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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. O

    Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

    Absolutley, positive NOT! I was raised in a single parent home from age 9 on when my step-father committed suicide, (biological dad left when 2), I have raised two children on my own since my kids were 5 & 15 months, when thier father was murdered. My son is 19 and a college sophmore and my...
  2. O

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    Someone please explain to me how Child Neglect that resulted in Death is not Child Abuse??? Please?????????????????
  3. O

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    I'll join you, I'm an Orlando resident!
  4. O

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    And if the parent (Casey) was not responsible for the welfare of her child, who the heck was?
  5. O

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    Someone please explain to me how Child Neglect that resulted in Death is not Child Abuse??? Please?????????????????
  6. O

    What question do you want to ask the Jurors most?

    I also want to know why you couldn't/wouldn't speak to the media?
  7. O

    What question do you want to ask the Jurors most?

    I want to know if ICA being Caylee's sole guardian wasn't responsible for the care and welfare of Caylee, then who was? I also want to know if they believe it was an accident, where was ICA when she should have been watching her child? I want to know what Child Abuse means to you????
  8. O

    2011.06.10 TRIAL Day Fifteen (Afternoon Session)

    thank you dr. G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. O

    From Whence to Casey's Tears Flow?

    I don't know! When I see some, I'll give you my opinion!!!!
  10. O

    You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

    When at work you request a Supervisor to write a supplemental report to attach to an Employee Disciplinary action!!! OMG, was I just a tad bit embarrassed! All while in the Conference Room with the 52" hdtv!!! (that is my office until further notice,of course)
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    Baez - Just Lost The Trial

    I believe this is why LDB made a point of discussing the pavers laid in the playhouse. I also believe this will be tied into the borrowing of the shovel.
  12. O

    Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

    I too have had very strong opinions regarding Cindy (& rightfully so), today as I was watching her testify and witnessing her love for Caylee, I hurt for her. However, not until she stated "I stopped looking approximately 6 weeks ago", did the enormity of her situation hit me. I audibly...
  13. O

    BIG HOLES in the defense theory

    OMG, all I was thinking is "Is this on purpose?" That, along with... Good Afternoon (I think), I'm going to talk to you about what I'm going to talk to you about and "see" I have a powerpoint presentation to show that I know what I'm talking about!!! He is as revolting as his client!
  14. O

    2011.05.20 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Eleven)

    So many emotions at this time, relief that a jury has been sworn, sadness for why we are all here and utter rage that even at this hour ICA walked out of the courtroom with a smile on her face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. O

    Anthonys May Sue Over Merchandise being Sold

    Is $4,000.00 not a profit??? Had the Anthony's not fired thier original attorney (Mark Nejame) for refusing to assist Casey, then thier would have been no need to hire/nor pay Mr. Brad Conway, fire Brad Conway, hire Mr. Lippman, etc, etc, etc.... Why so many attorney's when they are the...
  16. O

    Anthonys May Sue Over Merchandise being Sold

    $20,000 is not alot of money???? It's more than I have sitting around. "They have no money"??? Are you serious???? She collects disablity, they took a friggin cruise, eat out at expensive restaurants & stayed in anexpensive hotels (on ABC news dime) when thier granddaughters remains were...
  17. O

    2011.05.11 Kc sick removed from court

    Heck if I was on trial facing the Death Penalty, I would have an anxienty attack too! If she told the truth, she wouldn't be in this position. So no sympathy here!
  18. O

    2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

    Totally disgusted, however I am more convinced than ever that she will definately be found "Guilty". The way I see it is if the DT were so sure of thier case they would have presented the "focus group" with all evidence, not bits & pieces. Also note that not even the A's appeared on this junk...
  19. O

    Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

    I, for one, am not worried in the least in regards to the "new" episode airing. There is nothing that changes the FACTS: 1) 31 Days 2) Partying while daughter is missing 3) Lies 4) Smell of Decomposition 5) Lies 6) Remains found 7) Lies 8) Duct Tape, WTP Blanket 9) Lies

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