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DNA Solves
  1. P

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    Good question Numbers. All I can think of right now and you will have to excuse me. The defense was only able to have certain experts for certain expertise. What I believe that the defense maybe doing is doubling up experts and not listing them in their correct fields to have them get paid by...
  2. P

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    Neither did I. Baez stated this also in the late filing back on December 15th. Page 4
  3. P

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    Numbers according to the supplemental information that Mason added to the reconsideration motion. Dr. Logan is going to testify at the Frye hearings and trial about the air testing. Part h page 8 So even though Logan tested the shorts and...
  4. P

    2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

    Just my take on it if the motion of extension. If the motion listed a specific report that will be delayed then I think CJPerry would grant it for this one specific expert. BUT if it is for a blanket extension I do not think that even CJPerry would grant this or not let the SAO have a say before...
  5. P

    Invoice for the Defense for Work Performed

    According to the JAC motion filed on 12/28 Exhibit C Page 21 Exhibit C September 18, 2010 Review State disclosed discovery and go over time lines. Prepare Defense discovery. Attempt to interview witness –...
  6. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Thank you for all your updates today. I do believe in CJPerry and I am a Florida tax payer. As long as she is in jail and then in prison I will be totally happy. But Baez today may have been granted the 300 hours but he is already in the red by 106.2 hours. So in actuality Baez only received...
  7. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere else in the threads, but did anyone notice that both orders being heard today have been signed by the same person? I'm wondering if Ms. Finnell even knows that she is asking for more investigative hours for the penalty phase or if this is just a way...
  8. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Good morning I'm not TT or TWA but I do remember this which just floored me. 06/01/2010 Motion hearing Part 2 @ 4:35 crucial there can be no mistake about the fact that if the body not there when they arrived in some fashion and manner after...
  9. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Sure was TWA "Bear in mind" was said a lot by CJPerry during this hearing and it seems Finnell was trying to distance herself from Baez and Mason doings. But it also seems Baez at least did not get a thing during this status hearing he is doing his own thing even though Finnell is in charge at...
  10. P

    2010.11.29 Defense Initial Penalty Phase Witness List

    This is what I heard from this status hearing TWA CJP: What I want to do is with the investigator hours with the number of hours I want to split for guilt innocence phase, which I guess Mr. Mason you’re not going to be involved with the penalty phase even though I thought you were brought on...
  11. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    I agree TWA it is a mystery to what now the defense is doing other than to delay purposes. In further review of the invoices that Finnell attached to her motion and the JAC motion from the 28 of December. I find that J Lyons has invoiced for mitigation purposes and G Colon has from what I can...
  12. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Ok this is about Ms. Finnell's motion Ms. Finnell states in 2) that exhibit A shows the itemized of mitigation use of time, but after relistening and rereading the 10/20 status hearing imo CJPerry wanted to know how Ms. Barrett used her hours that had been previously utilized (384 hours) and...
  13. P

    2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

    Not sure this is the right thread to put this on but it does have to do with asking for more funds. Did Baez or Mason respond to the JAC about their motion that was filed on December 28, 2010. If they did not then I can hear CJPerry stating this at the hearing. jmo So many times in everyone...
  14. P

    2011.01.11 Info RE: Caylee's Second Autopsy

    Thanks so much for finding this sleutherontheside :seeya: To take this a step further I found Spitz's son that was NG in January of 2009 to which he states: Well, that it entails a naked eye exam of all of the bones. You`re going to want to x-ray all the bones. You`re going to want to photograph...
  15. P

    What Is the Defense Strategy?

    This defense imo has no defense. All they have done since the beginning is throw out there SODDI theory and their client has a reason which they can't share until their day in court. So far all they seem to be doing is preparing for the penalty phase. The only defense lay witnesses that happen...
  16. P

    2010.12.15 Dr Jane Bock Report & CV

    I also noticed in the Response to the Clarification Motion that there is to be a Frye hearing between experts Dr. Boch and Dr. Hall. I guess that Baez is not requesting a Frye hearing for the Oakridge National Laboratory versus Dr. Logan. It would also include Dr. Rodriquez but he is the third...
  17. P

    His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

    I certainly agree with your opinion chefmom. Also as per yesterday's telephonic hearing blurb that was posted on wesh's youtube site I have a feeling that since the defense mentioned that they have these State's witnesses to still interview that CJPerry's only way to rule was the way he did. mo...
  18. P

    Defense Taphonomy Expert

    To good to snip any of it. The defense is just whining again that the court is being unfair to this client. What is with this tit for tat position that the defense always has to do. Also in the Defense Motion (Page 3, Part 6) The defense states that the State is asserting broad, overreaching...
  19. P

    Defense Witness List

    respectfully snipped TY kaRN for sharing TWA post with me. I didn't remember Dr. Lee had stated that. I do hope that Ashton can get all the notes from this defense. Even is the defense doesn't want to show the SAO the reports that the experts did do. If the experts are professionals that the...
  20. P

    Defense Witness List

    Hi kaRN According to this defense at the status hearing JB stated "I have not asked that any of our experts write any reports I think that is extra work" By him saying this to me it means they are going to do a trial by ambush because they are using the experts memories. mo and mf

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