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DNA Solves
  1. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #12

    The wording of it was interesting....and if he drove her away, was he "merely" the driver? Did others corral her? And who dropped her off then? I wish she could give a make or model of the pick up truck.....would be nice to see how many are registered to various owners in the state since...
  2. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #12

    I think I also read that LE were looking for video surveillance from near her home? Wondering if she really was dropped off on this highway? If she walked home from there alone (?) then video evidence would only show she walked home alone.
  3. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #12

    I don't know the area at all as far as lighting goes.....but if it is dark and she is walking alongside a road, I would think people's first thoughts are not "Is that Abby" but rather "Boy they are hard to see on a dark night!" Not sure how many people would be out at that hour on a Sunday...
  4. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #12

    I believe the postal box was in another town, so in the midst of one's child going missing, I can see picking up the mail being a low priority. LE said the letter was unprecedented, so I can't imagine her mom actually looking for one either. The part that stuck out to me was an interview with...
  5. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    When they ask if anyone saw her Sunday night I'm guessing that means she looks pretty much the same? Otherwise how could we know it was her? The idea of the "other female" wearing the clothes (or similar) suggests either her appearance was changed or they suspect a female was involved (why...
  6. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I wonder if perhaps people are confusing "not cooperating" with "unable to provide wanted information"???? It's one thing to withhold information....but what if she doesn't remember, or truly does not know. It is not too large a stretch of credulity to see how "Abby couldn't give a clear...
  7. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I wonder if the police request for anyone seeing someone, either Abby or another female in the clothing which they showed pics of is an indication her appearance has been changed? Driving by one would not think of Abby if the appearance was different but it might register it was a "female"...
  8. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    So police want to know if anyone saw a female or Abby herself wearing the outfit on Sunday night? Does that mean they are looking for another female who was involved? Was someone else wearing a similar outfit at that time? And police want people to let them know if they saw Abby walking on...
  9. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    It would be nice to think she did read the posts......and if it helped to get her home, well so much the better!
  10. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I checked in here and couldn't believe my eyes either...WOW! What wonderful news. Like others I am anxious for details......but the whole family needs time to themselves. Getting back into the community will be a huge step for her so I hope all who helped keep the search alive will help her...
  11. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I suppose it's all possible! I am just not that resourceful so such things did not occur to me. I remember reading somewhere that someone mused what would Abby look like with short hair.....or even dyed? It would be possible to pass as someone else.
  12. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    If she did leave willingly or was duped, and that appeal from LE triggered the letter, then she knows all about the search and the efforts of so many people. Her mother has written an open letter to her saying all this attention could be put behind them and they could start a new life. It...
  13. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I probably couldn't figure out how to do such things on line.....but a teenager could. Wouldn't that leave an electronic footprint though? And when LE searches for electronic footprints, does it leave a record of sites she visited online? Chat room discussions? I know my cell phone bill...
  14. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    It is possible I suppose for a bus to "escape" on.....but would there be video evidence of someone purchasing a ticket? A single young girl, either disguised or not? And is she was last seen about 2:35, is it enough time to get to the station, get a ticket and leave prior to the ping at 3:07...
  15. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    Prior to the letter, there were conflicting theories and information out there. There were those who thought she was abducted, those who thought she left willingly, and those who thought she had been tricked into leaving by someone she knew. The first few days and into that first weekend, it...
  16. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    Wow, love that post! Very well written and thought out. I noticed in an interview from this spring the mother was asked if she had any further communication and she said she couldn't comment on that due to the investigation. That got me thinking it is a "yes" because had there been none...
  17. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    It seems easier to believe she would have gone with someone she knew and trusted at first, but that begs the question as to why. What would make her take that step? If it was someone familiar with her it she was probably taken away under false pretenses. I did read that police dogs followed...
  18. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    From the way certain things have been phrased by the family and police, I also believe there has been further contact. Probably coerced though. I wish she would come home, though I don't think she has freedom of action. I still have no clue as to "why" it all happened. I waiver back and...
  19. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    The only thing I heard in connection with that thought was some older guy she met on facebook. Or somewhere on the internet. Anyway, I think it was just a rumour and subsequent investigations showed there was nothing to that if she did go off no one has clue with whom or to where.
  20. N

    GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

    I was away with my kids for a few days (something I am grateful to be able to do ) and came back to new news. No updates. I googled her name and "updates" but all the news is months old. Even statements from her mom. In my ignorance I cling to the hope that there has been...

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