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  1. B

    GUILTY NC - Kathleen Peterson, 48, found dead in her Durham home, 9 Dec 2001

    Could anyone direct me to the original threads on this trial? I've searched and searched but can't seem to find them. Thanks so much!
  2. B

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

    To answer the question about the frequent flyer miles: Many credit cards have rewards programs where for every dollar you spend, you get 1 or 2 points in an airline miles points programs. For example, my card is linked to my Delta account so I charge everything -- utilities, groceries, gas...
  3. B

    Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

    Forgive me if this has been answered somehow, but aren't daycares supposed to call parents if the child doesn't show up? I know the testimony was that JRH rec'd a group e-message from the daycare but did any employee there contact either of the parents when Cooper was a no-show? If not...
  4. B

    Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

    Forgive me if this has been answered somehow, but aren't daycares supposed to call parents if the child doesn't show up? I know the testimony was that JRH rec'd a group e-message from the daycare but did any employee there contact either of the parents when Cooper was a no-show? If not, why...
  5. B

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #10

    Hi, Just to clarify -- it's possible to be a Fortune 500 company and a Fortune 50 company at the same time. Home Depot currently is ranked number 45 in the Fortune 500 list of publicly traded corporations; that means it's in the Top 50 and common shorthand is to refer to such companies as a...
  6. B

    Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

    Hi Everyone. Longtime (since Jonbenet days) mostly lurker here. In the account of Cooper's funeral, it was said that Leanne recited a rather bizarre litany of all the unpleasant things he would never have to experience, like the death of his parents and grandparents. Sounded odd to me then...
  7. B

    2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    No, to prep for all of her money-generating interviews, books, reality TV shows and other channels through which she will cash in on her daughter's death As an aside I am a journalist and that pool reporter was as lame as could be. No real journalist would agree to be locked into the jail in...
  8. B

    2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    thank you. the overnight anchors on these cable stations sound like they've never heard of casey anthony before. i can't believe the regular HLN people couldn't muster it up for the release!
  9. B

    2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Where are you all watching this? I have been clicking to all the cable stations and the websites of local media to no avail....
  10. B

    Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

    She is a potential cash cow for her attorneys; I doubt they will let her loose until they have sewn up book/movie/reality show/whatever deals with a healthy cut for themselves as her "advisers."
  11. B

    This Verdict Proves My Theory

    Yes, OP. It also confirms my theory that the general public is incapable of logic, reason and simple reading comprehension; we need professional jury pools who have been vetted with IQ and other intelligence tests. They should be properly paid and agree in advance to terms so they aren't...
  12. B

    2011.06.15 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Nineteen)

    Can anyone give us a two or three-sentence explainer of what happened yesterday and why the short session today? And why would jurors be angry? Thanks from those of us who missed it!
  13. B

    You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

    (re the baby monitor to tote around for listening to trial) Must give credit to a fellow news junkie for turning me on to this idea years ago -- think Chandra Levy/Gary Condit wall-to-wall coverage era -- and it's great for following news. I buy the monitors at yard sales for $3 to $5 and...
  14. B

    Q & A for our NEWCOMERS! Ask a question and leave an answer! *NO DISCUSSIONS*

    Was there ever a funeral held for Caylee -- i.e., were her remains laid to rest or are they still being held as evidence? Thanks.
  15. B

    You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

    I've got a baby monitor set up next to the TV that has TruTV/HLN running every possible moment from 9 a.m. to when Joy Behar signs off (if she's talking about the case.) The receiver comes with me when I do yard work, laundry, shower, etc. Need I add that I never have and never will have -- a...
  16. B

    Mitigation: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

    You said all I wanted to say, only more eloquently. Honestly, their failure to assess the effect of the jailhouse tapes alone is epic, and that cockamamie opening statement -- meter reader running off with the body? I've Nancy Drews with more plausible, sophisticated plot lines.
  17. B

    How Are You Going To Watch Trial ? Live Feed & Smart Phone Info

    I too would appreciate any pointers to audio-only that I can use on my 3G iPhone. Tried WDBO today but they had on regular programming.
  18. B

    2011.05.24 TRIAL Day One (Morning Session) *READ THE FIRST POST NOW PLEASE*

    Is Casey Anthony sitting at the defense table? It looks like she is right in front of a wall -- is that a trick of the camera? Thanks all.
  19. B

    How Are You Going To Watch Trial ? Live Feed & Smart Phone Info

    Yikes, i forgot to set my DVR and just tuned in; does anyone know where video of the opening statements might be? Do you think the ORlando Sentinel will post it in entirety?
  20. B

    Q & A for our NEWCOMERS! Ask a question and leave an answer! *NO DISCUSSIONS*

    In the thread about Elizabeth Rogers, the outburst woman, one of the moderators says "Please do not sleuth this woman .... unless MSM (I presume that means mainstream media?) posts her record." Are we not allowed to discuss things on the public record that we look up ourselves? That seems odd...

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