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  1. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    You have just said what i've been thinking for days...
  2. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    I'm glad i'm not the only person who is questioning different wee snippets from the media reporting... There seem to be lots of little snippets of teeny details that individually appear as nothing, but all put together with a little embellishment, paint a very bad picture of the captain indeed...
  3. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    The Daily Fail gets in there with the exclusive again? I believe (as truth) very little of what the newspaper reports as news. I find it very odd that they'd be the only newspaper in the world to have spoken to or interviewed the Captain's daughter, and have printed it. That makes me...
  4. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    Definition of numpty - I just wondered if that sort of technology is possible... The inmarsat obviously kept up with the pings, i wondered if it possibly had pics of what was in the air at the time, and could possibly see where it...
  5. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #18

    A very, very random thought, just wonder if anyone else has thought this... We're all seeing these satellite pictures, some from days ago, of objects in the ocean. Do you think there's any way the satellites may be able to go back in time, and actually have pictures of the aircraft in flight...
  6. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I totally agree... Find it really odd that the areas keep shifting... I wonder if a piece of the quoted debris HAS been collected & isn't relevant? I was really proud of the Inmarsat number crunching to pinpoint an area, now it seems USA, China & Australia have pushed it aside to say they...
  7. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Good morning from Scotland... It's 08:15 here - and there seems to have been big changes overnight! School run, then breakfast with the press conference... See what information changes (officially) today...
  8. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Yeah, that's pretty much what i said earlier, when i posted about it. It's always been 12 crew members, as far as i was aware, i'd just posted the MAS statement from 24th March, where it said 226 passengers & 13 colleagues? Just wondered if the 13th person was indeed a standby cabin...
  9. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I know, i posted a link to it a few posts back... Also find it quite creepy that the picture of him with the co-pilot, in the cockpit that day, is the picture that all media seem to be using of the co-pilot, with Richard cropped out? It's just odd. Everything. Nothing has ever made sense...
  10. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I know exactly what you mean... I had never heard of him before, but find myself very strangely hypnotised by him when he's speaking on CNN... I understand he's some sort of business editor, but appears to be flexible in his reporting style? 😳
  11. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    It would have been interesting, totally agree... Strange how he comments on the co-pilots' inexperience though? IMO if he hadn't been up to the job, he wouldn't have been allowed to land the aircraft, never mind being filmed while doing so? 😳
  12. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I really hope i don't get in trouble for posting this link, i *think* it's a tv channel site... The picture circulated of the handsome, smiling co-pilot on all news pages has been cropped to cut Richard out of it? This link below has the picture in it, and some comments from Richard. There's...
  13. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I was just thinking of one of our neighbours, she's cabin crew with BA and often gets a last minute flight "standby" from GLA to LHR to pick up her "shift" plane... But it'd be known she was standby, and crew? I wonder if the 13th person they speak of is the mechanic quoted? But the MAS...
  14. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    It's all very odd, in my opinion. I do think we're being fed titbits that can be taken or reported in whatever way "someone" (unsure who) wants us to think... This is obviously of little interest to msm or they'd have been all over it? Also makes me wonder if any other "snippets" like this...
  15. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    Went looking on official sites, and found the statement that it highlighted... Monday, March 24, 10:15 PM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - Media Statement 23 Note: The communication below was shared with the family members of passengers and crew of MH370 Malaysia Airlines...
  16. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #17

    I've just read an article on and saw information in it that i hadn't seen before, some of you may possibly have seen it already, just wondering if its a legitimate news source... can i share it? Is that site on the permitted list?
  17. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

    This is another reason i should refrain from posting, as i hate being criticised for trying to help. I asked a Malaysian friend - he said It was Arabic I asked an Egyptian friend - he said it wasn't Arabic, possibly Parshi or Persian I asked a Lebanese friend - he said it was indeed Persian...
  18. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

    The writing on this shirt is Persian, and was translated through a chum in Lebanon as saying "The rumors that say there are terrorist Iranian passengers are denied" Hope this helps?
  19. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

    The language is not Malay, nor Arabic, but Persian... Persia is what Iran was formerly known as. Just waiting for it to go through translator - standby...
  20. M

    Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

    Mumma is a nurse, and has contacts all over the place 😷 Waiting for Mo to reply...

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