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DNA Solves
  1. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    In my college courses we are not allowed to use Wikipedia as a source....
  2. C

    Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

    WHAT AMAZES ME IS THIS.... at first I thought Caylee was put in the dumplster at AMSCO.... but I am not surpised she was found where she was... both of those two places are her MO... from a criminal point of view
  3. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    There is no Zanny nanny.. unless is is in\ the form on Zantx... And from the understanding I have now... ther is enough tissue evidence to tell that.... Matter of the fact remains... ZANNY DOES NOT EXIST.... Except in KC's mind which is her defense... A defense based on another LIE...
  4. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    Casey never wanted her mpther to have control or custody of Caylee... that was the big power struggle between the two.
  5. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    The things that make us go HHHMMMMM..... that is what this thread is about. And you are correct in saying the one person who could have ended this long ago will not talk.... But we can still deal with the family dynamics... Until the trial is over... KA will not talk... if she does then.. it...
  6. C

    What if the body isn't 6 months decomposed?

    Like you my brain is on overload.... I have even tried to start my own post concerning the Psych aspect of this case because I feel until the forensics come in we all need to have a way to think deeper like the CSI guys... You know they are working overtime this weekend on this case. Maybe this...
  7. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    Yes.. we have all come to the conclusion long ago that this family is very dysfnctional long ago... BUT... What factor caused KC to SNAP in such a distructive way??? Do I think she did it alone... YES.. Do I think GA knew long ago at least at the tow yard or before.... YES... he acted in...
  8. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    Yes it does and changed the name of the tread to Caylee dies WHY.... or something to that effect.....seems that the sleuths want big titles...IMO,,, I am just looking for an indepth PSYCH discussion of how this could have happened. Giving the events of recent days an current news..... I dont...
  9. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    i Have never made a POST to this site ... like made a topic... sooo... how does it get to the top for discussion????.. I have had to search to find my own topic... alot of what is being discussed could easily fall under this topic.... WHAT caused a family dysfunction so bad that CAYLEE GAVE...
  10. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    You hit my studies right on the nail of the head... Perfectly/ I cannot say it better myself... actually you state the obvious problems in a short form.. This is why KC hid her pregnancy for so long.. she didn't know who the fatehr was because of her actions outside of the house... Do...
  11. C

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    I am a PSYCH student and since we all seem to be waiting on the forensics to come in from Caylee I thought we may need a place to direct our theories... SO.... I have been following this case from day one. Like I do many... like.. NH.. and SP.. and JBR.. so..... I have never posted a...
  12. C

    Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

    Caylee and the evidence she brought with her... along with what we alreadhy know will give LE what they need to tell us what happened.... Caylee's story... This didn't happen because of the actions of one person.. it was the combination of hte actions of All A's that made ONE person SNAP!!!!!!!!!
  13. C

    A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

    If we look into KC's childhood she has most likely always craved all the attention. She hid her pregnancy for 7 months... WHY???... SHe wanted to give Caylee up for adoption.. we have that form one of her friends in the documents.. WHY didn't she?? Because of CA, her mother. CA wanted Caylee but...
  14. C

    A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

    I have always felt like this was a premediated act from the beginning. Premeditation can happen within just a few minutes. It doesn't have to be planned for a long period of time. The fact that she hid from her family for 31 days tells me she is guilty and she did it alone. Any mother would...
  15. C

    Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

    Like everyone here... I feel this is our proof they have found dear Caylee... If she was innocent she would have been struggling from day 1.. meaning June 16th....Not now....Just my Psyc student point of view.... she is a great study.
  16. C

    How Will the ANTHONY FAMILY react?

    I just need to post my final opinion and go to bed... late.. and I have to be up early for work.. I am sad.. and relieved at the same time... Of course KA needed a sedative today... she knows she is screwed!!! She knows it is Caylee... As for the A family... do I think GA was directly...
  17. C

    Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #3

    I do believe in psychics.. yes.. and sometimes in dreams we are given "clues" but not exactly the way we expect them.. not in "real world form"... if that makes ANY sense... anyway... another post on the psychic pointed to Jan 11th... today is DEC 11th and a FULL MOON!!!!!!! My Opinion...
  18. C

    Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #2

    I agree right now all news slots are in here for the story..... sleuths and NG have been here all along.. right along with LE and TM
  19. C

    Greta 12-11-08

    So do I.... Last month on the full moon... me and my dear SO were sitting outside enjoy the view of the moon...discussing this case... he stated.."She will be found within 6 weeks"... the moon was full last night and it has been 4 weeks roughly.... Ironic!!!!!!! She is an angel above us...

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