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DNA Solves
  1. K

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED MD - Hae Min Lee, 17, Baltimore, 13 Jan 1999

    I know what you mean about the snow, but I think they had an ice storm later that day/evening and schools were closed, so part of me wants to give her the benefit of the doubt...(snow storm vs ice storm...either way, it was cold, wet, icky, winter weather that caused school closings)
  2. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/9-1/12 Break

    I have always thought the suntan lotion purchase was either an impulse buy, maybe it was on sale, it was summer, blah blah blah, or, that she bought it because she knew she was going to be spending time in the hot desert sun out in the middle of no man's land, burying/burning weapons, clothes...
  3. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/9-1/12 Break

    This is a photo I have seen before of Travis as a child, in spiderman undies, with his dad edit: oopsie, I see someone else already posted this. I am so behind:shame:
  4. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/9-1/12 Break

    Nurmi<mod snip> misspoke. Arias is not mentally ill, she mentally evill. to the core. But we all know that.
  5. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 20

    Perfectly stated Rose!! JM should use your exact words in his closing!
  6. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 20

    I am just catching up now and am way behind, so I apologize if someone else already mentioned this, but was it June 10th, 2008, perhaps in the wee hours of that day, the day LE was at Travis' and touched the computer, and maybe that caused something to happen?? (unintentionally for sure) IDK, SMH
  7. K

    SIDEBAR #37 - Arias/Alexander forum

    I so adore squirrels. I have heard about albino squirrels and would love to see one some day. There's a town in Illinois, Olney, where there are tons of them. Can you imagine.
  8. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

    I have a vague memory that someone here once said they thought it said Airfare on that check. Wonder if that jives with a recent trip that TA paid for? Edit: lol, my bad, I see Katharine, and others, already posted this :smile:
  9. K

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED MD - Hae Min Lee, 17, Baltimore, 13 Jan 1999

    Jessen, thank you for the link to Jay's interview. I just barely started reading it when I was reminded of something else odd that was mentioned early on in the podcast. It is this: "Lee’s ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, 17, became the primary suspect in her homicide after an anonymous caller told the...
  10. K

    CONVICTION OVERTURNED MD - Hae Min Lee, 17, Baltimore, 13 Jan 1999

    I finally had time to listen to this entire podcast yesterday. One thing that struck me has to do with Hae's plans that day, after school got out. Before she left the campus, we know she was seen getting snacks, and we know she had a conversation with a friend. This was the friend who was going...
  11. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

    Speaking of other murder defendants, ever since learning of JA and witnessing her offensive, never ending manipulation, dishonesty and antics, her relentless sense of entitlement, her utter psychopathy, evil, and on and on and on, I have found myself feeling a bizarre type of respect for other...
  12. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

    I would bet this experiment (barbarism) he is referring to is eons old. That kind of bs, inhumane research is not common at all anymore. Yes, we are evolving, ever so slowly.
  13. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

    snipped from rose's CoA post above...." expressing concern that Arias was being manipulative" boom.....they've got her number! and likely always have, JSS included
  14. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

    you beat me to it pinkandgreen! I was just going to post the same...if that is her mom, not only did she get a new car and have some face work done, but her teeth have been spruced up too...barf
  15. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/3 -12/04 In recess w/hearing

    This is one of the very best posts I have ever read! (And so very, very, very many posts here are so awesome)....but this is precision Tuba...Many have said you have a way with words. So very true!
  16. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 12

    I hope he also asks her if she knows JA had anal with DB.
  17. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 12

    totally agree, and is this their first time hearing this monster went to the memorial? If so, way to go Juan!!!!!!
  18. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess, Part 2

    I'm not sure I have it right either, so confusing... but the BBM is so interesting to me, if true...wonder what day in July of 2008 this happened? JA was not arrested till sometime in July of 2008....pressure was mounting and she knew she was going down....I would not put it past her to have...
  19. K

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess, Part 2

    I wish so much that Juan would read this to the jury in his closing and then follow it with the bs voicemail *advertiser censored* JA left for Travis after she killed him.....her utter sociopathy/psychopathy could hardly be more evident

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