonde woman at the funeral is Jacues sister relevant? Obviously, most people on here disagree with me that this kind of stuff is irrelevant and inappropriate...
  3. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    I don't get the fascination with identifying, name or trying to ID who these minors are or who people are in funeral photographs, or what their relationship is to the key players. it seems totally irrelevant to the case. But, I also thought it was highly inappropriate for the funeral to be...
  4. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    Nobody knows what was presented to the grand jury or why they didn't indict or what was put in the report that was never made public. I think there is plenty of probable cause to indict Patsy Ramsey for manslaughter given the low threshold necessary for an indictment.
  5. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    It means the same thing to me.
  6. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    That could only be AR or Jacques, my recollection is that it was AR who wrote that. The police have said they don't think there were any other victims in Vermont or any Vermont children being solicited for this 'sex ring'...and I have no reason not to believe it. When they think that there...
  7. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    This case was the perfect storm of political infighting meets incompetance. The police and the DA disagreed over how to proceed on the investigation and whether or not the Ramsey's should be the prime suspects. A HUGE number of people either in the DAs office or BPD resigned in a snit because...
  8. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    Not well liked by whom? Jacques and Gagnon are already in jail, and AR is who would Savanna need protection from?
  9. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    Yeah, it seems to me this was a reflection of Wolf's lawyer not doing a very thorough job..nevermind that the judge was dismissing a claim of defamation that Wolf brought and so the fact that the bulk of the opinion is about why the Ramsey's are 'innocent' is in itself, a bit off...since it...
  10. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    How convenient. From what I've seen she appears to have gotten a number of her facts wrong including that the 'animal hairs' couldn't be matched to anything in the house when the Boulder PD wanted a search warrent to get Patsy's beaver hair boots and they never got well as appearing...
  11. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    Wong is forensic document examiner and so is the person she accused of lifting her work. That makes three so far who thought Patsy Ramsey wrote the note that I can find.
  12. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    Castration is ineffective because there is a world of things a pedophile can still do to harm his victim including assault with objects. This is another thing that sounds good on the surface, but really isn't. Chemical castration is more effective, but only if they take the medicine.
  13. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    It doesn't make sense to me that his probation would have forbid him to be around children under 16 when he was convicted of a sex crime against an 18 year old.
  14. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    Here's one person, a handwriting expert, who thought she wrote it. So, it seems the experts are divided over whether or not Patsy Ramsey wrote the note or not... If there are some experts who say you wrote it, or probably wrote it, and some who say...
  15. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    2 of those experts were hired by the Ramsey's so they don't count. The experts also said the type of pen used made analysis difficult and handwriting analysis is a pretty inexact discipline to begin with, its more akin to bite marks than DNA. So, at best, the note is neutral in terms of...
  16. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    My theory on false convictions is that there are two types of people at risk: there is the wrong place/wrong time petty criminal, homeless, vagrant type who is misidentified or wrongly zeroed in on by police and there is the weird family member who either has a secret or who doesn't react...
  17. M

    DNA Clears Ramsey Family!

    No my parents never abused me. Statistics are very clear on who is the likely killer of a child, and it is not an intruder. Overwhelmingly, children are killed and yes, sexually abused by their own family members. While cases like that of Samantha Runnion, Carlia Brucia, etc. get wall to...
  18. M

    The Ramseys are Cleared

    It does seem preposterous...but, if you accidentally kill your child then whatever you do is going to be done using stuff in the house.. Yes, the ransom note is too weird, too obviously a fake and too knowledgible about Ramsey's finances, it cannot have been written by a stranger and I have...
  19. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    I guess I agree to a degree, I just don't think all sex criminals can be lumped together. Some pedophiles abuse dozens of children, some only abuse their own children, some stick to *advertiser censored* and don't abuse anyone, some few kill their victims as well as abusing them. The teacher who has sex...
  20. M

    Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

    I don't. Jacques and Gagnon are so unsophisticated they couldn't even cover their tracks changing myspace, I cannot for the life of me see them able to make and distributed *advertiser censored* on any kind of wide scale without getting caught. I think they buy it, I think that Jacques probably...

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