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DNA Solves
  1. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    It kinda just looks like a baseball cap on the cars dash, to me. Not sure.
  2. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Not strange, I always feel a connection when something like this happens to girls around my age. I started getting really into sleuthing and stuff when something along the lines happened to a girl I was friends with,Toni Anderson. I like to believe if something similar happened to me there would...
  3. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Could have also been smoking with Sydney, took her home and introduced her to Aubrey making it seem like Aubrey is her father and he's "cool" so she felt a little more comfortable, offered her a drugged drink so he could have his way with Sydney but she never woke back up and they had to dispose...
  4. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    But why would bailey go to that extent for Aubrey? Unless he pays her or she is forced to do it for Aubrey, maybe bailey was abducted by him and plays along with his games. I don't understand why she called him babe. She is 23 and too pretty to actually have an infatuation with aubrey.
  5. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    In my opinion I still believe sydney was lured for a reason and caught off guard after putting her trust into this girl. In the video she is discussing smoking weed with Sydney, "weed" "wax" "shatter" is all thc, I just don't personally believe from being 21 years old myself these girls would...
  6. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    A news article got ahold of it and said they alerted police.
  7. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    FBI can surely track a location from them uploading videos and using social media right?
  8. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Can someone quote along the lines of what they say in the video? I don't have Facebook.
  9. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Do you know if they can tell if you have a warrant for your arrest while trying to cross the border? Or are there ways to cross to Canadian border without having to deal with officials?
  10. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    If that's the case then they're heading towards Minnesota? Or the Canadian border.
  11. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    I know a lot of people are thinking selling sydney is far fetched but it's still possible.. there has to be a reason bailey supposedly went under a fake name on tinder, went on a first "date" with Sydney to possibly have gained her trust and then sydney vanishes into thin air the second time she...
  12. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Also curious as to how two of such a far age gap are connected.
  13. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    I'm so confused as to what a 23 year old and a 50 year old would want to do with sydney or why they would hurt her (if they have). It does look like they're at some sort of hotel/motel, and obviously cannot be found so they are running from something. Sydney's money has not been used and there...
  14. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    If the police can get into Sydney's iCloud account they can see when that photo was taken and will be able to tell if someone faked her last contact on Snapchat. Curious as to why there has been no update from LE.. maybe no more leads. Very scary.
  15. Kaykayy

    Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #1

    Can anyone tell me how they found out what house exactly was searched? All news articles just say a house in the 600th block. And how they found out it was an elderly man that owns it?

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