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DNA Solves
  1. Infojunkie

    2011.05.14 - Sidebar Thread (Juror Selection Day Six)

    This isn't a blog. This is a forum or bulletin board. We aren't bloggers. We're posters. This has been driving me nuts for a long time. Websleuthers aren't bloggers, no matter what CM says. What we have is an open forum.
  2. Infojunkie

    2011.04.28 Emergency Media Motion

    I understand what happend, you bit off your nose to spite your face. Yay, go you guys. Writing several paragraphs about your virtues doesn't erase the fact that the best guy gets the ratings. Do you think we're stupid? It's about numbers, there is no more virtue in's now a numbers...
  3. Infojunkie

    2011.04.28 Emergency Media Motion

    Just saw a posting on facebook from CaseyAnthonyUpdates asking where their FL fans are located...part of a social media experiment to help break the biggest secret of the case. They want people to email them. Are they really that desperate? I don't think it will work, but seriously???
  4. Infojunkie

    Just one more day, mom...

    I don't think she thought that far ahead. I think she just wanted her mom off her back so she could come up with something. What she would do, I don't car, no money and out of excuses. Maybe a better story?
  5. Infojunkie

    2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

    AKA...spin! Glad I didn't bother to waste my time. Thanks gngr snap
  6. Infojunkie

    2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

    Anybody care to provide a summary? I don't think I can make it through 20 pages.
  7. Infojunkie

    Re: Change of Demeanor of DT, State & ICA before Trial

    It looks like elbow to elbow contact to me.
  8. Infojunkie

    Re: Change of Demeanor of DT, State & ICA before Trial

    Snipped... No it's quite appropriate. As a sexual abuse survivor, it's what I did before I was healed. I found a "daddy", an older trusted person and that's when I lost my way. It wasn't until years later that I realized what happened.
  9. Infojunkie

    MA MA - Neo Babson Maximus, aka Charles Allen, 22, Dartmouth, 12 Oct 2007

    This Psychic Kids episode just re-aired in Canada on Biography channel. Bumping to see if there is new info...hopefully with the re-airing there could be new info brought forth. I personally don't hold a lot of faith in this program, but having Charles/Neo's story brought up again may help. My...
  10. Infojunkie

    MO - Yvonne Lowers, 51: Springfield death mystifies authorities, Jan 2011

    That doesn't fit with the personality that has been given by the family. Is anti-freeze poisoning a possiblity? Ethanol is basically saying she had a severe alcohol problem but her past history says this is highly unlikely. If she was involved with ethanol or was a long term alcoholic there is...
  11. Infojunkie

    GUILTY WY - Samuel McGehee for mutilating one son, suffocating another, Casper, 2008 & 2009

    I got as far as "sparkling eyes". I think I may actually throw up.
  12. Infojunkie

    OR - Calgary mom sued for son's foster care

    A really generous pro bono lawyer.
  13. Infojunkie

    OR - Calgary mom sued for son's foster care

    I still think that as a Canadian child, he should have been returned to the Canadian foster system if the child was a danger, or was in danger.
  14. Infojunkie

    OR - Calgary mom sued for son's foster care

    It isn't as simple as the initial article stated, but the child was in Canadian foster care before, if the decision was made that he needed to be away from his biological parents by the Oregon entity he should've been returned to the Canadian foster care system. At this point birth mom has no...
  15. Infojunkie

    OR - Calgary mom sued for son's foster care There's more at the link, but really? It took Oregon two years, TWO YEARS to return this child to his mother? And the offense was for not wearing a helmet? And then they want money...
  16. Infojunkie

    IN - Police Investigate Bret Michaels Tour Buses For Drugs

    A CNN article for interest. He better come up clean considering the massive support he's gained with all of his troubles. "Schedule II substances are those...
  17. Infojunkie

    GUILTY IL - Zachary Irvin, 22, found dismembered, East St Louis, 20 June 2010

    The problem with attaching the Satanic label to current murders I think lies in the 80's over abundance of attaching the label to ritual sexual abuse, most of those claims were found to be false and I think the public is gun shy of using Satanic anything to current circumstance. I know that...
  18. Infojunkie

    REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

    The father coming into knowledge would be awful for the prosecution. They would be left in the position of defending an unkown person's character for what purpose? The only reason to bring in Caylee's daddy would be to cast doubt on the murder charge, other than that it would serve no purpose...
  19. Infojunkie

    2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

    Can this kind of thing affect appeals? The main DP attorny needing to resign because the State doesn't pay enough? Is this a new angle for them? ETA: Just read other response re: pro they flew her coach?
  20. Infojunkie

    Hypothetically, how could the crime be pinned on George?

    I think it's too late for tear stained confessions, that boat has sailed. They are left with insinuating involvement, and trying to use the sexual abuse angle.

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