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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I've seen that, too. Even a difference in the brain of a depressed person, a bipolar person. Fascinating stuff. Even though there is the heredity link, environment also plays a big part. So who knows if they'll ever find the answer?
  2. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    No matter if his childhood was horrible or not, there is no excuse for what he did. Many, many people have been sexually abused as children, and they don't proceed to murder and mutilate either animals or humans. What I do hope to happen, with this case and many others, is that people start...
  3. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Yes, there is definitely a genetic link. Bipolar disorder tends to run in families, as does alcoholism.
  4. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I think trolling comes from the fishing term, not the ugly little monsters that live under a bridge. You troll for fish by trailing a baited line behind your boat. So on the internet, a troll posts a comment (bait) and waits for the backlash. They thrive on the drama.
  5. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    The sister is several years younger than LM, and did not live with the grandmother. A male cousin did (and if I remember correctly, he is in jail). In a dysfunctional family, abuse doesn't necessarily happen to all siblings. And just because the sister "seems" to have turned out "normal"...
  6. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Maybe just because of the fact that his grandparents raised him for part of his childhood? He feels closer to them--a special bond.
  7. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Interesting article. Sounds very plausible. Especially in light of the Anders Breivik development, in which prosecutors want Breivik to go to a psychiatric facility, as they now have doubts about his sanity. All the while, Breivik insists he is sane. He wants to be seen a certain way--control...
  8. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I believe it's true for both. Something just popped into my mind, when reading about the home-schooling. On one of LM's rants on a forum, he had mentioned that his mother had kept him in diapers until he was 7 (whether true or not, who knows). A child is generally 8 years old in Grade Three...
  9. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Maybe LM's the very first psychopathic sociopath?:waitasec:
  10. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    From what I understand (from LM's posts online and different news articles), it has been a long-term thing. That doesn't necessarily mean that he's been on meds steady.
  11. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    We do know what medication it is, and it definitely is a psychotropic drug. (It was stated by a journalist on twitter just before the publication ban). So it's not all just guessing.
  12. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I don't think he is schizophrenic, either. I do think he is bi-polar (just my opinion), and bi-polar *is* a mental illness. That doesn't excuse his actions, though. He deserves to be locked up for life.
  13. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Plus, *that* Rx also has side effects of hair-thinning/hair loss, acne, and a whole host of other things. And I agree--the name of the prescription med is something LM posted all over the place, so while I will respectfully not mention the name, it's been out there for years!
  14. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    Or even just stated that he was on prescribed psych meds? He most likely wouldn't have had them on him.
  15. P

    6-21-12 Court Appearance

    I wouldn't think it would help an insanity defense, either. Flamboozled me! :waitasec:
  16. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I don't think he has this (JMO)--but there are a couple of curious coincidences. His mother volunteers with the Autistic society (or works with autistic children). And, the drug risperidone is sometimes used for Asperger's. Another thing--Asperger syndrome wasn't well-known back when LM was...
  17. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    I read that narcissists do well in a structured environment--when someone else is in control. It is when there is no structure, that chaos ensues. They have a hard time dealing with everyday, "normal" life. Fits in with the bits and blurbs that have been published online about his childhood...
  18. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    The difference in speech patterns could also be explained with bi-polar disorder. Speech and even thinking patterns is so different when manic compared to depressed. When on meds, compared to when off of them.
  19. P

    Armchair psych profile and personal background

    He seems to be uncomfortable and awkward when trying to smile. It's especially apparent (to me) in photographs. Totally unnatural. I don't think he knows what genuine happiness is. He is able to simulate it, on cue.
  20. P

    ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #10

    And there's no evidence to show he's not. There's not a whole lot of facts, period. So until we hear what happens at trial, should we just not discuss this case at all? Psychiatrists and lawyers and gossip-mongers and weirdos and curious people...and intelligent web sleuths all around the...

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