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  1. theskredes

    Legal Questions for our VERIFIED Lawyers #3

    Ok lets say 'worst case' (for us) she get a verdict of 2nd degree- what is the general sentence for that verdict? And once she gets that sentence- and lets say she is dumb enough to do this- and says I actually killed her- can they increase her sentence or change the verdict at all?
  2. theskredes

    2011.06.15 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Nineteen)

    Did they follow up with: Will you submit a bill?
  3. theskredes

    2011.06.14 TRIAL Day Eighteen (Afternoon Session)

    I think they have just showed about 4 different kinds of heart sitckers proving that ICA has/had a fetish for them and used them all the time. This was also showen in the Facebook pictures she had up. State needs to put up computer experts about the FB picutres next about those pictures
  4. theskredes

    Caylee Anthony Drowned In Family Pool Theory

    I am a mom of 3 little kids. One is the same age that little Caylee is/would have been. One is now the age that Caylee is when she died. One thing that struck me as really really odd was when JB was describing how she died. He said that GA and ICA searched the house, the closets, under the beds...
  5. theskredes

    2011.05.19 Jury Selection DAY TEN (Afternoon Session)

    Here you all go! Steal away!!
  6. theskredes

    2011.05.19 Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Ten)

    I can put all three together if you PM me the original files. I can do them in a banner or I can put them together in a gif/flashing picture.
  7. theskredes

    Oktoberfest in La Crosse

    Oktoberfest starts today. I live in La Crosse, I went to college here in La Crosse. I know how La Crosse works and I am still unconvinced that these are accidentally drownings.... One of my friends on FB posted these news clips. I have never seen them before...
  8. theskredes

    Balloons at the Suburban Drive Disposal Site

    I thought the pieces of plastic were from another black garbage bag that had been ripped apart for whatever reason. I guess I just find that a balloon is so random. Let's say Caylee died in bed or the pool or the trunk, how on earth would a balloon get in the bag with her. Well I guess...
  9. theskredes

    Balloons at the Suburban Drive Disposal Site

    I found a comment about a 'winnie the pooh balloon' in the doc release today 10-9-09 page 10 of the link: What significance do you think this balloon is? I find it really odd that there was a balloon found with the body. Did I read that...
  10. theskredes

    2009.10.09 Document Release

    One item struck me as odd that was found with Caylee. Why would there be a 'winnie the pooh hellium balloon' with the remains. I can understand the blanket, but the balloon seems to be odd. What do you all think?
  11. theskredes

    Casey's IM's with Iassen & Tony R (in entirety)

    I really think KC started to plan all this back in May. That was when she started to feel 'caged in' and couldn't leave really when she wanted to. That is when the name Zani pops up in an IM. As far as how she came about, I don't know, but what I do know is she really feeds off what people say...
  12. theskredes

    Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

    Off the topic of this thread- But I completely agree with you. I looked at the photos and many things jumped out at me. I didn't know if I should start it's own thread or not though...
  13. theskredes

    2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

    Hahahah I didn't even get what you meant.... I need to put in my siggy... I can't spell and I don't have time for spell check! hahahha
  14. theskredes

    2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

    Where did you find this transcription? This is that 'you know' speech that I mentioned earlier. CA doesn't use the 'you know' unless she is being untruthful.
  15. theskredes

    2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

    Okay I have watched this video a few times now. I would really like to read the transcripts because I want to look at CA speach patterns (more on that in a second). Starting about 4:07 they ask the Anthony's about KC being guilty. They never come out and flat out say. KC did not murder...
  16. theskredes

    2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

    I thought the same thing. There was even a point blank question to GA and he sidestepped it. I have to rewatch to see what exactly he said. How long until the transcripts are out?
  17. theskredes

    2009.04.22 & 2009.04.23 GA & CA Excl. Intvw: CBS The Early Show (Inc. Outtakes)

    I took this as the reason why she wasn't demanding to know where Caylee was before 31 days. 'Just' a grandma didn't need to know. KWIM?
  18. theskredes

    Why would casey have told anyone where to find the body?

    This just shows how messed up this family really is. Even if she had told anyone (family), why didn't they just go to the police with the info. If I had a sister who committed a crime I would use everything I could to get the truth out and then go back on my word and hand the info over to the...
  19. theskredes

    2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #3 POLL ADDED

    I voted yes. But I really want her to be in the general population. I don't think she goes with general population if she is on death row.

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