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DNA Solves
  1. W

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 19

    I hope this get thrown out of court. Not that I think what the McCanns did is right but the crime happened in another country - the laws of the UK do not apply. We must respect other countries laws - whether we agree or not. Also if this lawsuit goes through it should also include the names of...
  2. W

    Why Thursday Night?

    The only problem I have with this "sex night" theory is the couple who brought the mother. Seriously if that is what you had planned on doing would you bring your mum along. Calikid I have often wondered that myself - why they didn't just say someone stole her while they were asleep - and the...
  3. W

    General Discussion Thread No. 18

    Are we looking at the same picture? - the outfit seems fine to me in fact my four year has the same summer dress, I'm not seeing the makeup or the dirty clothes. I have seen this photo many times on YouTube.
  4. W

    An honest question...

    This statement claims it is true because it has a name attached but I can't for the life of me find the name that is attached to it. Have I missed this or was this linked to something else? If it is true and the McCanns had had sitters every other night except may 3rd that changes my position...
  5. W

    What do you think happened to Madeleine?

    I didn't vote as I really don't know what happened to Madeleine - I'm not sure if any of the above is correct.
  6. W

    An honest question...

    I am confused how would the crying children spin help the McCanns - from everything I can remember it was Mrs. Fenn who heard the children crying and reported it to the MW resort - which is what promted the MW resort telling the McCanns that the resorts offers nighttime babysitting. I really...
  7. W

    An honest question...

    If they had hired a nanny every night up to May 3rd - then what Mrs. Fenn heard two nights prior is very questionable. If a nanny was in the room why was a child crying for her daddy for an extended period of time. I am having a hard time believing anything that has been reported. I'm not...
  8. W

    The Conspiracy Theory

    Maybe it wasn't her looks that they were after but her personality/ spirit / demeaner. I really don't know. There doesn't seem to be any logical explaination for any of this - so maybe they person or persons who did this is not logical and that is why none of this makes any sense. I still...
  9. W

    Hard Evidence

    Resort manager John Hill said: "As well as staff, we had guests helping, also the majority of the Praia da Luz village. "Police were informed at the same time as the alarm was raised. They arrived about 10.45pm and after statements were taken from the family police decided to escalate the...
  10. W

    General Discussion Thread No. 16

    We really don't know for sure if she at first felt that Madeleine was abducted. We don't know much about what happened during those first few moments. most of that is sealed with the police and their secrecy laws.
  11. W

    The Case, so far...

    It seems things are starting to get a little personal. I have one view on this and that is to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann. I read all posters view I may not agree - but everyone is entitled to their opinion. We should respect each others views.
  12. W

    General Discussion Thread No. 16

    Okay I agree she was in a panick - but I don't think she thought her kids were in danger I think the panick was on Madeleine as she was missing. She could see the twins touch the twins they were safe - I also don't think at first she thought of abduction - I think I read on this message board...
  13. W

    Madeleine's Favorite ...

    I'm not sure if this is the case or not but my four year old snuggles up to her dad when he is watching Formula One racing and claims that is her favourite show - because she is spending time with her daddy. I really doubt that is her favourite show but I think it is the time she snuggles with...
  14. W

    The Case, so far...

    I agree completely - very good post
  15. W

    The Case, so far...

    First we still don't know for certain if "They've taken her" were Kates first words spoken to Tapas group. I have also heard "Madeleines gone" as her first words. Even the nanny stsed that she can't say those were her first words but that evening she said that. Next the lease to the villa...
  16. W

    Is Anybody In Charge of Portugal? Okay here is one of the articles that mentioned when Jane Tanner reported this to the police. But there is another one on this site that states not telling the McCanns that night.
  17. W

    Is Anybody In Charge of Portugal?

    I have bolded the part I would like to discuss. Somewhere on this message board there was an article that Jane Tanner did tell the police that night she saw someone - she didn't tell the McCanns until a few days later. I will go searching for this info - not sure when I can get to it but I do...
  18. W

    IF They Did It

    I agree - I don't mind waiting as long as we know where Madeleine is or what happend to Madeleine
  19. W

    Madeleine's Favorite ...

    Well according to Kate she loved Cuddle Cat (the pink stuffed animal)
  20. W

    NJ - William McGuire, 39, found dismembered in Chesapeake Bay, 2004

    Could Melanie have killed and used the saw or some other tool at her work. Was the clinic ever tested for forensic?

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