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  1. F

    Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

    And her parents pander to her! It's sick! I could not sit there the way they do, I would be screaming at her!!!!! It is so obvious she KNOWS and lies and lies to keep them in denial.
  2. F

    Slide Show and Video of 8-14-2008 Jail Visit

    Wow what a (expletive)!!!! This one really shows true how she cares about noone but HERSELF! Absolutely ungrateful, selfish, guilty, B&$%^!!!!!
  3. F

    Video of Jail Visit August 14
  4. F

    Could Lee Anthony face charges for obstruction of justice? PART TWO

    Just curious to see others theories on why LA would feel he needs immunity.
  5. F

    Dr. Michael Baden: Misinformed or deliberate misinformation?

    They need to stop putting people who are clearly biased on the news programs. It seems to me Fox News panders way too much to the defense! ahem Geraldo...
  6. F

    Breaking News..Casey to appear in court today

    I can't believe TRU TV does not have this on!!!!!
  7. F

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    this is probably not the place to post this but im new and not sure how to start a new thread.... just curious who has these photos? from august http://.net/index.php?topic=3276.0
  8. F

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    anyone see any relevance to the meter reader talking about the white board? i really don't see that having relevance. why would casey be cutting a tree or a board? just doesn't seem relevant to me...
  9. F

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    where does anyone see a skull in that picture????
  10. F

    A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

    she could have staged an acident but i guarantee you she wouldn't have gotten away w/ it. if she put any kind of drug or chemical in caylee, then faked a drowning the coroner would find that. i think she would have to be more stupid than she already is to try that. with todays...
  11. F

    please don't take Nans sunshine away

    yeah here is link to that page of the interview with Will #15 NE-NAW
  12. F

    please don't take Nans sunshine away

    Anyone have any idea what Casey meant by "nanu" ??? i remember it was in a text she sent to someone, maybe Will, that she was with "nanu" or something to that effect. Who the heck is that???
  13. F

    please don't take Nans sunshine away

    In the FBI interviews with GA, he stated that when they would ask Caylee about Zani, she had no reaction as if she didn't know who they were talking about. But if they mentioned Uncle Lee. or someone she definitely knew there was a reaction. I believe "Nan" was referring to Cindy.
  14. F

    Caylee's Funeral

    i shouldn't be surprised about the A"s wanting Casey to go to the funeral, but my god that is sick! why would you want the killer there? and more telling is that Casey hasn't even requested to go. Gee you would think that would be telling to CA and GA. On the other hand they are too ignorant to...
  15. F

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    as far as GA, i keep having mixed feelings on him. he was the only one who was truthful (only to) investigators. and he did testify against casey at the grand jury jearing. but the fact that he lies right along with CA to the media and everyone else makes me mad. i think he is so terrified of...
  16. F

    2008.07.15 Revisiting the 911 Calls

    remember on Dateline "When caylee vanished" CA claims that Casey was ok with taking her to the police station? YEAH RIGHT! Another lie from CA! That woman is almost worse than her daughter. Casey did not feel relief and say "ok take me to the PD"
  17. F

    The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

    What behavior are you talking about? She seemed like a very normal, happy child. :waitasec:
  18. F

    Flies and Maggots in the trunk - forensic entomology #1

    "Wudge.... The FBI did not find that decomposition occurred in the trunk. The bug evidence is not dispositive of anything sinister. " um...the FBI didnt say decomp didnt occur in trunk. they found caylee's hair which showed decomp in the TRUNK!
  19. F


    annie was also the friend with the XANAX a.k.a. 'Zanni's"

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