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DNA Solves
  1. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    I will repeat myself for the third or fourth time now. There better be some bombs dropped on his testimony tomorrow. I get it, the breakfast in the Hampton Inn is one, but after letting Jason Young "speak" to this jury also with the testimony that brought a hung jury last year...they better have...
  2. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    More of Jason's bad luck in this case; as the first one on the scene to this wreck, rescue personnel would have surely taken his name and information as a witness/respondent to the accident. He's such a good Samaritan, you'd have to imagine somewhere in the Wake County accident reports they'd...
  3. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    So the jury is going to see Jason Young's testimony and then be done for the day? Now I really have a hard time with this...they are basically letting him re-testify without getting on the stand again. After his first testimony, as disgusting as it is to recall, did the trick and snowed 8 of...
  4. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    They really better have some good stuff to nail this <mod snip>.
  5. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    I believe it's the case that sociopaths do not have the capacity for empathy; Jason Young very likely feels zero remorse at all and views all of this as a mere inconvenience.
  6. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    Makes me sick listening to him. Not sure why they'd show so much of his testimony, when it was assumed from the first trial that his testimony swung 8 Wake Co. MENSA members to NG. Could it be they are going to box him in on what he testified to previously in the event he decides to take...
  7. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    While this is the simple way to put it, I also would say it shows (once again) that there is no "perfect murder". He planned it one way -- "head trauma knockout" etc. -- without factoring in Michelle might be able to struggle. Then Cassidy entered the scene. No way he could've been prepared for...
  8. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    Defense may have just unwittingly given away their strategy. Obviously, someone in China wearing knockoff Hush Puppy Orbitals committed this horrible crime, and we need to focus on that individual and bring him to justice.
  9. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    Becky Holt was on a roll there, she couldn't help herself and finally sped up her delivery. Her heart must have been racing as she delivered that line of questioning. Just to be clear, this is a compliment. Lol at the "patent" cross..." They are going for the anti-China/knock off argument...
  10. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    Rarity of Orbital shoes is being explained very clearly. Exclusive to DSW, a rare, rare piece of footwear indeed. Did I hear correctly - only 195 pairs of brown Hush Puppy Orbital size 12s made? Edit to add: Should've known, I didn't need to ask. :) BOOM. How can it even be a question...
  11. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-21-2012

    I do not expect Jason Young to take the stand again; he has to sense that this prosecution is more thorough and disproving his prior testimony. Even his own mother's testimony looks bad for him; Pat can't save the little imp now, her own words provide one more piece of the puzzle against her son.
  12. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-20-2012

    Agree, that should have been part of the request/order when they had the shoe made. But the larger point, tied to Young's purchase of the "almost" Hush Puppies within days of her murder is very compelling. I don't recall the first prosecution being so thorough in making the points about the...
  13. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-20-2012

    My supposition here is that Jason wore scrubs or some sort of "protective" clothing. I had to shop at Lowes this weekend and for the first time noticed what I'd read on this site last week, a Tyvek suit. These are like $11 or $12 and for someone planning like Young obviously did, it'd be nothing...
  14. F

    State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-20-2012

    Exactly, nothing more and nothing less. Just as no one believes an old woman in a track suit was giving the "spanking". What's important is that for some reason, Cassidy's impression of what happened was her mommy was spanked, for biting. How could she have come up with that in any other way...
  15. F

    State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-18 Feb 2012

    And again, those sweater photos should say sweaters, plural.
  16. F

    State vs Jason Young 2-17-2012

    Simply go to page 26 of this thread, or if this link works for you, it's right there. Tell me that "older woman" might not pass for an adult male, not unlike her father. Tall, thin, light hair. But, I'll...
  17. F

    State vs Jason Young 2-17-2012

    While I understand the defense atty's repeatedly referring to the doll as "the older woman," methinks Klink played that too cute, as are you. The girl had three dolls, "the older woman" isn't exactly a Barbie doll...damn thing looks as much like a man as a woman. And if anything, as others have...
  18. F

    State vs Jason Young 2-17-2012

    Of all times not to be listening to WRAL! Wow, this is sickening, but is one more puzzle piece that says a lot to me. I have never heard any rumors along these lines. Will be fascinating to see how this plays out.
  19. F

    State vs Jason Young 2-17-2012

    The toe is not a big deal in my opinion. He played basketball when not planning and killing people. (Of course, maybe even as she was unable to lay a hand on her attacker, maybe Michelle managed one good foot stomp that caught this toe.) The photo from the link GrammyJean provided, pic #4...
  20. F

    State vs Jason Young 2-17-2012

    The medicine is important because we know, as an indisputed fact, that Jason Young had greater knowledge of this specific adult strength medicine than the average layperson. He was a pharmaceutical salesman and his previous employer confirmed that as a requirement for that job, he would know...

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